Tue 21 Jan
6O-QV🆒 NO RUSH⌛⌛ STOP⚠✋ HeRe❕❕🆎S🅾Luetly 💨💦G🅾®Ge🅾US & ✔💦TiGHT👌🌻💦 - 19
(Bronx, Outcalls only I COME TO YOU)
°•A•° __ °•M•° __ °•A•° __ °•Z•° __ °•I•° __°•N•° __ °•G•° __ °••° __ °•A•°__ °•S•°__ °•S• - 19
(Bronx, Kingsbridge incalls)
$60Ss uℓtiℳαtε ✘ ρℓαγMαtε ❄❄Colombian snow bunny✴SKiLLŞ👌👄 ρυRε💎 ρℓ℮αδυRε 🎆Frεαkγ👅& SERIOUSLY SEXY💄 - 21
(Bronx, brooke ave incalls Only)
~50MoaAnin 4Stifff GoOd MornIn ~80W00dey ;)BreakFast in my Bed "True Freak IN the Sheets - 23
(Bronx, Incall 50!80 E 169st Apt just us)
✌ 60$ IM Avaliable! Forget Her👇 And 👇Her ⇊ShE ⇈ ⓙⓤⓢⓣ_🇨🅰🇳"🇹👎🇨💋🇲🇵🇪🇹🇪↻₩iT ⇥🇲🇪 - 20
(Bronx, OUtcalls only)
🚨 50 spl🚨⚠️⚠️ OMG LOOK AT HER BUTT boyz⚠️⚠️💖all tunnels open 💕JAMAICAN Big booty💖▃ SWEET&JUIC; - 22
(Bronx, Kingsbridge and concourse)
60♥°Evening specials °o♥° GET °o♥60° A TASTE °o♥of perfection👅💋 ° ThiCk eBonY ° best l!pZ in NYC - 20
-65$PECIALS- CAUTION *-:¦:- Lovee Me , *-:¦:-* Tease Me*¨¨* U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 21
(Brooklyn, EAST ,NEW YORK)
$60sp* Hot 🔥Thick* Sexy* 👠Sweet🍬Gergeous Dominican 💋🔥💯Real☎ $60 $pecial ~💙✨ - 24
(Bronx, Incall..179 university ave🚊4)
50sPeCiALs70 PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever CALL*STAR* 1917 736 8726 - 32
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
★60 §PCIÅL§!! ★ HOT & SXY* ★ BÅUTIFUL & NÅUGHTY ★ 60 §PCIÅL§ - 30
(Bronx, westchester ave/ castlehill incalls)
60ss👑do u need the 💋💋KING 👑 ROYALTY 💯c 😍😍♊GEMINI👯🎇3 lovely spots 📱🏩 - 26
(Long Island, INCALL BAYSHORE HOTEL only off main st)
50Freakoff With You80 Friday Bouncing my Bubble so Sexxy in-Reverse! Soft WaRm Sexy Sweet - 23
(Bronx, E169st Incall Discreet Apt 50☆80)
50 Perky34B Beautiful ERotic Freak §K¡LL§ W¡LL Definitely PleaSe U... - 20
(Bronx, E 180 st PrivTe My Place Incall)
$45 Special*™*Nice Hot Chocolate Ready for the whip Cream topping, Come Have A Taste*™* - 20
(Bronx, 215th & Boston rd)
🎁💦🍒 😘 5 Star🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟:¦: Knockout👊💢Bãŕbïě Døĺľ 👯💄💅 PåŘţŸ ğÎ࣠🍄 💊🎉🎊 - 19
(Bronx, East Hampton, Hempstead, Long Island, New England Thruway, North Hempstead, Southampton)
°•°¤~2Sexy Models on Board we love Giving Pleasure so come Get Yours~¤°•°2Girl $pecials 2 for 160 - 20
(Bronx, Bronx incalls Bronx/manh. outcalls only)
420 * FRiENdLy.. OpEN-MiNDeD .. WeLL ReVieWeD .. A+ ..GiRL-NeXT-DoOr .. Outcall Special* - 20
(Bronx, New Bx BomBsheLL Outcall...SPECIALS)
347-585-7401 ✖️✖️✖️ ADULTS ONLY ✖️✖️✖️ ADULTS ONLY 💦💦💦 BOUNCY 💦💦💦 BOUNCY 💦💦💦💦 BELLA 📞📞📞. 347-585-7401 - 38
50 NAstiesT SupER SmUT SupER FreAK BbW 👑347💥467👅6082💦 IndEPendEnT DISCREET Open mindEd - 21
(Bronx, Bx in..... Cypress 138)
♡$ 40 INCALLS ♡ Spanish Mami ♥NO FAKE PICS ♡What u See is What u Get♡FETISHES/420 - 22
(Bronx, Incalls ;)100% real Bronx)
3474795901 Brand new pics Ms. Armani $40/50/80/140 Sexy Exotic Puertorican Italian samoine specials - 24
(Bronx, bronx next to highway n 2&6 train 165st)
3 girl specialSexy Freaky slim mixed breed with satisfaction skills, that will have your mind gone!! - 23
(Bronx, Westchester ave, 6 train)
👉☎ 347-44six-1041💋👈Let Me B🔥L🔥O🔥W you mind💔SPECIALS💔💦Mila💦👄 - 23
(149st 2&5 train incalls only, Bronx)
2 G I R L ~~ S P E C I A L ~~ & ~~ 50 Special 50 Special ~~ Q U A L I T Y !!!! for L E S S !!! - 19
😘💋 1000% real pictures 🙈 girlfriend away from home❤️❤️CALL NOW‼️‼️ - 23
(Upper Manhattan, Manhattan/ Madison square garden)
™🔵1️⃣st 📞 📲 👈🏼👈🏼 Adrian 🍑 80ss🌺/120hh🌺/200🌺➜➋➍/➆ ➜★🍑💋💎№❣🍒🍑🍑 👄💎【EXOTIC Mixed ❣❣PLAYMATE】 💎🍑💎✔🍑🍑💎💎🍑 Adri - 22
(Hempstead, Long Island, North Hempstead, West Hempstead)
$$ 160.00 $$ 160.00 **NO TIPS INCLUDES ALL** $160.00 $160.00 $160.00 - 20
(Westchester, Pelham Bay Bronx SAFE AREA)
2 girl spc ®®® 5000% real pics 160hr=2 girls full hour * ® //no cover/// 2 girsl 1 price - 19
(Bronx, pelham prkw williamsbridge #5 or.bx 12)
2 girl spc dominican mami come pick or take both 100% real >>> - 20
(Bronx, fordham rd crotona av bronxpark motel)
💎 🇭🇳☆S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! 💎Upscαℓε💎Honduran Wh%re 🍆💦👅 J🅰W DR🅾PPING 🇭🇳Virgin👅👅👅 - 24
💦100% Real💍💕🎀🍒 5 Star🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 💦🔥 Knockout👊💢Bãŕbïě Døĺľ 🙈👯💕👑💄💅 Very Discreet🎉💌 💦 - 19
(Bronx, 💕Westfarms (Outcalls only))
100💰Rubia Santos💰100 (NO Text. NO Outs. NO Persons Under 40) (Greco-Roman & Booty Worship Avail) - 20
(Bronx, Manhattan, RIVERDALE. KAPPOCK. JOHNSON. 235TH., Upper Manhattan, Westchester)
____ 100% DOMINICAN ____ 100% SEXY ____ 100% FIT & TONED ____ Dont Miss Out On This One___ - 19
100% REAL ★--★ SeXy •.¸ ★ ¸.• ExOtIc •.¸ ★ ¸.• SeDucTiVe ★--★ 80 $pEciALs aLL dAy & NiGhT - 22
✴🍀 ██ ★12 ladies a Day $50 special ($80 reg) ★ █ ★ MediSpa NJ ★ █ OPEN 24 HOURS █ [908-688-0666] - 21
(Staten Island, Union Rt 22 Incalls Only 908.688.0666)
2 Beauty !!. sweethearts JESSICA @ LUCY special to day $ 50 $ 24/7 @ 646-807-7574 - 22
(Bronx, bronx ny 167 sheman av)
△ ▲ ▃▆▓▓▆▃△ ▲ 100% Real BACK by PoPuLaR DEMAND!!! △▲▃▆▓▓▆▃△▲ SLiM Sexy DoMiNiCan TORRI! △▲▃▆▓▓▆▃ - 19
(Bronx, east 238th INCALLS ONLY)
#1 ToP RATED DiMePiEcE ReAdY 2 KnOcK Ur Ur SoCkS OFF * - 25
(Bronx, $120 incall special all day!!!!)
👊60$ SS💢IAM YOUR DIRTY Little Secret❄️❤️❄️ YOUR ULTIMATE FANTASY GIRL Freaky Sexy Lexy - 30
(Bronx, bronx /baychester/Boston road)
New Number! Come park your car in my rear👅👅 100% ME IT IS FREE..LUSCIOUS - 22
(Bronx, Bronx/ southern blvd)
★ C@l!ente 💘💘 ★*Mente Abierta ☆ Fogosa• SeXy M@MI • Muchas Curvas ** Disponible aHor@💘💘 - 25
(Bronx, Bronx, NY)