Tue 21 Jan
Sexy, petit, latina doll, gorgeous, cuban princess ... Visiting from florida (OUTCALL ONLY) - 25
(Westchester, Yonkers, manhattan, bronx)
$pecial$💋 🔥 FlY💋SkY 💋HiGh 🔥🔥NEW ☆ 40$pecial $🔥 💋 - 30
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, New Jersey, Other, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, Utica ave... ..50$$$$pEciAl50$$)
±±± PINKY & Special±±± In Calls Out Call 347 495 7414 - 21
(Bronx, Bronx In call 184 3 ave Out CALL)
★ ☆ PETITE Cuban & Egyptian G O D D E S S ★ eXclusiVe for the ELITE ☆ •❤• A TRUE Companion !! •❤• - 23
(Bronx, BX (( Incall Gun Hill area))
sexy chocolate starr looking to please u in everyway and more 40dd - 25
(Bronx, manhattan bronx westchester outcalls)
@@@@@@@@@@ sexy latina available now ur place 100specials @@@@@@@@ - 19
(Bronx, bx manhattan qnz only)
❤️❤️Petite Pretty and Brownskin...Named Diamond💎AVAILABLE NOW SPECIAL$160 FOR AN HOUR❤️❤️ - 23
(Bronx, All Bronx Location 347 363 2685)
SeXy ItAlian☆OutCalls☆Super Tight pink poussy ☆¤☆ Daddy im with the shit💋💋Sweet and Sexy Julie💋 - 24
(Bronx, Outcalls)
Open MiNDed - - $©hooL G¡rL ViBe¡! $eXy & BiTe SiZe¡! CaN U HaNDle ¡T? - 21
(Bronx, bx outcalls/Call for incall location)
*•-:¦:-•* ♥•°o •°o♥ •New In Town Dazzel N Fire !!!Not For Long!!!U Ready??*•-:¦:-•* ♥•°o •°o♥ • - 23
Sexy Jasmine is back! ❤️👠💋💋💋💋🌹💐💐😻😻 The best chick you will ever meet on backpage _____click now____. - 24
(Bronx, Yankee stadium Incall/ Harlem outcall)
OuTrAgEoUs SpEcIaLs ** CoMe GeT Me wHiLe Im HoT ** LeAvInG SoOn ** GrEaT SpEcIaLs - 22
o♥ YOUR °o♥o° §ATI§FACTION °o♥o° I§ ℳy o♥o #1 PRIORITY ♛❤o♥o I'm YoUr ToTaL pAcKaGe - 21
(Bronx, ★Outcalls ☆)
😘OpenMinded Playmate 😝💎 ToTaL FReAk! 💎 PeRKY *Slim waist 🍭💦 VERY TALENTED; LET me show YOU🍭 - 19
(Boston Rd. Incall, Bronx)
Sexy, classy & discrete Dimples 60/80/130 (917)557-9578 - 21
(Bronx, 238th ( Neried Ave ) Whiteplains Road)
•°o♥o°•Yℴu SEE ThEsE ℂℴℴℂh¡e ℒ¡pS ℬLℴw¡nG K¡ssEs At YℴU •°o♥o°• ℳ¡SS ℳe And ℳ¡ss ThE ℬesT•°o♥o°• - 23
☆Sexxi Hot 🍒Redbone must 🍒See👍 347 256 2598 incalls only - 22
(Bronx, Allerton &Olinville; incall only)
Outcall/AVAILABLE Now※ 100 ※ [( Perfect Curves :★:SWEET ALL NATURAL LATINA] ※ 100 ※ Outcalls * - 23
(Bronx, bronx outcalls only)
Sexy College Girl, Polite and Discreet - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, In the city)
NOW💋SPECI@LSs The One u need Sexy,Thick,Hot VeNeZuEl@ M@Mi💋 - 25
(Bronx, 4 or D train to 167 Incalls only)
👀👀OMG NEW TO BP from South Beach☀️👄 Ms Madison cake +My video avail $80&UP; 👍💃 - 28
(Bronx, Boston rd &Gunhill; In +Out Bx man yonker)
💋 SEXY DOMINICAN, Haitian Mix (347)238 9454 OUTCALLS ONLY discreet TREAT - 19
Sexy BIG BOOBS REaDY to PaLY N PARTY SUPER SPECIAL HOUR ... 100 ....631 855 2525 - 20
¸.'´¯) NO ONE -:¦:- DOES IT-:¦:-LIKE ME ¸.'´¯) BiG BoOtY DOmInIcAn $$$$ SPECIALS $$$$ - 21
NYC Cutie hosting! - 23
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Downtown, East Side, Long Island, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Queens, Upper Manhattan, West Side)
OMG _ _ _ _ _ 60**_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BIG BOOTY LOVERS _ _ _ _ _ *60*_ _ _ new location! - 19
(INCALLS only burnside ave)
Sexy columbian hottie DD'S real no rush no drama specials allday baby - 25
(Bronx, White plains road)
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(Bronx, 225th broadway incall only)
SeXXie Black n Italian Princess 38DD-28-46.. Leaving in a FEW Hrs Dont Miss Ur Chance!!!!! - 21
~ *Sexy Beautiful LaTiNa* INCALL* $pecial$40* *AVAL UNTIL 1AM~ - 23
Sexxy dominicana big tites Sully and Rubí special 40 - 24
(170 grand councurse area train D and 4, Bronx)
🏆New To The Site 🏆 ❓ Ready 4 A Five ⭐ Experience❓ 🌴 That'll Take You 2 Paradise 🌴24/7 IN+OUT - 20
(Available Now ❗️ BX IN +OUT NYC 💋💋, Bronx, East Side, Manhattan, Ozone Park, Queens, Westchester)
(( 🌍New🌍)) ((🎉🎊Year 40🎈🎊🎉))(✅#1 Fav 🌍 )) (( 🌍 New 🌍 )) - 22
(Bronx, Bronx incalls (near 163rd third ave), Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Upper Manhattan, Westchester)
sexy bubble booty girls jenny&sarah; **cream pie**140hr** 100% dominican 2 girls ready 200 both - 19
(Bronx, fordham rd crotona av motel no outs)
No Bitcoin, No Problem! Buy Backpage Credits, instead! 347-292-7653 - 30
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Downtown, Manhattan, NYC)
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(Bronx, Flushing, Flushing NY sorrounding areas, Jamaica, Queens)
(OMG )Guess Who Back? 😋🎁Available for men who desire the BEST in companionship.. 24/7 IN+OUT - 22
(Available Now ❗️24/7 BX IN+OUT NYC 💰, Bronx, Brooklyn, East Side, Manhattan, Ozone Park, Queens, Westchester)
💯😍OMG super Bowl special 🏈🏉 Guarantee you won't be disappointed UPALLNIGHT🏉💯 - 21
OnE lOoK aT mE aND u WiLl fOrgEt ThE rEsT 70special 24/7 - 19
(Bronx, PELHAM BAY / INCALLS ONLY #6 train)
★NEW-SUPER BUbbLE B00Ty! ★★ JUICY EbonY BBW.•. ▒ ▓ ☆I ☆LⓞVⓔ☆WHAT☆ I ☆ÐO ☜☞☆ ÅddI©+!V€⇨ S€Xy&R;€@dy - - 26
(Bronx, North Bronx/ incalls-outcalls*)
New Video !!🍭💦💋 BIG BOOTY Cutie🔥💯% REAL PHOTOS🔥🍭🔥 Exotic & Curvy Freak👅💦🔥 - 23
(Bronx, Incalls -West Farms E.Tremont -Bronx zoo)
✨👄💫№➊ SeXy BrUneTTe🍯🌟 BoMbShell💣 🔥Pretty Face💋✦❣ 💯% ➜RARE💦 REVIEWD 272726 【HIGHLY SKILLED 👄💦🌟🍭🍯Gorgeous ✔ Fun - 22
(Long Island, {{holtsville}} EXIT 63)
New York Escort Professional - 26
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Downtown, East Side, Long Island, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Queens, Staten Island, Upper Manhattan, West Side)
Saturday nite sPECIALs hot SEXY LATINAS: 347-692-5786 outcalls ONLY! - 24
(Bronx, Bronx, New RochelleMt.Vernon and manhatt)