Sat 04 Jan
Latin TV/ cross dresser ready to please you. - 34
(Queens, Queens (Roosevelt ave and Junction Blvd))
L@s+ D@¥ #3MP$+EASD, NY💦💦💦💦 f¥f+¥ sp€c!aL €V£ryth!ng💦💦 available now video vixen over 💯vids bLo💦💦💦💦💦 - 22
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, West Hempstead turnpike !!!!!!!!!!!!)
MIAMI FLORIDA work hard play hard !!!!! Very private videoproof southern style ts girl - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
♡♡MAKE IT CLAP♡♡thick&juicy;☆freaky ☆WATCH MY VIDEO)(Leaving!!!!! Tuesday!!!!!) VIDEO PROOF - 25
(Bronx, d or 4 train to 167)
************❤ ▄▄▄▄▄ ❤LAST NIGHT IN THE BRONX❤ ▄▄▄▄▄ ❤ ******* - 25
(Bronx, Southern Blvd and E167 st)
ThE BeSt DeeP! DeeP! 2GirL DeeP TiSSuE MaSSaGe DoMiNiCaN MaMi In@OuTCaLL SpEcIaL! RiGhT NoW! - 23
**-»The BeST Of The BeST! »-- --» PuT My TaLeNTs To The TeST »-**special - 27
(Bronx, Out calls ALL OVER NYC)
♥.•*¨ ¨*•.♥ S£X¥ ♥•*¨ ¨*•.♥ SW££T ♥.•*¨ ¨*•.♥PRINC£SS ♥.•*¨ ¨*•.♥♥9177404854 - 24
(Bronx, Pelham discreet incall)
🔵🔵🔵🔴 ✅▬▬ Grand Opening Dooly Dooly Spa! 100% Real Sexy Asian Sensual Girls!!!!!!! $60/hr 🔴🔴🔴✅ - 21
(between 30th and 31st street & 6th ave, Bronx, Brooklyn, East Side, Manhattan, Queens, Westchester)
▄ ❤ ▄ $60 SpeciaLz ▄ ❤ Highly • SkiLLed FrEaK ▄ ❤ I GoT WhaT U NEED ▄ ❤ ▄ ▄ ❤ sMaLL BBW - 22
(Bronx, Bronx (incalls) E. Tremont 175 st.)
FreaKy💦TighT👌🅰➕SkiLLs ❤ JUiiCEr then the REST💦 I🇦🇮🇲 2 ⓟⓛⓔⓐⓢⓔ⇉#PARTY🆗 ➡with B🅾🅾BS ➕ B🅾🅾ty - 21
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Other, Queens)
({{{{^_^}}}})Doggy,CasuaL & oral Sexy({{{{^_^}}}}) - 20
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, New Jersey, Other, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
👌😘✨😘Everything You Need And More ... Sexy ...Hot..Freaky .. Fun ... GINA Is Here Available All Night - 21
(Bronx, Incalls Only!!)
AMAzZiNG APpLe bOtToM B🍏🍏ty B🍏🍏ty !!! bODY lIKE a bOTTLe !! B🍏🍏ty So COLLOSSAL - 24
(Bronx, bx- whiteplains rd incall - #2/5)
Specials 🍆 11 💯 Real Photos 📲 202-352-3837 👸🏽 📷 TUMBLR.PROOF 💦 VERS 💯 $80QV 100FH💋💋 vers - 22
(Bronx, Third Ave/184)
* Super Freaky Chocolate Shemale!!* ready to give you whatever u need - 20
(Bronx, mount vernon/ franklin ave)
100 % REAL PICs ★▇$100 SPECIALS ★▇█▇█▇█▇★ 8 inch Latina ★▇█▇█▇█▇★ ★▇█▇ - 28
(Bronx, Bronx / Little Italy)
💯$💯1⃣1⃣ LOAded 💦🍼PROTIEN🍼MEaTTreaT🍖💦 MOthER💋 MAssIve MEAT💋▃ GET 💄 IT 💦W¡LÐ 🔥 NÂ$†¥ 1⃣1⃣" w/GooGleReVieW - 22
(Bronx, University/Kingbridge Ave/Fordham)
----- > Outcalls Double The Beauty --- > Outcalls ----Must be picked up -- - 19
(Washington Heights)
💋💋💋 10"🐍 🆙VersVixen 🆕(VERIFIED) Proof Video & Website💯No Disappointment/ No Rush🏃💋💋💋 - 25
(Bronx, Kingbridge/GrandConcourse 190's(ALONE))
🔥🔥 Body Perfection ✨✨!!😘 Ts Nicole Anakonda 🐍 Better than ever !! 9FF 🍆💦!! Incalls ✅ 🚫No text🚫 - 23
(Bronx, Pelham ( *IN only))
👐STOP SEARCHING!👐 💋💯%REAL💋 🎀FuNsiZeD™ PlAyMatE🎀 🎁$P€¢!@L$🎁 ⏰24/7⏰ 💖CALL NOW📲 💖 - 26
(Bronx, Incall Boston Rd)
*~*~* Stephanie *~*~1000% dominicana pura!!!! 80$pecial - 22
(Bronx, Bronx E.tremont /180st incalls)
🎀🎀🎀🎀🎀● ◇ ★◇ ● ❤ $8O ❤ ● ◇ ★ ◇ ● [ JUICY💋 T E M P T A T I O N ] ══ ☆° 347-922-0731°☆🎀🎀 - 19
(Bronx, New England Thru way /Boaton Rd In Only)
$$ 80 SPECIALS ♔ SeXy ♔ ♔ • EbOnY • ♔ ViXeN ♔ PreTTy ♔FaCe ♔ PeTiTie ♔ Small WaiSt w/Booty - 23
(Bronx, Bronx and NY OUTCALLS ONLY)
good morning baby coming to dare for the best thing I do whatever you want914.327.9068 - 30
(Bronx, Bronx ny)
I SUPPLY what✨These girls can't PROVIDE Puerto ✨Rican and Egyptian mami ✨ - 23
(Allerton ave BX, Bronx)
TextMTellMe Im A BADD BADD BIHH! AVAILABLE rite NOW💦👅 Total Package! STOP Gettin RIP Off! Top&Btm;! - 25
(Bronx, South bronx in/outs & OUTS2CITY)
Top Notch Curvy BBw Ms. Booty wit The phattest @ss 0nllne Six Pack Busty an Beautiful Vixen - 28
(Bronx, Uptown bronx Area incall)
🆕💦💦JUST Arrived💦 SIZZLING NÄUGHTY • 9.5FF❣Thick&Juicy;❣ ✌✌BiG SHootER ➜➋➍/ Hung Hot &Real; - 23
(Bronx, Jerome Avenue area)
Hottest body on here hands down! Tired of the rest? It's time to encounter the best! Treat yourself - 27
(Bronx, Bronx / East Tremont ave / Manhattan out)
******HĘĀVY SHØØTĘ•☆• BRAZLIN ßÅRßiE •☆• 1OO% real •☆• JAWDROPPING •☆• exotic knockout! FULL PACKAGE - 21
(Bronx, grand Concourse Yankee Stadium Aera)
You can have this dream girl once in a lifetime experience
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)