Mon 27 Jan
Ebony Vixen Mzcurvy's back in effect on this Friday night - 25
(Bronx, bronx NY 170th ( grand concourse ))
Highly Reviewed. New To Bp *** Special ~~ .. !!! GrOWN & SeXYLIsCOuS * SeDUcTiON^^ - 21
Damn ShE a Nasty FreAk & THICK AS hELL With thick thighs N' Booty !!!. Incalls Available now - 22
★:¦:——D— E—F—I—N—I—T—I— O—N =——= °*•OF•*°=——= S—E—X—Y— = - 22
(Bronx, Incalls Only Bronx, E.Gunhill RD)
(¯`'•.¸☆¸.•'´¯) COME BEAT IT UP GOOD?° ? FliGHT to.. ? ( ¯`SATiSFACTiON ° •´¯ ) ? Boarding NOW - 24
(Bronx, BOSTON RD 2 & 5 TRAIN)
▓▓▓▓▓▆▃ GRAND OPEN ▃▆▓▓▓▓▓ " J SPA ★ ╠╣o t ASIAN GIRL 🍎 NEW MANAGEMENT🍎 ▓▓▓▓▆▃ 646 . 238 . 7886 ▃ - 22
(Queens, astoria n.y 646 . 238 . 7886 BRAND NEW)
!!!Colombian and Sexxy!!! its your girl Crystal !! INCALL only - 21
(Bronx, bronx/whiteplains rd/mt vernon/)
🎀💎🎀💎 ✅Come Experiance ✨ A Cuban & ✅ Jamaican Dime ✨ & Have A Safe ✅ And Discrete Time ✅ 💎🎀💎🎀 - 21
(Bronx, bronx private safe incalls/outcalls)
♥. GeNTLeMeNS.♥ FaVORiTE ♥ LaTiN GiRL**KAyLA & Samantha - 22
(Bronx, yonkers,mt.vernon,new rochelle)
(Click On This Ad 👀😍)NEW TO BP guarantee you won't regret it (Real Cutie) 24/7 - 20
👸🏾👸🏾👸🏾 Fire Ebony Queen 🔥🔥🔥 Hottest Play Dates $60 OUTCALLS ONLY 🌀🌀🌀 Will make your head SPIN😍😍😍😍 - 18
(Boston Rd/ White Plains Ro, Bronx)
♥——█▒█ ♥. GeNTLEMeNS.♥ FaVORitE LaTiNa♥ EXCLuSiVE - 23
(Bronx, yonkers,mt.vernon,new rochelle,white pla)
~*CAUTION! The BEST BP has to offer!!Sexy Vixin With A Soft Touch (Hot Deals) I ★: - 22
(Bronx, Bronx, Manhattan, Harlem outcalls only)
Call Me 929-300-2767 %%%%% Sexy ^^^^^ Hot Asian Girl ^^^^^ Suki %%%%% Outcall Only` - 22
(Downtown, Manhattan, Outcall Only)
Bronx ——————————— ————————(212) 729 4448——————————— Fast 2u—————————— Hot Asian ———————————— ——jpa - 23
(Bronx, Outcall 718 510 5598)
💕DROP💄 dead 👑 GORGEOUS💎 Mixed Latina💋 READY TO PLAY 👅💦 call now ! ! $50 Specials - 26
(Bronx, Incalls Only)
Best Time Ever Sexy Seductive BUSTY blonde, at your service :) At your Convience! - 21
(Bronx, 24/7 Bx incall & outcall)
❤❤❤ DiAmOnD FuN SiZeD CuTiE WiTh AlOt Of BoOtY 👅💦 $75 SpEcIaL 👅💦❤❤❤ OUTCALLS - 21
*** DESIRE IS VISITING FROM ATLANTA.....NEW TO B.P. & avalible for Out Call FUN #347-401-8041 - 21
(Brooklyn, ****OUT CALLS AVAILABLE!!!!!)
█ █ —————————— B^E^S^T ——————— 212-729-6055 ————————— ASIAN HOTTIE █ █——— OUTCALL —————————— █ █ - 20
(Bronx, BRONX - OUTCALL - 212-729-6055)
💋💋💋💋🎈🎈 dominican mami out call only again out call 1 speak spanish💋💋💋🎉🎉 - 25
(Bronx, Out calls only)
-- ✨💋*Danielle Sweets!~* Even Naughty Boyz deserve a Treat 💋✨ 100% the best - 21
(Bronx, outcalls anywhere on 1 & 4 trains ONLY)
Best thick brazilian a dominical sensual massage in call 718 772.4421 real pictures (: &50 - 29
(Bronx, Bronx ny)
☎☎☎☎☎☎ BEST SERIVES ☎☎☎☎☎☎ NEW YOUNG ASIAN Girls ☎☎☎☎☎☎ LITTLE NECK ☎☎☎☎☎☎ 917-391-4668 ☎☎☎☎☎☎ - 21
(Bronx, East Hampton, Flushing, Glen Cove, Long Island, North Hempstead, Northern Blv (Little neck)/ NO. AsianSPA, Queens)
**** °♥° Available Now! 38DD ° ♥° 347.709.8776 **** - 28
(Bronx, NE Bronx (White Plains Rd & Randall Ave))
💋💋💋 Come DIG my BACK out 💋💋💋 INCALL 140th & broadway💦👅💦 100% real see 🎥🎥 - 26
(Bronx, my apartment 140th & Broadway. HARLEM)
Anyone down to meet tonight? - 26
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Downtown, East Side, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Queens, Upper Manhattan, West Side)
ComE N HavE ThE TimE OF YouR LifE ALL FETishES ArE WeLComE SupeR SPecIAL HouR 100 QuicK 50 CALL NOW - 20
are you ready tobe bitten 💝💝👍 specials check out my curves 👅👅 Yes in call - 23
(Bronx, Bronx in or out I drive)
🅲🅾🅼🅴 & 🅶🅴🆃 🅸🆃😍😛 1OO%REaL 🍦CRE🅰MY Jamaican💋🍓 Vixen🍦 I'm SoOo HoT🔥🔥 BiG B👀ty 💁50Qv - 20
(Baychester Boston rd, Bronx)
🌌🌌🔵🌌🌌🔵 ASIAN FEVER ! 🌌🔵 🌌🔵Body Grinder🔵🌌🌌 Best Young Asian Girls!!!!! Actual 100% Pic - 21
(Midtown East, between 30th and 31st street & 6th ave)
8o SpEçiiAls ¤9177254985¤KimbeLLa♡ serving 《BrOnX》 Ar3a a 😚😙😍💦👌 - 21
(236 wHiiTePlAiins Rd BrOnX, Bronx)
70 L A T E** N I G H T **C A K E **S O M E T H I N G **T O *M A K E *U* T H I N K - 25
(Bronx, B X/ 240 WHITE PLAINS RD INCALL 24 hrs)
🙀😍👸🏾Christian Dior 👸🏾😍🙀Come pound on this Baddie(FaceTime) avaliable for serious gents 👈🏾 - 21
(Bronx, Grand concourse incalls)
70 ***** Y O U R ** R A I N N Y ** G E T ** A W A Y - 25
646267 1154 Asian Escort ❶ Bronx - 18
(Bronx, 24/HrOUTCALLS6462671154)
$$___ _60_ ___$$60___60 ] frEAKEST LADY AROUND $$$ WAT your WIFE WONT DO I WILL - 19
(Brooklyn, out calls all over BROOKLYN only)
$60SPC Mrs Miami SPC! sexy Morrocan Gal* Sexy Lips & Nice Hips .Available NOW!!! - 18
(Queens, woodside in calls 347*922*6396)
Brand New Smokin' Hot 19yr. old College Co-ed is Ready to Play! - 19
(Midtown East, East 60's Incall & Outcalls)
$60'´¯ LeT Us★ BE YouR ★ SeXY LiL SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ~Eroctic ViXenz MixN Match* NDULGE yourself! $60 - 20
(Bronx, Your place or mine)
60 SS Available now 😈 Wixked Head Skills ▶Big B🏀🏀 TY lovers 😈 60 SS. - 20
(Bronx, Fordham Road./Bronx Incalls 60$ SS)
💕💕🔶🔶boom🔶💕💕🔶 pow🔶🔶💕💕feel on my soft booty💕🔶🔶50|80|130 - 20
(Bronx, Bronx / Grand Concourse Incalls..)
Blonde SexXi super Thick MIXXED♡♥Freak!! AVAILABLE Rite now (BUBBLE BOOTY)) - 22
(Bronx, Whiteplains road area priv iINCALLS ONLY)