Mon 27 Jan
°☆ kinky **Ebony☆: ( ♥T!gHt GRIP AmAzInG LiPS ♥ ♥ NEW ARRiVaL ♥ ♥ ) - 21
(Bronx, incall /outcalls °☆my place/ your place)
»-★-» »-★-» JUST »-★» THE WAY »-★-» YOU »-★-» WANT »-★-» - 21
(Midtown West, (917)-705-2316 w40th && 9th)
💢💢💢💋💋💋💥🌟💥just click here real pictures💢💢🌟💋🌟💥💢💋 - 23
(Bronx, yonkers,mt.vernon,new rochelle,white pla)
Good Evening Gentlemen hope your evening was well. Now have a night cap with Sexy STACY - 22
▓█L A R A IS B A C K▓█★WILD latina ★▓█ ★Hottie spanish latin █▓█ALL NIGHT█▓█ - 24
(Queens, QUEENS BLVD / 76th street)
▒ *☆.•* L ✪ ✪ K *•.❤* *▓ ••••►•★•*FrEaKy, SeXy, SwEeT & ReAdY To MeeT*•★ Avail NOW! - 26
(Bronx, Bronx in)
kimberly 100% real new on bp ★★★★ wed spc 130hr /3 cups// /no Cover/ ♥♥♥♥♥ ★√☆★☆ - 19
(Bronx, allerton av off bronxriver prkw 2&5)
☆GORGEOUS :¦: A -:¦:- V-:¦:- A-:¦:- I -:¦:- L-:A:- B -:¦:- L -:¦:- E -:¦:-NOW☆ - ♥•♥•♥••••• - 22
(Bronx, All Around Bronx NY)
Kathy SeXxy DOmiNican PlaYmat BoOk NOW! OUTCALL only 646 730-8908 - 23
(Bronx, Bronx-OUTCALL ONLY)
♥ K.¡.§.§.A.B.L. ♥ WESTINDIAN CUTIE (§W L!K H0N¥ ) - 27
(Bronx, north bronx)
👄🍒GREAT SPECIALS New Ebony Model. ....... Let's Meet, CALL NOW!!!💦💦 - 25
(Brooklyn, bayrdg,prkslp,bdsty,Crwn Hghts, Dwntwn)
GET WILD with Me! Available for Fun Now! - 19
(Astoria, Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, In town, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
K fox - 25
(125&5th, Bronx, Downtown, East Side, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Upper Manhattan, West Side)
jenny ♥ 1000% real picture (140hr full hour) spc ♡ 200/2hrs ♥♡ - 21
(Bronx, e 187st Arthur ave. off Fordham rd)
Kiki here trying to keep you warm for the night ;) 1347 507 7923 - 19
(Bronx, Outcall/Incall boston road)
* good morning * lucky * special * with * your * good * girl * emily * - 22
(Bronx, Bronx incalls only)
Galaxy !!! in and out calls24 hrs...Specials available - 21
(Bronx, Bronx / Grand Concourse Incalls..)
🍭🍬 Juicy booty 🍬🍭 I Can Succ A Quater Out AParking Meter 🍭🍬$$$Specials$$$ - 19
(Bronx, (capri whitestone ))
◢◤🔴◢◤🌓 FREE VIDEO PREVIEW 🌓◢◤🔴◢◤ PLUMP DOMINICAN ASSSS 🌓 NEW 🌓 ◢◤🔴◢◤ 10000 % Real Pics ◢◤🔴◢◤ - 20
♡♡Its Adriana dominican & Brazilian ♡♡♥Ready to party and have Fun♥♥!! Outcalls only!! - 22
(Bronx, bronx ny)
Jasmine & Dior Wednesday specials in need of company serious inquiry only !!! - 23
(Bronx, Bronx/Harlem incall)
🍒💋👉✨ INCALLS ✨👈 💯%REAl 🍦Cr€AMY🍧 MAGiC hAnDs 💦👏💋NiCe_N_RiGht👯Up All Night✔ - 20
(184th 3rd Ave safe incall, Bronx)
💕💕Jennifer 💕💕INCALLS OR OUTCALLS CALL ME 917 631 7883 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx incalls & OUTCALLS only 💯💦)
♣♣ Flirting Frid@yz Flirt in a Mini skirt ♣120 hr ♣ ★ Treasure ★Discreet Safe & Sexy Flirty fun ♣♣ - 21
(Bronx, bronx private incalls /bx&manh; outcalls)
▬▬▬▬▬▬✔υρѕ¢αℓє ℓαтina🔥§iNFULLY §EXY ▓S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G ▓ [Un!QuE] BROOKYN'S FINEST ▬▬▬▬ - 21
(Brooklyn, #❶BUSHWICK 💯% Safe I N C A L L $100 ½hr)
"Exotic Carribbean Freak Ready to Make You Scream! $60 Special!!!"" Come Get It!! - 25
(Bronx, bronx/166st. boston rd/incalls. outcalls)
ExOtic DiAmOnD BaCk ×❤× Looks Delicious Feels EvEn BettER Tight Grip Amazing LiPs😍ReVieW ID 171697 - 21
(Bronx, bx incalls safe discrete house)
I'M hot Ready Call Now Dominicana Culo Grande Exotic Samanta Delivery24hr - 25
^_^ I Aint Never Scared To Show The Face And Booty DiamondLuciano Bbw ^_^ - 37
EXOTiC MiXx M Õ R _ § w a G G _ tHaN _ OuR_ Â V R Â G _Ç H I Ç K - 20
(Bronx, Bx aFTeRW0Rk Special my place or yours)
* in call* 50$pecial~Sexy* Beautiful**playmate* LaTiNa*~come out n play* - 25
(Bronx, 179st UNIVERSITY AVE( IN CALL)*sf.prvt)
💙 💦 I 💕💦 AIM 💦💕 2 PLEASE 💕💜💦NEVER 2 TEASE💦💕💜🌹100 SPECIAL avail 🔥 LET ME PAMPER You - 20
(Bronx, Brooks ave. - Yankee stadium 💕)
Exotic Puerto Rican Jaw Dropping [ JUICY 🐱💦 ] [💲80 SPECIALS] Now!!! 💦 - 18
(Bronx, Incalls | Brook Ave & 165)
Everyman needs a BIG GIRL in this COLD WEATHER W/BIGBOOTY Shapely CuRvy NO Gut Tatted BBW Slim Waist - 25
(Bronx, Whiteplains rd. 240th nereid area)
Erotic Paradise Awaiting Your Company.. Experience Seduction at its Best ** _ ! * 1 2 ZERO / OUTCALL - 20
(Bronx, ( ( OuT CaLLz ) ))