Tue 21 Jan
sexy young dominican big'boobs soft lips dwn to earth 420 party friendly 120 180pcls avail alllday - 23
(Bronx, outcalls bronxs Yonkers)
((((_***Sexy RedBone/Mixed Ebony Female Lovely Phat Azz***_))) have fun in the French Quarter:-) - 28
(Bronx, 150's/Yankee Stadium)
***** Sweet Soft SUPER FREAK Thick White And Sexy outcalls 120 h 80hh - 25
(Bronx, parkchester outcalls)
Super Sexy NADIA Knows What Boys Want She Knows What They Like !! 100% Real Pictures!!! - 25
Sexy Playmate... For any Occasion !! Your Place - 33
(Fairfield, Stamford - Fairfield County- OUTCALL)
Sexy latina 160hr=2girls full hour buy 1 get 1 free 5000% real pix 2days left //no cover/ - 19
(Bronx, 243st broadway riverdale myplace)
Strictly ForBig Booty Lovers Edition Ms.Fancy BBW Big Booty,Twerk Sessions dirty Talkin Freaky Girl - 24
(Bronx, Whiteplains rd. 240th nereid area)
sexy new girl ready now 100% REAL PICS RATES R 100/150 dominican girl - 20
(Bronx, 233 st webster av motel #2 train bxrv)
~~~~~ ~~~~~ Sweet MELODY Will Make You Sing!!! ~~~~~ Model Slim All American Blonde ~~~~~ ~~~~~ - 23
(27th and Park Avenue, Manhattan, Midtown East)
{{💸👅(💦🍭💦SPICY💦🍭💦)👅💸}} ¥💞¥NEW IN TOWN¥💋¥READY 2 PLZZ¥💞¥ « 🎀★NO★REGRETS★I★STAY★💦» - 20
(Bronx, Bronx (out calls only))
Specials All Day Long... 40/60/80 Come And Get It.. Parkchester In The Bronx! - 32
(Bronx, Parkchester in the bronx)
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(Bronx, clay and 173rd bronx)
🎄✔✔ SaNtaS NauGhTy LitTle HelPper LasT NigHt In Town , All sPecIaLs ,,ALl nIgHtt LoNg ✔✔ 🎉🎄 - 20
(Bronx, Bronx NY(InCalls Only))
★★*★★❤★❤▃ Rose house nyc *▬▬*Upscale asian Ladies ▃ ❤★❤★★*★★ - - 23
(Midtown East, Midtown - 37 ST.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=)
💢💢sexxi Blonde BBw 347 260 81 48. 60$ specials - 23
(allerton whiteplains rd incall only 60$, Bronx)
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(Bronx, 225 and broadway bronx ny)
READY TO GO 🚐 PAOLA🚨Super🔥💋 freaky young college girl🍼👙100% Latina 💥hot and real 💄 BRONX - 23
(Bronx, BRONX delivery)
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(Westchester, Bronx)
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(Bronx, fordham rd crotona ave)
»»SliM CHiCk - JUiCy & a FREAk .. ` CLiCk HERE tO get YOUR World ROCkEd !~ ««« Specials . Specials - 21
*•* Sexy | White Girl | Slim & Curvy | Soft Perfect Body *•* - 19
(Bronx, Brook Ave. / Webster Ave. / 163)
✨💖✨💖 PuertoRican Brazilian Vixen 💖✨💖✨ $50 short stay Incall Special 💖✨💖✨ - 19
(Bronx, West Fordham incalls)
Pretty Princess and Moet! 35$ Specials Today and Today ONLY! Call NOw - 19
(Bronx, Gun Hill Road , Bronx)
PuNk Princess has wild side that will RoCk you world! Incall Now, - 28
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Downtown, manhattam., Manhattan, Midtown West, Staten Island, West Side)
SHH...New and Never Seen Before: Sexy Red...AM Derriere Anyone? - 21
❤ PURE SaTisFacTioN ❤SeXy BeauTY ❤ NEW 100%REAL ❤ EROTIC Specials - 25
(Bronx, gun hill rd inc@lls all day !!!!!!!)
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(Bronx, bronx/ Manhattan)
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(Bronx, bx, harlem,mt vernon,yonkers, 9144347298)
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(Bronx, 1408 webster 170th bronx)
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(Bronx, Bronx & Harlem in call out.call)
Passionate Seducing Provider The Ultimate Fantasy Fetish Friendly Better Then Ever * $60 specials - 23
(Long Island, Hauppauge/ Brentwood / motor Parkway)
Party Girl ★ ★ Real Pleasure ★ ★ OUTCALLS ★★←→←→ 420 Sexy Curv¥ B●unc¥ JAMAICAN ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ - 20
(Bronx, Yonkers in/out 9145136345)
SEXY JUICY KIM IS AVAILABLE BABY. Mmmmmm quality at its best. total freak MUAHZZ, call me 50specials - 25
(Bronx, Riverdale university hts In /out calls)