Sat 04 Jan
A BEAUTY +A BEAST 🌟🌟🌟 WIFEY ❌PERIENCE 🌟🌟🌟 COME GET YOUR FIX 347-847-4363 Total Brown Bombshell - 25
70/ M S. D E L I G H T ** M A K E S **U **F E E L** R I G H T** 2 4/ H R S - 25
$60 $60 $60 hot $60 $60 domican $60 $60 $60 $60 Call me $60 $60 now SPECIAL $60 $60 $60 - 27
(Bronx, Westchester)
🌷🍀🌺🌼Summer Time fine🌸🌸🌸Come get a taste of this sweet 🍯🍯 at your service🌷🍀🌺🌼 - 26
(Bronx, White plains)
☆★▃(PUNISHMENT required)♥╠╣OT All Tight Tunnels open ☎☆ JAMACIAN Phat B00ty☆ ╠╣OT CANDY ►╠╣OT - 23
(Bronx, Kingsbridge rd)
Model Type 🔥🔥🔥 gorgeous brand new spicy treat! - 24
(108th street and Amsterdam, Manhattan, West Side)
Porn star ⭐️⭐️⭐️INDIA full gfe ❤️❤️❤️Full gfe ❤️❤️Full gfe ❤️❤️❤️ - 21
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Manhattan,queens,Bronx,longisland ,Bk)
P A R T Y 🎉 💮 G เ г l 💮 Chocolate 🍫 lovers 💮ร ย ק є г 💮 ร W e e t 💮 EBONY ..Juicy B O O T Y 💮 - 26
(Bronx, E 168th & Clay ave)
THE BEST!! Gorgeous Natalia Looking To Be SPOILED!! (INCALL Visiting) - 21
(Yankee stadium, the Bronx)
💙no★💛💗 💚★💖 🐩 🐩 🐩★💖VISITING 💙 ★💛💗 FULLY FUNTIONAL 💚 ★💖💙 ★💛💗🐩 🐩 🐩 - - 24
(Manhattan, 7th ave Location 👅33rd)
( Your Vision of Extacy )) No RuSh nO wOrRiES iM wAiTiNg oN yOu """""*****ask For my SPeCials"" - 20
(Bronx, bx pelham bay area in-out nyc area)
SliM eXoTiC wItH DaRk LoNg HaIr AlLow Me To ShOw U My bEd ROoM sTaRe - 21
(Bronx, bronx inncalls only)
SEXY, Juicy YUMMY n AVAILABLE, total package, dream girl, NEW MIXED BEAUTY/60 SPECIALS - 21
Extremely ~§uPer §eXXy §pEcIaL§ $80♡Ju§t U ♡ ★ ~ ★ N-AUGH-TY JAMAICAN GODDESS ~ ★ ~ ~ ★ - 19
(Bronx, Boston&Wilson;:IncallsOutcalls:Where U At)
Gentlemen Prefer Ms Pochanotas; Doing Outcalls & Incalls too!!! 347 928 2043 $120 SPECIALS - 20
(Bronx, Fordham, Little Italy, Park Ave, 3rd Ave)
We back in the Bronx Jennifer and Nicky and bbw 60$ specials Friday turn up - 22
(Bronx, Webster ave 170 bronx train D)
ClickHere I'm__ Q_U_A_L_I _F_I_E_D ((To Leave You )) __S_A_T_I_S _F_I_E_D ClickHere $60 specials - 32
(Bronx, West farms/ westchester ave in/outcalls)
(★STACKED T0 THE MAXX ★) 100% ME! B00TYLICI0US!) 646/488★5182//HR Special - 23
(Bronx, Harlem and bronx outcall)
Latin TV/ cross dresser ready to please you. - 34
(Queens, Queens (Roosevelt ave and Junction Blvd))
**BeautiFULL DomIcAN N Indian Babygirl play with mE I'll keep you very SaTISFIED** - 21
(220 white planes rd)
💎 🇭🇳☆S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! 💎Upscαℓε💎Honduran Wh%re 🍆💦👅 J🅰W DR🅾PPING 🇭🇳Virgin👅👅👅 - 24
({{{{^_^}}}})Doggy,CasuaL & oral Sexy({{{{^_^}}}}) - 20
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, New Jersey, Other, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
AMAzZiNG APpLe bOtToM B🍏🍏ty B🍏🍏ty !!! bODY lIKE a bOTTLe !! B🍏🍏ty So COLLOSSAL - 24
(Bronx, bx- whiteplains rd incall - #2/5)
🔥🔥 Body Perfection ✨✨!!😘 Ts Nicole Anakonda 🐍 Better than ever !! 9FF 🍆💦!! Incalls ✅ 🚫No text🚫 - 23
(Bronx, Pelham ( *IN only))
🌟ULTIMATE 💎PLAYMATE 🌟H℮R℮ ΤΟ 💎 βℓΟω 🌟YOUR 💎ΜιηD ▓ ✯ ✯ ▓ ●Οη℮ Οf A ΚιηD●▓ 💋 $50 Specials !! - 26
(Bronx, Incalls Only)
$$ 80 SPECIALS ♔ SeXy ♔ ♔ • EbOnY • ♔ ViXeN ♔ PreTTy ♔FaCe ♔ PeTiTie ♔ Small WaiSt w/Booty - 23
(Bronx, Bronx and NY OUTCALLS ONLY)
°50spcl/ 70xpress/ 100hh/ 150hr° 100% F®eak 100% The B€st! I Rather Show You! Checkout My Videos! - 24
(Bronx, North Bronx/Your Whip or Your Place)
😋 Nothing Like This 😘 Thickness Over LOAD 😍🍋 Magic Mouth 💕 Curves For Days‼️💦 Phat Piece Of Meat 😬😍😋 - 21
(Bronx, Whiteplains rd in)
I SUPPLY what✨These girls can't PROVIDE Puerto ✨Rican and Egyptian mami ✨ - 23
(Allerton ave BX, Bronx)
Fri 03 Jan
SPECIAL $65 ***** $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 $65 - SPECIAL****** - 29
(Bronx, Bronx, New York)
I Lost my phone call me @ 347 638 2691 party girl so let's do it - 22
(Bronx, NORTH CENTRAL AREA incalls only)
D O N'T ❌ Believe the F A K E S 💯 % R E A L Ad 💋 Great Attitude Horse H U N G 😘 I live Alone..... - 33
(B R O N X (I live alone, Bronx)
INCALLS❌⭕️❌⭕️🦄 Your Fantasy Awaits 🦄 ❌⭕️❌⭕️ HUNG 🍆💦 Hard As Glass 🍾*BoW or SUFFER!* 🍾 - 23
we back new improve pics SeXy ViXeN §uper Fat Azz | MoNsTeR Bo0Ty - 22
(Bronx, Bronx /Harlem in/ outs only)
$${☆°U L T I M A T E °☆°E X P E R I E N C E °☆° █▒°☆°INCALL °☆°SPECIALS °☆°█▒ {New • In • Town•} - 22
VoLuPtuouS BuStY BLONDE BOMBSHELL w/ AmAzinG SkiLLs 100 SpeCiaL NoW!! - 32
▓ B^E^S^T 718-510-5598 ASIAN HOTTIE OUTCALL ▓ - 21
70 100 140 Specail Welcome to Azz Paradise💋 BooBs💋BiG BeAutiFUL BOOTY Freak✔Well Reviewed✔💋 😘😍 - 22
70 *F O R *T H E* B E S T & * U * K N O W* T H E * R E S T* 70 /*2 4 H R S - 24
$40/80/100Exotic Latina Goddess here to please and tease no rush 3478933086 ALL DAY!! - 24
(Bronx, bronx in 165st westchester ave 2&6 train)
2 for 1 spc 150hr both girls new big spc 150hr 2 girls 2 girls 1 price - 19
(Bronx, 236 st bailey av 10463 inz)
Do you desire Financial Freedom of a Model plus a Free trip to Miami? - 30
(Bronx, Brooklyn, New Jersey, Staten Island)