Mon 27 Jan
Incalls☆100$sp☆Sexy Redhead 💋 exotic Italian 💋Sweet Julie 💝 Im Simply Amazing - 20
(Hempstead Turnpike, West Hempstead, Jamaica, Queens)
MoRnInG SpEcIaL BiG BooTy LoVeRs💗 AvAiLaBLE NoW CaLL nOw!! - 22
【✔ INDEPENDENT 】√ ★ 【✔ SEXXY 】 ★ 【✔ NOT RUSHED 】 ★💗💗Your Perfect FUNSIZE 💗💗 - 22
(161-Yankee stadium, Bronx)
Incall spot available Ladies only!!! - 19
(Bronx, Bronx ,white plains rd, Brooklyn, Jamaica, Manhattan, Queens, Upper Manhattan)
☆ Mistress STACEY ☆ •☆•BLONDE Hair RED bone mixed HOTTIE ~ ☆ •☆• 70 100 150 S P E C I A L S! - 22
(Bronx, incall / outcall)
incalls💋Big booooty 💯🍫🍫50ss. 100$hh special limited ⌛️⌛️ Only 💋💕🍫🍫 - 22
(Bronx, Bruckner Blvd /whiteplains rd Incall)
❗❗❗✨Incalls 60 60 💜(💯💯NEW PIXS) 👄👄❗❗Heavy BOOTY❗❗(DEEP 👅👅 QUEEN)💜💜👄👄💜💜 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx Yonkers Ins& Outs( Boston Road In)
$💗💎💦🌟🌟🌟 ~Molly's Back~🌟🌟🌟❤💚💦 $ - 21 - 21
(Bronx, East Side, Fordham,GrandConcourse,kingbridge,Bedfor, Manhattan, Other, Upper Manhattan, West Side)
MiDNiGHT MUNCHiES?? you've found what you're looking for!!!! - 29
(Bronx, manhattan,brooklyn,long island,queens)
Incall💰💰💰💰Chocolate Never Looked 👀So Good👍👅👅Chocolate🍫🍫Goddess On Deck💵💵💵 - 25
(Bronx, Fordham area, by St. Barnabas Hospital)
* In The Garden of Lust * There"s * Mz Kisses * * Juicy Thick & Chocolate diva * pleasure is yours - 20
(Bronx, bronx incalls/ manhattan & bx outs)
Incall $50 Morning Specials!! call now sexy ((Mixed)) + ((Panamiian)) Freak - 19
moUTH watering sOFT white BOOTY and a PrEtty SMile 7.0.. SPECIAL __ CLiCK and eNJOy - - 19
(Bronx, InCalls BroNX AREA Prospect ave)
in call ♥ ♥out CALL ✿ ✿✿ ♥ NICOLE ♥100% REAL ✿ FUN ✿ FREAKY✿407 310 8874 especial 60 - 21
(Bronx, bronx//.new england thru)
☆===× IM ALL YOURS BABY ! ×===☆ HOT BOMBSHELL!! !! • ———— ♥ ( ELiTE & SEXY } - 21
(Bronx, Whitestone bridge incallS only ❤)
I WaNt To Be YoUr BrEaKfaAsT ( CuRvY-n-SwEeT ) My PlAcE ( clean-n-safe ) - 21
(Bronx, E 167/westchester ave/INCALLS ONLY)
I T A L I A N ----- B O M B S H E L L ...H O T ---B L O O D E D... .. G E T ... I - 23
I Wanna Be Your Dirty Little Secret! - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, city)
""""""——————————————— Manhattan ————🌹———— Asian ———♥——— Escorts ———🌹——— Best — Service————————————— - 20
(Midtown West, ——————24/hrs.——OUTCALLS——212—729—4888———)
I'M BACK .. Draya FROM LONDON here to please you👅👅 100% me or its free - 22
(Bronx, Bronx/ southern blvd)
If $€xY Is ₩haT U L¤¤KinG FoR Th€n U F♥unD It ¤ ¤ ¤ ♥ ♥ ((914)) 513 6345 - 20
(Bronx, INCALLS ONLY 9145136345)
Me Atrevo A todo y Complazco Parejas Dominicana Culo Grande Rositha Bx - 25
🌹🌼 IN This Garden Awaits A Sexy✴ Exotic Cuban & Jamaican 🌷 Treasure🌷 ➡COME see for yourself💜 - 22
(Bronx, bronx discrete safe incalls/outcalls)
◆◇♣ Im So irresistible →unforgettable ♣ Unimaiginable♣◇come see for yourself★ - 22
(Bronx, bronx discrete safe incalls/outcalls)
IM lOoKiNg foR sOmE SaUsages fOR mY cOOkouT*** MEmoriAL DAY specials - 21
(Bronx, Bronx yankee stadium area/ 161 area)
♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥IM B@CK 4 @ SHORT TIME ONLY♥ 100% R£aL ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ - 22
(Bronx, HARLEM- Incalls...outcall NO BX)
♛👫🔥💋💞🌷🌹☎I'm 110% Real♣♣♣🔥💋🌻 ♛ ♛ 💖❤️💞💕🔥♣♣♣♣♣♣Sexy👫🔥💖💞🌸🌹🌷 ♛€xotic €thiopian♛ ♣♣Beauty♣♣♣♣♣ ♛ - - 26
(Bronx, Southern Blvd close to 2/5 train)
I want to take A RIDE! Hot & Ready ♡♥☆★I will Treat you like A King ♡♥☆★ ↑yummy↑☆★♡♥Come now & PLAY✨ - 20
(Bronx, out to you 60 (914)2469328)
I Know I'm THE BEST~ YOU Will TOO! Young, Willing Plus... I LOVE 'Cream-Fillin', Gimme Some - 24
(Gun Hill, Boston & Eastchester Rd Area)
I T A L I A N===G O D D E S S=B O M B S H E L L 100% R E A L L L L L L - 21
💢💜💢 i√ do√ it√ √better than wifey√ √50specialz 💋 { READY NOW } 💢💜💢 - 26
(Bronx, east.gunhill.incall)
🎀HourGlass SpiceeThick bone⬆⬆&⬇⬇ Check 🎥Video Proof 🎥100% Me 70/100/180roses - 28
(Bronx, Tuckahoe rd. / Yonkers Area incal)
Make it BOUNCE, MAke it Jiggle! big booty bbw freak! come & get it 40/70/100 - 18
(Bronx, bronx burnside area incalls)
¡Çûm Ęńjøÿ Çårłÿ'š Ńęw Ÿęår Špęçįåł Tøńįght! 3473449821 Įtåłįåń & Pûęrtø Rįçåń Ńø Łįmįtåtįøńš - 21
(Bronx, Fordham Road)
im working with my gym clothes right REAL Samantha is here call ME now out call only - 28
(Bronx, yonkers,mt.vernon,new rochelle)
I'm Ready ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★ - 23
Morning Specials!!!! CoMe GiVe It To Me And PuT mE to ThE tEst🔥💰💣👍👌👅!!! - 21
(Bronx, Incall by Mt. Eden)