Mon 06 Jan
Upscale Discreet Provider ***** 5 Star Hottness* Available Now !! - 21
(Bronx, bronx manhttan yonkers queens)
Sun 05 Jan
60/100/150🍦🍧SWEET LIKE CANDY🍧 SpAnIsH mAmI in ToWn🍦🍰TiReD oF fAkEs?🍰🍦💯%ReAl dEaL🍦🍧 - 27
70**M I Z Z ** L I L L Y P O P* T H E **B E S T ** C A N D Y S H O P** - 24
Jamaican/Spanish Mix Breed👑 ..Pre-Fall Specails. Bx In call only - 26
(Bronx, bronx incall only/Southern blvd)
🍒💕💕💕💕💕❤️ Sexy Ex-Pole Dancer Looking for FUN 💕💕❤️💋💋🍒☎️☎️ Tel:(718)600-6619 - 22
(Bronx, Forest Hills, Glen Cove, Long Island, Long Island City, Manhattan, Midtown East, Queens, Westchester)
Sexy blonde white girl, skills like no other! You gotta see it to believe it! - 21
(Bronx, Westchester Ave Incall Bronx,)
NEW to BP ...SeXy ★ CLaSSy ★ PHAT BooTY ★ SNeaK AwAY ★ BuiLT FoR YouR PleAsurES!! - 23
(Bronx, Incalls safe location plenty parking)
LiGhT SwEeT aN sTrIcKlY dIsCrEeT cOMe An ShArE tHiS fRiDaY wItH mE ( specials) - 21
(Bronx, bronx inncalls now)
COME AND GET A SCOOP OF MY ICE CREAM BABY exotic mixed vixen come get these skittles STRIPPER body!! - 23
(Bronx, Mt Vernon.... 241 whiteplains Rd)
♡¤♥ $_€_X_¥ ♥¤♥DRE@M¥♥¤♡S₩€€T ♡¤♥ H€AV€NL¥ T_R_€_A_T ♡¤♥¤♡ - 21
vanilla ice cream n the cake to go wit it yumm 60+80+140 specials all day - 25
(Bronx, bronx incall whiteplains 217)
Looking for a good time ? You found the right girl 💯😋👅💦💧 - 20
(Bronx, Newrochelle yonkers mt.vernon yonkers bx)
•——•— ( SeXy!! ) ——•— [ 2GiRL SpECiAlS ] •——1OO% RE@L •——[ExOTiC FrEaKy ChIcKs ] •——• LeTs PlaY - 22
(Bronx, Harlem Incalls/Outcalls some Bronx out)
Wanna have fun with kerana 😍😘 I'm the best looking girl out here I promise 😍😘😉🤑 - 21
(Bronx, Newrochelle mt.vernon Yonkers)
Sat 04 Jan
Wowzer Extra Extra Big Monster Truck Butt Cajun TinyTiny Waist BBW Model VideoVixen 🍭🍭⭐ - 28
(Bronx, Pelham Area incal)
thirsty thursdays with a MIXED VIXEN beautiful EXOTIC features STRIPPER body !!! amazing sessions - 23
(Bronx, Mt VERNON............ 241 whiteplains Rd)
★ _T_h_E ☆ _F_u_N_ ★ S_t_A_r_T s ☆ H_e_R_e ★ $100 specials - 27
1347-819-6038 $40 special ready for whatever down for whatever $40 special 1347-819-6038
(Bronx, fordham incalls)
(($100 SPeCiaL)) * J U i C Y *.. * L i P S * .. * F R e a K y ! * * L A t i N A * - 21
Latin dream girl (120hr) 100%me new in town 120 1girl full hour. - 20
(Bronx, parkchester 6 train inCall)
Female Nascar RaCe DriVer🚩..... That MeaNs I'm ⛽️ood wit a St!€K📍0-60 in 1Shift 🚥 - 24
(Bronx, Bronx iNCaLLs Only)
💖(Y_O_U_R_E) °°•💖•°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°•💖•°° (L_O_V_E__M_E💖 EXOTIC MiXED PRiNCESS🏡IncallsOnly🏡 - - 21
(Bronx, Pelham Upscale private apt, Westchester)
💋💋💋 SHAKE SHAKE Girls ❤❤❤ 100%REAL Photo 💋💋💋 Hot Young Sexy ❤❤❤ 100% Real Pic 💋💋💋 --`-- * - 23
(Bronx, Manhattan, Midtown West, Midtown west ❤ 37st 7ave, New Jersey, Other, Westchester)
Fri 03 Jan
THE👑🏆💦🐱IS BACK✔️📲 😘OpenMinded Playmate 😝💎 ToTaL FReAk! 👯👫 FM/CPL FRIENDLY. - 20
(169th Southern Blvd Hunts Point Simpson, Bronx)
2 Caliente Latinas Esperamos Tu Llamada Textme / Callme Come Play w.Me Bronx 24/7 - 24
(Bronx, Bronx yonkers All WESTCHESTER)
We Been A Bad Girl...We NEED @ SPANKIN' You Ready 4 ME Special AlL DaY LonG :) - 20
!!!!This is what u want ___I got what u need___Eygyptian beauty!!!!!Be careful explosive!!!! - 19
(Bronx, Bronx and westchester in/out)
SPECIALS {{{{{{{ WeLcOmE 2 mY HoUsE OF PlEaSuRe}}}}} SPECIALS - 22
(Bronx, INCALL 159 Amsterdam & OUTCALLS)
Spankk Me N Pull My Hair• {Pl€aSuR€} • {S€ssIoN} °o©• {60$$} • INCALL • Sp€cIAL! °o©• - 22
(Bronx, Bx 224th n white plains rd)
********** ^^^^^^^^^ SpEciAL 80.00 (OUTCALLZ only) All YOU eva NEED!!! ^^^^^^^^^^ ********** - 23
100% Professional & Relaxing 100% Great TIME UNRUSHED 100% REAL PICS, IT'S ME!!!! (Ur Place) - 22
(Bronx, NYC Outcalls)
Thu 02 Jan
(($100 SPeCiaL)) * J U i C Y *.. * L i P S * * F R e a K y ! * .. * L A t i N A * - 21
☀️GOOD MORNING GENTLEMAN ☀️Sexy Heaven☺️💯👅💦😘 100% Real Pics 📸AVAILABLE NOW‼️Satisfaction Guaranteed 💯 - 24
(Bronx, New England Thruway/Conner St)
★Zori★sexy puerto rican & black sensation Feeling naughty I'm ready are you - 19
(Bronx, whiteplains rd/2train line area)