Mon 27 Jan
grand opening 3 new girls and erotic sexy massage therapy and good latin 917.471.5295 - 27
(Bronx, bronx ny)
HUGE BooTY [♛]THE PERFECT DeLiCiOus SwEet & THiCK TR3@T [♛]1000% ME! [♛] YoU WaNNa T@ST3 mY C@NDY? - 24
(Bronx, Incalls)
Early bird special. I'm dark and sweet, In calls only I PLAY SAFE ONLY - 23
(Bronx, Westchester & Castle Hill IN CALLS ONLY)
Hot Ebony BBW here to fulfill all your fantasies 646-924-6602 crosscounty area incall $150hr - 25
(Bronx, Westchester,Bronx)
HANDLE WITH CAUTION May Cause Toe's To Curl & Spine To Tingle!! - 21
˜Harlem Incalls 50 Special! BBWFreaK /BiG Soft Ch33ks!!DDZ!PhattY Gurl! - 24
CUtE😘,ThiCk😍,JUiCy 👅💦DOMiniCAn&'PuERtOriCAN; If yOURe lOOkiNg 4 A1 SkiLLs💦👅COMe &' tRy ME Out! - 20
(Bronx, Manhattan, OutCalls ONly, Upper Manhattan)
💋💋💋💋💋HEY IM BACK ITS DANJA 100% REAL PICS~~ $45 OUTCALL SPECIALS!! ~~ 6462717494💋💋💋💋💋 - 23
(Bronx, Bronx OUTCALL)
🚨❌🚨 (✔CLiCK HeRe)🚨❌🚨 (✔CLiCK HeRe)🚨❌🚨 (✔CLiCK HeRe)🚨❌🚨 (✔CLiCK HeRe)🚨❌🚨 - 22
(Midtown West, TIMES SQUARE :: W 36th ST / 6th Ave)
College Student on vacation looking for company 100% me or its free - 23
CeRTifieD PlEaSeR--> SexY GodDEsS --> CleaN-N-SaFe * CoME EnJoY* - 21
(Bronx, E 167/westchester ave/INCALLS ONLY)
♡♥Exotic Sexxi BLONDE Thick REdboNe FREAK!! ((BUBBLE BOOTY))70$ specials!!! - 22
(Bronx, CONNER ST/co op Incalls)
Bust¥• ○ ● □ ■ ◇ ◆ Jamaican º • ○ ● ★ ★ $80 ★ ★ OUTCALLS (914) 513 6345 ¤ ¤ - 23
••••••••• ► █ █ ►E__ X__ Q__ U__ I__ S__ I__ T__ E _____ A__ N__ D_____ N__ A__ U__ G__H__T__Y - 22
♧★♧ Can You Imagine →→ Im so Unforgettable ♥♥ Unexplainable ♥♥ come see for yourself ♧◆♧ - 22
(Bronx, bronx discrete safe incalls/outcalls)
💦💦🔥Exotic Caribbean Beauty❤ with DREADS 🔥last chance checking out at 12!! ❤NIA❤$50 special - 23
(Bronx, Bronx ,Fordham rd)
♡♡♡♥ BRAND NEW ♡♡♡♥ PETITE Treat ♡♡♡♥my place ♡♡♡♥ ♡sweet bunny - 24 - 24
(Bronx, Bronx outcall/Harlem incall)
beautifull puertorican and italian DOING OUTCALLS 3473862372 jenny - 23
(Bronx, bronx and surrounding areas)
♥♥ Dig deep ☆★ Find My ♥ 100 hr ☆★ Treasure ☆★ Cuban & Jamaican goddess ♥♥ Bubble Bo0ty ♥♥ - 19
(Bronx, bronx Private incalls/bx&manh; outs)
Crazy Hips an Magic LlppS$$ TOmboi Fetish Godess Tasha BBW amazon100%Girl BigBoOty N CURVY - 26
(Bronx, crossBronxExpwy area incall)
( √ AVAILABLE NOW ) [ • S€××YN£W } [ | • PL@Ym@T€ ] √√ UP 24/7)ComePl@Y ]] - - 23
(Bronx, south bronx)
CUtE😘,ThiCk😍,JUiCy 👅💦DOMiniCAn&'PuERtOriCAN; If yOURe lOOkiNg 4 A1 SkiLLs💦👅COMe &' tRy ME Out! - 20
(Bronx, Manhattan, OutCalls ONly, Upper Manhattan)
Come Be Pleased!! Safe Private In-Call... 60 Rose Specials.. Catch Me Now!! 60 Roses - 24
(182nd Cortona, Bronx)
💦💦💦BAD GIRLS CLUB💦💦 1000% realFrEaKY --ThiCk & CuRvY incalls Some Outcalls - 24
(Bronx, up town incalls some out calls)
Asian. new. ready. ☆☆☆☆☆ from JAPAN. ♡ . 140hr. () . 200/2girls. - 21
(Bronx, outcalls your place or hotel & in)
College Beauty "treasure" Shy but Freaky, $60 QuickStop Special💋💕 - 22
(Bronx, 172 Longfellow, Bronx incalls only)
Cant get any better....Im real and 100% so call Hailey and can be there in Minutes!!! Unrushed FUN - 21
-:¦:- A N D-:¦:- B E A U T Y -:¦:- C H E R R E I -:¦:- N D -:¦:- H E N N Y - 24
(Bronx, Incall n Outcall)
❤❤❤BuBBulEZ XoTHiCk FuN SiZeD CuTiE WiTh AlOt Of BoOtY 👅❤❤❤ 80 DoLLarz SpEciaLs IN CALLS - 21 - 21
(Bronx, 💋💋🏠MY PLACE /🏫🏠💰💵OR YOURS)
9292422610--EXOTIC MIXED Island Barbie Ready 4 U INCALLS--9292422610 - 21
(Bronx, Baychester/ Boston rd)
80$ outcall special!! PuLL My Hair N Spank ME! E✖ΘTiC❥Ki₦KY!!! 2 FreAKy GirLs AvaiLaBL£!!! - 23
(Bronx, bronx Boston Rd)
———— ABSOLUTELY ——█—————— —————— —————— —————— — SEXY ASIAN HONEY ——█ ——————212 729 6055 - 20
Butter & Chyna Young Tender Juicey Babes👅💦 Welcome 2 Paradise 50/70/100 - 23
(Bronx, Parkchester/Boston rd)
50 special 💋💋💋•💋💦💦 [♥] SeXy, & SKiLLeD.VIXEN [Juicy Soft L!pZ][♥] 50 special Up All N!gHT - 19
██████████ ♡ $60 INCALL ONLY♡ ╰☆╮ ╰☆╮ ╰☆╮ L★A☆T★I☆N★A ╰☆╮ ★B ☆E ★A ☆U★T ★Y ╰☆╮ ╰☆╮ ╰☆╮ ██████████ - 26
(Bronx, Incalls 173rd st. & Southern blvd.)
💗💋 $50 incallz ONLY Come Warm up wit a thick chocolate honey like Me💞👄 - 19
(Bronx, incallz Boston rd)
*** $40 specials The Best Team Around :-) *** - 19
(Bronx, Grand concourse/Kingsbridge/Moshulo pkwy)
3 girls + You = Anythings possible » New Exotic, Nasty Vixens Here To Serve You - 18
(Bronx, all over)
*50/ 70 & $90 SPECiaLS * ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡ ¤¤ DA 1 Nd ONLy -**CHERRy BAYBee-** ♡♥♡♥♡♡♥♡♥♡♥¤¤ - 23
(Bronx, 163rd st HighBrige Area "incalls only")
B U S T Y *** DD *** P L A Y M A T E *** T A T I A N A ~~~~~~~~~~914 564 7505 - 28
(Bronx, North Bronx 242st, outcalls in mah, west)
💋40$ 40$ 40$SPECIALS NeW CuT¡e I HaVe WhAt U wHaNt SliM sExY Panama & Dominican nOw💋 - 23
(Bronx, 4 train Fordham road Incalls only)
Beautiful Open Minded Artist seeking Gentleman Companions - 21
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Downtown, East Side, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Queens, Upper Manhattan, West Side)