Mon 27 Jan
kinky west indie delight. $$ 50 $$ for everything !! 347 659 259three - 22
(Bronx, IN&OUT; CALLS.fordham road & crotona ave.)
♥• • F • R • E • A • K • Y __ O • B • S • E • S • S • I • O • N • •♥⭐ 💕 💯% ReaL 💕 OUTCALL ONLY - 19
★ E v e r Y ★ M a N ★ N e E d S★ A ★ N e W ★ T o Y ★ W i t H ★ A ★ P h A t ★ A z Z★ - 37
(Bronx, Bronx / incalls only)
Hot Erotika la Tina in the Area boston road in call in call - 26
(Bronx, bronx gunhill boston road train 2 5)
❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ✿✿HOT ASIAN LOVER✿✿✿ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤YOUNG❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ✿✿✿ ❤❤❤ ❤❤❤ ❤❤OUTCALL ❤ ✿✿✿ ❤❤❤ ✿✿✿ CALL ME ❤❤❤ - 21
(Long Island, LONG ISLAND OUTCALLS/646-522-5335)
🔥 HOTT💦 💄SEXY💄TIGHT 💋 Specials $40°80°130 💋💋💋1(929)228_1548
(Bronx, Bronx| Private Location «InCalls»)
Don't Cheat Yourself, Treat Yourself; Sweet, young, cutie ready to please your every need! - 21
(Bronx, south bronx(2,5,6 trains) outcalls only)
have some fun with these 2 sexy latín mami u choose wich 1 u want (outcall only) - 23
(Bronx, outcall/bronx)
Hey guys is jessica im here for a limted time is my birthday week so lets celabrate :) sexy latina - 19
(Bronx, All boros OUTCALLS ONLY)
🙌🏾HaNds DoWn I'm🙋🏽 ThE ThIckEst B|tch💦 IncAlls🙈🙉🙊 - 24
(bronx/incalls/whiteplains rd., Manhattan, Upper Manhattan)
❶HaVe SuM FuN ╚»【TRY ME 】██▬█❶▀█▀ (CuTiE ) BiG •✴Ѽ ✴BOOTY GABBY ★1000%ReAL PiCS★╚»CLiCK HERE! - 24
hello honey is cute service,good service call me baby 646 489 5431 call me,MARIE out call - 23
(Bronx, bronx, manhattan, new rochette, yonker)
-:¦:- Come See -:¦:-This firecracker -:¦:-Dont Pass This Bomb Shell Up -:¦:-**100 HR SPECIAL - 25
good morning beby coming to day for the best thing do whetever your want best 914.327.9068 - 30
(Bronx, bronx ny)
!!!Colombian and Sexxy!!! its your girl Crystal !! INCALL only - 21
(Bronx, bronx/whiteplains rd/mt vernon/)
"Freaky Carribbean Goddess Loves Fridays!! $70 Special!! Outcalls!! R u READY FOR ALL THIS??" - 25
(Bronx, Bronx/Baychester area/incalls/outcalls)
FreaKY LatiNa specials Rdy To Play ( OutCallS)bx mnhattan wstchester - 19
(Bronx, Bronx,Westchester,Riverdale/ queens)
🔴▬▬▬▬▬🔴 FANTASTIC🔴▬▬▬▬▬🔴 HOT & SEXY 🔴 ▬▬▬▬▬🔴 YOUNG ASIAN GIRLS 🔴▬▬▬▬▬🔴 JUST ARRIVED ▬▬▬▬▬🔴 - 22
(Aves U West 6St ,Brooklyn❤☎718-714-7288, Brooklyn)
♛*¨¨*• δε∂υ©c†¡√e • HOT 60 sPECIAL• ♥ ♡•❣Gorgeous ρℓαγ ℳα†Ɛ♥ ♡•❣ ✌AwEsOme Booty ➓ ✌* 60 sPEcIAL - 23
ChinaLatin Suky 718 825 8518 Brazilian / Dominican Ruby 718 600 5031 Culo Grande - 20
(Bronx, Bronx yonkers All WESTCHESTER)
Dominican Mami 😍😍 Hablo espanol *specials* 914 206 7877 - 20
(Bronx, bronx yonkers manhattan outcalls)
Big Booty white girls $$$ azz so fat need a lap dance $$ two girl specials - 19
(Bronx, sheridian expressway)
Do you like older puerto rican women? im 50 years old slim 120lbs and sexy 3472196298 - 50
😍😘Come play only spot open all day and night dominican mamis 60$ specials 😍😘 - 22
(168 Walton ave Bronx, Bronx)
(Back in town) Carmel College beauty 💋💄Treasure✨ 💯% Freak 60 special - 22
(Bronx, 172 longfellow Bx incalls only/no-outcal)
beautiful redbone thick in just the right places available for OUTCaLLS - 20
(Bronx, BRonx OUTcALLs)
!!!Bandzz Ah Make Her Dance!!!Mrs.Tiny aka Fun Size Tiny!!!Bandzzz Make Ah Her Dance!!! - 22
(Bronx, bronx out calls only)
AVAILABLE NOW. Exotic BlonDe Thick REdBone Freak!! ((BIG BOOTY)) - 22
(Bronx, MOUNT VERNON area Discreet pri Apt)
> * > >> YOU * TRY * THE * REST * COME * AND * GET * THE * BEST {STROM} 347 * 209 *4012 - 20
(Bronx, bronx in calls)
Come TasTe the ExoTic MadNess has came back to the BX. 60$pecial - 22
(Bronx, bronx in Allerton ave n outcalls)
💥💥💓💓❖❖ Asian Relaxation 💓💥💥💓💓 Feel OUR AWESOME & MAGIC TOUCH and GREAT BODY WORK💥💥💓💓 - 21
(Long Island, 💥💥💓💓 HAUPPAUGE💥💥631-374-9529💥💥💓)
ComE N HavE ThE TimE OF YouR LifE ALL FETishES ArE WeLComE SupeR SPecIAL HouR 100 QuicK 50 CALL NOW - 20
~**aquafina flo~**spanish mami~*pierced vixen sexy bbw~*$40 specials ~*$80 2 girl specials - 22
(Bronx, bronx/fordham road/south bronx)
👅🌹Can You HaNdle SuM👅🍒Lets make DreAmS 🍒🌴BeCome REALITIES 💋🍌🍉Super Kinky🍇 - 25
(Bronx, Incalls Yankee Stadium area Only)
🍒🍫🍰80 100 140 MELanie rose Have arrived Gentlemen #1 choice 🍒🍫🍰 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx out calls and incalls)
50sPeCiALs70 PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever CALL iris 347 849 0010 - 33
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
70/100 ***W E L C O M E ** T O** M Y **W O N D E R L A N D :) 2 4 H R S - 24
(Bronx, B X/ 240 WHITE PLAINS RD /GUNHILL 24 hrs)
80$ Apple Bottom BBw brittany ILL down it @ll Wh3r3va Toned Thick Donk Busty Soft Booty Fantasy Girl - 23
(Bronx, white plains rd area)
Bronx ——————————— ————————(212) 729 4448——————————— Fast 2u—————————— Hot Asian ———————————— ——56a - 23
(Bronx, Outcall 718 510 5598)
😍😍50 SpeCi@ll!!BBW Fr3@k!!(Harlem Incalls)Ms BiG SofT CheeKs🌟🌟 - 25
💋Big Things Come In Small Packages💋👑Princess👑 💋Prueto Rican Bite Size Treat💋Real MidgetFreak - 22
(241 Incalls, Bronx)
40$ 40$ SpEcIaLs SpEcIaLs DOMINICANA tHiCk MaMi CoMe GeT iT 💋 - 25
(Bronx, Incalls 4 train to fordham road)