Mon 27 Jan
3GIRLs *. ThE ULTiMaTe EXPeRiENCE TotAL SAtiSFaCATiON) TrY OnE or AlL (Great RaTeS) - 19
(Bronx, 168 clay ave)
3474795901 IN NY 1 DAY ONLY!! Ms.Armani Sexy Exotic Puertorican Italian samoine 60/100/160 outcalls - 24
(Bronx, outcalls)
☆☆$50 special"☆☆ Amazing Alizé make your fantasies reality (347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238th Neried Ave Whiteplains Road)
$40 Specials ☆HOTEST LATINAS☆We do it all ☆4 MAMIS ☆2 GIRLS x $80 - 20
Beautiful Body - Hands Down! Brazilian 5 ★ G*O*D*D*E*S*S - 19
(Bronx, Gun Hill Rd, White Plains Rd, Boston Rd)
40$$/50$$Qv Incall specials...Im BeTtEr ThAn YoUr WiFe👅👌TiGhT 💦💦😻 8o Hh InCaLl - 19
(40$/50$Qv 3477203143 (LoVeLy), Bronx)
Available for incalls and outcalls in New York! - 24
(Astoria, Babylon, Bronx, Brookhaven, Brooklyn, Downtown, East Hampton, East Side, Fairfield, Fire Island, Flushing, Glen Cove, Hempstead, Huntington, Islip, Jamaica, Long Beach, Long Island, Long Isla)
▆♛Bella is Back🎉❤️🎉【SOft BiG BOOTY Freak 】✘✘ Sup€R JUICY【---> Ready 2 PLAY 】✘✘Specials♛▆ ▅ ▃ - 22
(Bronx, Beychester best Incalls)
3NEW Babys 2Dom/1Colombiana Calientes 35$35$35$35$35 INCALLS/TENGO SITIO - 21
(Queens, Corona,Queens 35$35$35$35 Incalls/Sitio)
B__ E__ A__ T__ I__ F__ U__ L__ S.W.E.E.T. PERFECT l~a~t~i~n~a! shh... - 20
🌺⚠️🚫🍭Bad Never Been So good👅🚫⚠️ 👣~Come Play~😻 HOT♨️Suductive👄 Freaky👠Bad Girl💄💋Mya💋50ss - 23
(Boston rd baychester 🏡 Incalls Only!!!!, Bronx)
$40 ❤ 3 F—R—E—A—K—Y •*° »-★-» GIRLS»-★» INCALLS★THE WAY U★-» WANT »-★-»IT•*° ALL FETISHES ❤ .. - 20
(Bronx, Bronx grandconcourse)
3 Puertorican Girls Early Morning Specials!!! So come have fun guys... - 24
Beautiful an NeedY So who Want to Please me.....Blk/White with Everything Right - 20
(Bronx, bronx Incalls)
$40 Specials ☆3 LATINAS ☆AlL fEtIsHeS wElCoMeD☆2 GIRLS x80 ☆YES WE THE BEST ;-) - 20
(Bronx, incalls 1000% NEW REAL PICS)
bbw and skinny dominican spanish mami bronx incalls 60$ specials - 23
(Bronx, 1408 webster 170 ave bx ny 10456)
♥ BAdDESt BitCh »REMy REd! ♥ BAUtiFUl N' PRfECt B0dy! -FrEAky GiRl 50 SpECiAlz - 19
(Bronx, Bronx incalls SPECIALS!)
2 ladies Dominican PAOLA and KAREN special $40 $ 24/7 - 22
(Bronx, white plains roard and pachester)
"+30'sNd YoUnGer Welcomed" ReadAdd First!! Troubles😇50$ Playhouse👅Baby💯🍆Tag 🍆T3am😻Incalls😻😘 - 21
(Bronx, Bronx ,INCALLONLY!!213 st & white plains, Other)
$100spec👻 Nasti Latina Mami 😍 Miss No TOungsils ✌️Are You Ready - 21
(Upper Manhattan, Upper East Side 110 street #iSwaLL🅾W)
ArE u READY? tHiS iS AmAzInG 2 V3Ry FrEaKii GiRLs R3aLLY LuSTiN u ToNiGhT H@BLaM0 EsPaNoL 3472397706 - 22
🔻and Jasminee GORgous brunnet Bomb shells 💋New in town!👄 - 22
(Bronx, 202st grandconcourse ave outcalls only!)
All Curves BBW Beauty CallingAll #ButtM3N ! HMU Eye POPPING Curvy Cajun Slim Waist Superthick Booty - 28
(Bronx, Uptown Bronx Incall)
100$hr Specials 💁 Super Nice Thick Dominican ,hot & Exotic 😘 - 25
(Bronx, 196 & creston av by the 4 & D 🚇)
AMAZING ASSS! Your #1 BIG Booty Blond BLUE Eyed CLASSY Erotic EXPERT with a TOTAL Cure For YOU!!! - 23
AGENCY LOOKING FOR EXPERIENCED DRIVERS Who Can Start Tonight *********** ******* - 38
(Bronx, outcall in ny nj)
*1OO -SPECiAL 718*502*1768 • IM PEACHES • ♥ (AVAiLABLE NOW) ♥ *SExy ★ 5 STARR •♪♥♫ DOMiNiCAN ♪♥♫ - 19
(Bronx, Bronx , White Plains Road)
$1OOSp3cIaL$ { TAKE a PEeK }} {{ THiCK }} {{ CURVY EBONY }} {{ SPECiAL }} - 19
(Bronx, Morrison-Soundview/Parkchester My Place)
100$... 🍒 Outcalls only __ ❤️❤️❤️❤️ ____GINGER Is Here!!! ____ ❤️❤️❤️❤️ __Outcalls Only 🍒100$ - 25
(Bronx, OUTCALLS only 100/200)
80 ** $PeCiaL$ InCaLLS * * Sexy Ebony ( * sLiM GooDy * ) Doin It Nasty ! I Provide True Bearr Top - 19
(Bronx, whitestone bridge area incalls)
Amber is here 👄 Call Now (347)458-2202 $100 hr. incall special - 19
(Bronx, Woodlawn 233 and webster and outcalls)
❤ ❤ A=M=A=Z=I=N=G ❤ 2$ets of BEAutifuL 36dd < 2 BETTER THAN ONE ❤ OUTCALL ❤ $SPECIALS - 21
"AAA Platinum Escorts" *** The HOTTEST Ladies in The Bronx! *** Outcalls Only - CC's OK! - Discreet. - 21
(Call: 718 312 8961)
917 450 1637💜 💜 Tнє_Pєяƒєcт •⭐️•• Cнσιcє 🌸 💥💥HoT LiKe FiRe💥💥🍭🍬🍭 FLaWLeSS 💋💗SwEeT LiKe Ca - 20
📢📣➡️SexI3St in Town ~~Great Kisser Love to please And Make you feel like a king ✔️☑️ - 21
((Incalls) Bronx location, Bronx)
AMAZINGLY SEXY!! +LeTs GeT NaStY + {{SpaNkabLe BooTy}} (+)(Juicy) Come PLAY WitH ME - 23
(Bronx, INcalls)
Ad💞💖 💯Specials💋 Upscale Beauty •°o♥o°•☆CoME ExPLoRe me you will love me Jamaican and Dominican - 20
(Bronx, in and out bronx uptown and yonkers)
Adtired of hearing no want a girl who will do what ever U want meet coco&lala; 2 freaky girls specia. - 21
(Bronx, All over)
★ DiVe InTo ThE PaRaDiSe Of PaRiS... WhErE DrEaMs become ReAlItY ★ - 22
(Granconcourse incall specials)
All day specials!!! Let COCO DEVINE Forfill Yur Wildes tDreams...BEST IN THE BIZ.. - 25
(Bronx, bronx IN/OUT)
2 girl spc ®®® 5000% real pics 150hr=2 girls full hour sun day spc 150=2 girls* - 19
(Bronx, pelham prkw williamsbridge #5 or.bx12)
2 SuPeR FREaKy GiRLs LoOkIN tO ROCK uR BoDY cOmE sEE uS 3472397706 - 22
2 is better then 1 * Fire & Temptation * Come and get u some * sexy and full of fun - 18
(Bronx, Bronx incalls only)
2 girl spc ®®® 5000% real pics 160hr=2 girls full hour ** ® new girl in the green - 19
(Bronx, bronxpark motel fordham rd crotona av)
100HR iF YoU CaN FinD SomeBodY that looks ThiS Good in a FishNet. it MusT be a MerMaiD 100hr - 19
(Bronx, Bronx iNcaLLz)
* $¤$ 2 Flirts in mini skirts * 2 for 120 * Treasure & * Skittle * 2 juicy Bo0tys * Real 2girl shows - 20
(Bronx, boston road &conner; incalls/bx& manh out)
$100 HOUR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 24/7_ _ _.. __ . _ _FETISHES & EXTR_ .._... _ _ _ 24/7_ _ _ .._. _ HOUR $100 - 20
NEW STAFF ❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶ ❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶ K SPA❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶ ❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶❶ - 23
(Bronx, New Rochelle/Westchester/Bronx)
Bilinguez HIRING *Phone Se Operators* - 22
(Bronx, Manhattan, Queens, Westchester, BRONX WESTCHESTER)