Mon 27 Jan
LAST CHANCE !!! Don't Miss The Goodbye~ $60 SPECIALS~ All Feti$hes AvAiLiBLE NoW! - 19
good morning beby coming to day for the best thing do whetever your want best 914.327.9068 - 30
(Bronx, bronx ny)
â¤â€”â¤[[ GORGeOUs ]] ⤠Puerto Rican [BeAuTiFul ]â¤[SUPER SEXY ] â¤â€”â¤[ READY NOW ] ⤠- 21
(Bronx, Incalls Only bronx)
(KOREAN° *HoT* ° *SEXY * ° ° CuTie )) - - 22
LA LiSA *Gentleman'sTop Choice Always* EXoTiC patite REDHEAD 60 80 100 (incall specials) 6467716188 - 21
Incall☆100$sp☆Sexy Italian Red head💋💋Sweet Julie 💝 Im Simply Amazing Daddy - 20
(Hempstead Turnpike, West Hempstead, Ozone Park, Queens)
FLAWLeSS)) 💕 ((JUiiCY)) 💦 {[Amazing}🌟 ((Exotic)) 💎 ((Discreet))👑💌If its not Me its Freeeeee! - 21
(Bronx, Soundview, Bronx incalls Only 💋💕)
Hot sexy thick and juicy Dominican babe with nice body Ready to have fun $$ specials $$ - 25
(Bronx, Bronx/Manhattan)
Cute Asian Women are waiting for YOU! - 22
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, OutCall)
🎀 🆕 Delicious Kitty Here Dominican and Trinidadian Hunny ❤️ 38D Small waist Bubble Butt 💋💋 - 19
(Brooklyn, Bushwick incalls)
(¯`'.¸ ★¸.'´¯) Cupcakes nd tinkabell (¯`'.¸ ★¸.'´¯) 60$ - 19
(Bronx, Washington heights incalls 60$)
hello honey is cute service,good service call me baby 646 489 5431 call me,MARIE out call - 23
(Bronx, bronx, manhattan, new rochette, yonker)
CoMe LET THIS True Sexy Fr3Ak do what YoUr girl wont Do with A special $$ - 25
(bronx in/out all nyc)
👀👀👀 CoMe N👄 PARTY 👅with 💋 These 👄BiG 👅 JUICEY 👅 BOOBS 👅👅💋 CALL NOW 631 855 2525 - 20
Fre♥ky G♥l Frid♥ys ~ Asia Caribbean Princ★ss~ {50$/100$/ 130$} In call Only!!! - 21
(Bronx, Southern Blvd In call Only!!!!)
★★Fetish friendly- Couples Welcome- Inviting Personality-100% Real -$50 SPECIALS★★ - 21
(Bronx, Boston Rd - Gun Hill Incalls $50+)
dont u wish ur girlfriend was hot like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEXY MIXED freak!!!!!!!!! - 23
(Bronx, INCALLS)
🎀 👉Dominican Princess 👈 🎀 Pε†i†ε 💓 βθMβδhξLL🎀 💟W!TH 🅰 🅱🅾🅾ty❕❕50 ss - 19
(Baychester Boston rd, Bronx)
***()BeSt In ToWn #1 BiG BooTY Cutie EbonY MiXeD GoddeSS()*** - - 30
(Bronx, boston rd. / gunhill rd in/outcalls)
👄BeAuTiFuL👄 BuStY ❤ BLONDE! S0 👠 CLasSY ❤ S0 💄 S A S S Y! ❤ 👄EXCLUSIVE GeT AwaY GIRL!! ViSiTiNg NYC👄 - 23
(Bronx, little italy bronx)
Crazy Hips an Magic LlppS$$ TOmboi Fetish Godess Tasha BBW amazon100%Girl BigBoOty N CURVY - 26
(Bronx, crossBronxExpwy area incall)
ღ*❤ღ* DarK ChoCoLaTe DeLiGhT ღ*ღ $60 SPeciaLz ღ*ღೋ JuicY FrEaKy Cymba - 19
(Bronx, E. Tremount Area 175st)
Cuban & Black Goddess🍭🍭 SLoppy Lolli massage specials SESSION specials 🍭🍭50 🌹's - 21
(Bronx, Bronx BURKE rd. **INCALL ONLY**)
★AVAILABLE NOW ✨#1DoMiniCaN MAMI ✨CALL ME CompleTe Package ✨100% Real No Games ✨SmOking Hot✨✨ - 21
(Bronx, Boston road ✨Bronx Incalls/out)
Bbw Vanessa the Hoover Professional! Let's end this Wednesday right! Crazy💋 Slo0py40Special60/80/140 - 25
(170 & Jerome ave, Bronx)
🔥🔥🔥Come one....Come all.... Cone to Goddess world⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐:) INCALLS ONLY - 19
(Bronx, 149 and 3rd ave area)
Ask*** for candy 50 specials 50 specials 50 specials double d's and a fatty - 21
(Bronx, White Plains Road)
Come Start Your Weekend Off The Right Way With This Sexy Dominican Mami````````````````` - 20
~~avail now NEAR PENN STATION American beauty 23yrs 100% REAL ME super sweet girl Gentlemen welcome - 23
(Midtown West, private incall outcall near 29th and 8th)
bbw and skinny dominican spanish mami bronx incalls 60$ specials - 22
(Bronx, 1329 clinton ave 169 boston rd bronx)
•★•Ask For Specials •★• ___ _____ _ ♥ CURVY REDBONE - SATISFACTION GIARANTEED! ♥_ ________ - 25
(Bronx, Outcalls Only!)
---> ---> CoMe To PLeAsURe IsLaNd --->EnJoY YoUrSeLF WitH Me
Amanda Hosting. Come get sum bright n early W*T Juiceeee - 22
(Bronx, Whitlock 6 train. Freeman avenue)
Chantel Latina Hottie Super Sexy Spectacular Figure Barbie *82 1914 258 0947 - 25
(Bronx, Bronx/Weschester)
60 specials **" {HOT} ":*" ? ¨*:" {BUSTY} " :*?¨*: "{PETITE}": *¨"?*:" {FREAK}* *60 - 18
(bronx incalls)
$60spl* Hot 🔥Thick* Sexy* 👠Sweet🍬Gergeous Dominican 💋Playboy bunny✨$60 $pecial ~💙💄 - 24
(179st university ave* 4, Bronx)
💥BRANDNEW💥cHoColaTe THick BoMbSheLL💣💥🔥M¥ CuRv€$ WiLL €nTiC€ ¥oU 👅🍌 MØ$Ŧ🎉🍭₩Ạ₦ŦẸÐ - 22 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx Prospect)
•★•5 Star ★Treatment •★•$50 Special•★• A+ plus service (No Rush) 100% Me (347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238th Neried Ave Whiteplains Road)
Big titti Thick Red Bone Ready For You.. Let The Fun Start.. IN CALL HOUR 130 ..917 600 0941 - 20
☆☆ $50 special" ☆☆ JUST Amazing Classy, Sweet, One of a Kind A+ Beauty 100% real pics(347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238 Neried Ave & Whiteplains Road)