Mon 27 Jan
Back by Popular Demand"You've Tried Da Rest But I'm Da Best" - 27
(Bronx, wallace ave. & allerton ave.)
Cougar "Dynamite" doing a show in Brooklynn, NY -tonight with 60 other girls - 69
(Bronx, Bronx,Westchester,NYC)
BEAUTIFUL Puerto Rican cutie with all THAT Ass 3473757824 - 21
(Bronx, Bronx discrete incall/out call)
[[[ AVAILABLE NOW ]]] ___ [[ 1oO%~ ReAL]] — ★ — [[ eXOtiC ]] _[[ w/SPECiALS]] - 20
(Bronx, Bronx NY)
$$ 💄🎂 🎀 Come get a taste of this cake 💄🎂 🎀 $80 specials - 24
(Bronx, east Tremont and grand concourse d train)
(¯`'•.¸☆¸.•'´¯) COME BEAT IT UP GOOD?° ? FliGHT to.. ? ( ¯`SATiSFACTiON ° •´¯ ) ? Boarding NOW - 24
(Bronx, BOSTON RD 2 & 5 TRAIN)
👅 CoMe And GeT FREAKY with a REAL FreAk Big JUICY BooBs ...631 831 1443..HOUR 130 - 20
(Bronx, BRONX PARK east / WHITE PLANS RD .. 2 TR)
♥★BBW★♥ LoOkS GoOd BuT i FeEl EvEn BeTtEr★♥ $80 specials👅💦 - 21
(Bronx, Bronx,Yonkers White PlainsOUTCALLS ONLY)
💞 AVAILABLE NOW💦 😋 Have some REAL Pleasurable Fun With Me 😍😘💦👅 100% Real Pics 💯📷 - 22
(Bronx, Allerton/Boston Rd)
AZZZZZZZZZZZ azzzzzzzzzz n more AZZZZZZZZ huge boobs sexy juicy yummy n available 50 specials - 23
(Bronx, Baychester and Boston Rd LOCAL OUTCALLS)
come get your breakfast before you go to work ...early morning special - 20
Come get a early A M treat of Honey Freaky Super $lop i e special ***** satisfaction guarantee **** - 28
(Bronx, in calls/outgoing all over)
★◢◤★◢◤ Arabian Black & Latina MUST SEE ★◢◤★◢◤ SPECIALS ALL Night 100/160 2Girls Let's Play Boys 😈🎀 - 19
> TrY ME! pinky's ur every desire! SexxY Freak $50 specials no cover 70 - 21
(Bronx, bx,mt vernon,yonkers,harlem 9144347298)
*C*A*U*T*I*O*N* BLOND *A* D* D* I* C* T* I* O* N* Big Bootie N DDs outcalls - 25
(Bronx, parkchester outcalls)
80SPECIALS💋§øft ŁĮP§ & TĮGHT Gr¡pš__ 👅Pūrę Płęā§ūrę __I'LL ThrO₩ It BAcK ❤ & G£T Thę JØß Døñę •°°• - 22
> * > >> YOU * TRY * THE * REST * COME * AND * GET * THE * BEST {STROM} 347 * 209 *4012 - 20
(Bronx, 167bronx)
All American Sweetheart With A Euro Twist For Saturday Fun~Independent Rachel! 2 HR Special - 28
(Upper Manhattan, outcall manhattan only)
chocolate petite kitten😘😘😘👍👍 if you party lets play 😘😘😘playmates new pics - 25
(Bronx, bronx incalls only, Manhattan, Upper Manhattan)
° ((=CAUTiON=)) °•° (( EXTREMELY )) Hot Freak °•° Puerto Rican GiRL °•° WITH A BUBBLE BuTT - 25
(Bronx, Incalls Only)
💦5O$peciaL💦 ➡CLiCK HERE⬅ JuiCy FreaKy👅 EboNy ViXen💥C0me Get a Taste🍭 - 20
(Allerton Ave/White Plains Rd, Bronx)
70 & UP *4 **I N D I A N & D O M I N I C A N **M I X ***B E A U T Y **2 4 HRS - 26
(Bronx, B X/ 240 WHITE PLAINS RD /GUNHILL 24 hrs)
* C H A N G E * * O F* * F O R C A S T ? *C O M E * * S E E * * S T O R M ! 6 4 6 2 6 2 0 2 1 7 - 22
(Bronx, 167 BRONX)
💋$60Shortstay 💋 Touch Me 💎Tease me💎Please Me .. Puerto Rican Princess 💙👅💦 Top Provider 💎 - 19
(Bronx, longwood ave inCalls Only 6 line)
50specials70 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A puertorican true FrEaK call 3478490010 (HABLO ESPANOL) - 33
(Bronx, bronx incalls 167 grandconcourse area)
50specials70 sexy PUERTO RiCAN IRIS 917 396 0936 - 32
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 GRANDCONCOURSE AREA)
=50.100.140= (( I DO WHAT )) =50.100.140= (( WHAT MOST WONT )) =50.100.140= - 23
(Bronx, D/4 Yankee Stadium .. Bee b bjay ;))
4 Latinas Dominicanas Colombiana Venesolana HOT HOT HOT Special $40 - 22
(Bronx, 176 morris av corner Grand concourse)
▄█❀▄█❀▄█ Best Choice Attractive ❀ Sweetie Hawaiian Girl 347 847 6920 ❀Now🎯 █▄❀█▄❀█▄7092 - 23
(Bronx, Little Italy, Fordham Rd, Crotona Ave)
*^◎^**^◎^*big bootylicious Bbw ms.rema come see these cheeks $50ss *^◎^**^◎^* - 25
(Bronx, 228th bway incall an some outcalls)
Available now!!! Mixed white girl!!! Safe incalls in yonkers!!!914.207.4630 . - 25
(Bronx, Yonkers ny)
$40 Specials ☆3 LATINAS ☆AlL fEtIsHeS wElCoMeD☆2 GIRLS x80 ☆YES WE THE BEST ;-) - 20
(Bronx, incalls 1000% NEW REAL PICS)
✫°❤°✫ 2 Gorgeous Blonde Italian Girl $pecial✫°❤°✫ Angelina and Lyric - 23
(Bronx, 161St. Incalls Only by FDR dr)
⭐️🍒 ⭐️ATTENTION🍒 HOT NeW 🍭Sweet 🍭thick 💕 REadY and Eager 2 PLease💕 I am EXTREMELY N@ughty $80 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx E Gunhill in/out calls)
😛✅Available Now I Have The Face Of An Angel💋 📱SERIOUS CALLERS ONLY✔24/7 - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, BX IN +OUT BX MAN YONKERS QU Bk 24/7, Manhattan, Ozone Park, Queens, Upper Manhattan, Westchester)
AVAILABLE⭐️✨ 🐰Ebony Playmate🐰Can I Get That HEAVY L0AD You're Holding❓ - 26
(Bronx, Incall Boston Rd)
💋🍒Anyway U Like It Special💧💧 PlayBoy Bunny🐰🐰💋💋 - 23
(Bronx, Allerton & white plains rd Incalls Only)
1347-617-6661trini anythings goes down for whatever trini last day special 1347-617-6661 - 21
(Bronx, bronx incalls)
*••~ 100 Lunch Specials •• InCreDibLe SkiLLs •• SPECIALS •• Fetish Friendly •• MaKe ME ScReaM ~••* - 20
(Bronx, ALL Over Bronx Manhattan)
《《 #1☆Super Pretty PLAYMATE☆CLAssY☆HUGE all NATURAL 38DDD ☆ FLawLesS FaCe ☆ AWESOME Curves ☆》》 - 30
1OOHH CurvES ★Soft Sweet BOOty FANTASy INCALLS NOW ★• _ €BONY ☆§W€€T ♥H€ÂRT★5 Star 917 * 982 * 9675 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx , White Plains Road)
looking for young student or normal employed young girl who needs a little$ help - 49
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, long island so shore, Queens, Staten Island)
Tue 21 Jan