Mon 27 Jan
OnE lOoK aT mE aND u WiLl fOrgEt ThE rEsT 70special - 19
(Bronx, PELHAM BAY / INCALLS ONLY #6 train)
outcalls--n my MINIVÀÑ🚐💦💦thick tight n FREAKY💦💦 real PICS/VIDEO no bait&switch; - 27
(Bronx, OUTCALLS ur house or outside in myVAN)
*::*o*::* LoVe ThE RuSh LoVe ThE HiGh TrY tHiS mAmI WhO KnOwS hOw To PrOvIdE *::*o*::* - 23
PERFECT ➓ ( 5 ☆ S €Rv!C€ ; ) FLaWL€sS~Hottie! ★ TH€ F®€ak!€§T Ø F TH€M ALL - 19
(Brooklyn, outcalls)
Lucious Thick Exotic Portuguese Princess 100%real and ready - 24
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Downtown, East Side, Fairfield, Manhattan, Upper Manhattan, West Side, Westchester, White plains rd. Incall)
Open to 11pm LoVin' PaPii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sexy Latina w/ Curves ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 60 Specials all day. - 23
(Bronx, Bronx / InCalls Only)
L@@k Eye Candy *** Playboy Worthy!` *Pin Up Girl Type!@ SUMMER SUNSHINE* ~@@@ - 21
(Bronx, 1(347) 325-5050)
★°o© {SNEAK} °o© {AWAY} °o© {&} °o© {COME} °o© {PLAY} °o© °★° - 21
★★★★★ 💋 MANHATTAN OUTCALLS >> New Asian Tonight 💋 (646) 878-9761 💋 Guaranteed Satisfaction ★★★★★★ - 22
(West Side, Manhattan)
o★o° S_W_E_E _T o★o° F_R_E_A_K _Y °o★o° T_R_E_A _T °o★o 60 INCALL SPECIAL - 25
One ~ In ~ A ~ Million ~ Exotic Beauty (347)364-5940 - 21
(Bronx, 238th ( Neried Ave ) Whiteplains Road)
Looking in all the Boroughs for steadiness! - 25
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Downtown, East Side, Fairfield, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, New Jersey, Queens, Upper Manhattan, West Side, Westchester)
♥ ♥out CALL/ IN CALL ✿ ✿✿ ♥ ♥100% REAL ✿ ☎ Call Me! ☎ _# ❶ ChOiCe_✰- -♡- - BiG BOoTy - -♡- -✰ - 22
(Bronx, Bronx/manhattan)
———————————— Long island —————————Asian ——————— Escort ——————— ❶ ——————— 516—580—5999 ————————— - 18 - 19
(Long Island, ——————24/hrs.——OUTCALLS——516—580—5999———)
♥NÅuGhTyVixeN ♥*★GoRGeouS BoDy *★ LoVe2pLeAsE ´¯*★ VerY KInky Available now!! $50 Specials ! ! - 26
(Bronx, Incalls Only)
no need to keep looking hot and sexy nothing is better - 24
(Bronx, Fire Island, Islip, Long Island, New York, Queens, Ridgewood, Shelter Island)
(¯`'.¸ * osExY * *¨ LaTiNA ★ bOmBsHeLL ★ bUstY ¨* * RiCaN baRbiE o * ¸.'´¯) NEW! - 20
(Bronx, BX yonkers in out calls)
ONLY TAKING NOW Unlimited $200 for 3 hours/ Or 400 Overnight InCall Only VIDEO proof - 28
(Bronx, Southern Blvd/ Westchester)
Linda 917- 795- 6425 P.R. Boricua Full Figure Big XL Fat Azz Textme % Callme Now - 25
(Bronx, bronx Yonkers All Westchester)
NEW!!Sexy Latinas •»»» ° Click Here! • 100% Me! • 100% Satisfaction! REAL pictures - 23
@*@*@ NEW to the family.. from TRINIDAD -- ZENA.. very sweet VERY CURVY @*@*@* - 24
(Bronx, incalls)
!!!!!!!! new sexy mami Latina babe available all night 7pm to 8am !!!!!! - 24
(Bronx, bx manhattan queens)
New SEXY AZZ * F L A W L E S S *.P A N A M A N I A N * beauty sexy booty 80special - 21
(Bronx, Bronx all over outcalls)
OMG ☆❤☆The things My AmAzInG ☆❤☆ D.S.L.'s ☆❤☆ & SuPeR T!*tE☆❤☆ KiTTeN ☆❤☆ will DO to YOU☆❤☆ - 26
(Bronx, bx/my safe place)
●● NICE HuGE @ZZ BEST T0p Ever 👄👅 UNDENIABLY AmaZing R◐yⓐl TReatMeNt♛♕ - 24
(Bronx, Incalls And outcalls)
New👌JuIcY👌 , 👉tIgHt👈, & 👍JuSt RiGhT👍✅✅⭐⭐ Thickk READY 24/7 bck window in 88j only🍰 - 24
(Bronx, bx incall only)
No 1 msg. best services for you and good latin ana cherry gigi 914.327.9068 erotico massage - 28
(Bronx, Bronx ny)
NEW TO BP 💋you won't regret seeing me. Definitely a hottie💝 PRETTY FACE NICE BODY +Video Avail 🍷$80 - 20
★☆ Nice Azz ★★ PerkY Tits $1o0 Specials ◆◆◆ JUICY ◆◆◆ (914) 5136345 - 20
(Bronx, Out 2 u Everywhere)
✨💦NEW💦✨Visiting from 🌴Cali🌴👄DIVINE👄 Around for ⏰Short Time🏃🏽 - 23
(Bronx, Pelham parkway South incall💅🏾)
*New Planet Pleasure*Come Get In Shape*2 sexy Pleasurettes* - 18
(Bronx, bronx incall on 229 white plain road)
¨*•-:¦: NEW *•-:¦:-•* SEXY *!*CURVY *•-:¦:-• •*¨¨*• EXOTIC *•-:¦:-•* PLAYMATE - 21
(Queens, jamaica/hollis/queensvillage)
Juicy *Juicy * juicy * Juicy *Juicy * juicy * Juicy *Juicy * juicy * Juicy * - 24
(Bronx, West farms -East Tremont -Bostonr rd)
▓▓▓▓▓▓ █║█║█║█║█ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ NEW GIRL ARRIVED 💋💋💋SLIDE MASSAGE💋💋💋NEW ADDICTION ▓▓▓▓▓█║█║█ █▓▓▓▓▓▓ - 22
(Queens, ▓▓▓▓ MIDDLE VILLAGE /347-899-7001 ▓▓▓▓)
*****Kandi Baby****** DoMiniCan+ IriSh+ EBonY= WAiTing For U * Outcalls only - 18
(Bronx, BRONX, Yonkers & NEW ROCHELLE)
New Exotic Redbone 💋♥👠100 Special Satisfaction Guarantee 100 Special💋♥👠 - 22
(Bronx, 203-212-2480 OutCalls Only)
Join us for breakfest specials Cookies the virgin...Baby girl aims to Please Pick one or both - 21
Kelly and Carolina and Yanet taking over the night with curves and beauty - 25
(Bronx, manhattan, bronx, yonkers)
jessi. sexy. Blonde. 100% me. snow bunny. . 140hr. 200=2hrs. - 21
(Bronx, bedford park. grand concourse 4/d)
jenny ♥ 1000% real picture (140hr full hour) spc ♡ 200/2hrs ♥♡ - 21
(Bronx, van Courtland 242 st broadway #1)