Tue 21 Jan
💋60/spl Lexi up all night all day 60/spl waiting to hear from you💦😍 - 25
(Bronx, Bx man westchester out call only)
646-239-3232 In/Out H+Tips 24H "Emi"Will take your breath Away Confident Enough to Show Real Pics - 20
(Midtown West, Near by 48st(BT 5Ave&6Ave)Mahattan)
70$╚»💯% 🍭 Åddi©+!V€ 🍭⭐ 💕⭐BUS†Y⭐💕⭐💋 LATINA TWINS 💋 •💗• ρℓαγ ℳα†Ɛ ✨💎✨ ✌N . Ø .†✌ L¡K€♛ † H €🎉 R.Ɛ.S.† - 19
😆😆($60hh)💋{{uPsCaLe}} 💋24/7★GORGEOUS ★ ((ThIcK & SeXy))·°·{{BUSTY}}·°· ((JAS☆MINE)) 😆😆 - 22
(Bronx, bronx incall 😆165st brook ave😆)
718 865 7017 caliente dulce sabor,hot hot good service - 28
(Bronx, Bronx mahatta new rocher yonkers Mt vern)
🚿 ♥♡♥ 60 $ ♥♡♥ F.u.N. 💦 F.R.e.A.K.💦 🐱 T.i.D.Y.🐱 💦 S.W.e.e.T. 📞 CaLL ME __ 914 246 9328 💦 - - 20
(Bronx, $60 I come to you (914) 2469328)
646506 8434 Asian Escort ❶ Bronx - 18
(Bronx, 24/HrOUTCALLS6465068434)
631-319-0875 💗🌟💖❄️ New Blonde with blue eyes - 21
(Astoria, Bronx, Flushing, Jamaica, Other, Outcalls li nyc, Queens, Woodside)
$50qv Special Slim chocolate With an New Exotic Twist come offer see What i Can offer - 20
(Bronx, gun hill & boston rd (in Calls/outcalls))
50Sp Top Quality Experience ★•♥ €bony Goddess DoNT »Mi$$ 0uT ������ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€D Ready to Satisfy - 23
(Brooklyn, Sunset park incalls)
•✿•*¨$60 BL@CK B@RBIE (¯`'$60'´¯) iM B€††€R ! (¯`'$60'´¯) DR✪P DEAD G✪RGE✪US •*¨♥¨*•✿• - 19
(Bronx, pelham bay safe discreet incall)
50special70 SeRioUs AnD MaTuRe MeN Only drama free call iris 929 2417086 - 36
(Bronx, Bronx 169 grandconcourse area -in)
!! 50 STOP !! BOOTY BOOTY~THICK fun guaranteed !! 50/70/100 specials always !!!! - 25
(Bronx, BRONX, WHITE PLAINS RD, whiteplains road)
🎀60 Warm Hot Chocolate exotic🍫 Tasty (Fetish) Super Freak Sexy💰💰 Ride that Pony ★ - 18
60🌷🌷Special! Body Rub & FETISHES INCLUDED😻 This Mouth Is Ridiculous 👅👅🍭💪 (Safe Play😘60'100'160 - 18
(Bronx, No Hotel/Projects. Pvt Home 119 & 2nd Av)
☆☆ $50 special" ☆☆ JUST Amazing Classy, Sweet, One of a Kind A+ Beauty 100% real pics(347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238th Neried Ave Whiteplains Road)
🚨 50 spl🚨⚠️⚠️ OMG LOOK AT HER BUTT boyz⚠️⚠️💖all tunnels open💕JAMACIAN Big booty💖▃ SWEET&JUIC; - 22
(196 and concourse near Kingsbridge, Bronx)
☆☆$50 special"☆☆ simply Amazing UNLIKE THE REST (347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238 Neried Ave & Whiteplains Road)
***$50 Special***With Sexy Lexie all welcomed; Satisfaction Gauranteed - 27
(Bronx, Bronx, Manhattan, westchester)
40 SPECIALS •°o♥o 3 Sexy ♥o°• Latinas •°o♥o° All fetishes welcomed •°o♥o°• 40 SPECIALS - 20
(Bronx, Bronx incalls)
40$ TopSpecials $$😍😍😍Right place right Dime👌. BBW Beauty BODY😍😍😍 Sexxy SUMMER - 20
(Bronx, Middletown Rd Bx 6Train Ins)
42 Inch Azz 36d & FACE 2 die For ! SUPERFREAK INDIAN n Latenight Specials - 22
(Bronx, Bronx Allerton n Boston rd)
$40 Specials ☆4 LATINAS ☆AlL fEtIsHeS wElCoMeD☆2 GIRLS x80 ☆YES WE THE BEST ;-) - 20
(Bronx, incalls 1000% NEW REAL PICS)
$50$ for everything!! & 2 girl special!! 347 659 259three outcalls anywhere in the bx $50$ - 22
(Bronx, out calls anywhere in the bx)
$40 💖💖 New To Bp💖💖 2 Sexy Mixed Sweetheart's💋💋 917 280 0829 - 21
(Bronx, Sheridan Expwy Westchester/Whitlock av)
2Sexxy ladies everything Naomi and sully special day 40 - 23
(Bronx, 170 grand councurse train D and 4)
4 All Tha Haterz That Keep Deleting Our AD, We Know Who U Are, We're Back In Action 2 Girls Specials - 21
($40 kingsbridge fordham grand concourse)
@40@60@ Hot dominicana valery and viky incall bebe 9292506374 - 26
(184st and park Ave bronx, Bronx)
💦🔥40 80 130 Car🚗Fun ONLY HOT Young & BustyBBW💋LETS PARTY Tonight👅Party, FETISH & 420FRIENDLY 👅 - 20
(Bronx, Kⓐя₣un🚗ONLY or come get Story Ave AREA)
347-941-8673 make Y0uR EarN-$TaR come2 Reality* ThE ReaL DeaL* - 23
(Bronx, near 241st & 233rd area)
2 sexy girl reddy to play--mis jamaican and betty boop - 22
(Bronx, west 46 Street. between 5 & 6 Ave in Ma)
*****2 BrownSkin Beauty's Love To Get Nasty ! ***** Come Join Us !! - 21
(Bronx, Bronx, mt. Vernon, yonkers)
2 HOT ~~~~~~~~Busty Round Booty ASian DOLL ~~~~~~ 130 special ~~~~~~~~~ Midtown Manhattan incall - 24
(35th LIR NJT Midtown incall)
2 girl spc ®®® 5000% real pics 150hr=2 girls full hour ** ® new girl buy 1 get 1 free 1*** - 19
(Bronx, pelham prkw williamsbridge #5 /bx 12)
100💰Rubia Santos💰100 (NO Text. NO Outs. NO Af Am Under 40. Gracias.) - 19
(Bronx, Manhattan, RIVERDALE. MNHTTN CLLG. BROADWAY. W235TH, Upper Manhattan)
150 HR specials treat y0ur self t0 tHe f!nesT TH!ngs in life Exotic latinas! and we love to party:) - 21
(Bronx, city island OUTCALLS)
24 H R S **T H E * B E S T * R A I N N Y*** D A Y ** S P E C I A L S** - 24
2 Girls VISITING Here Big Special 💰💰LIMTED TimE Only ... OnE Of A Kind WLL- REviEWED ~~ - 20
@@@@@2 Sexy Ladies Looking for Genrous Gentlemen @@@@\@@@@ - 20
(Bronx, Outcalls In Manhattan and Bronx)
(( 100% REAL)) (( 100% UnRuShEd )) GuArAnTeEd KnOcKoUT!!! _ INCALL (( 100 SPECIAL) ) VICTORIA** - 19
(100% Real Deal .. ).(P.Y.T💎✅🍭 🍫🍯🍰🍪🍦🍩COME treat yourself ,CALL TRULY(347_336_0054)📞 - 20
(Bronx, OutCalls Only 347_336_0054)
____ 100% DOMINICAN ____ 100% SEXY ____ 100% FIT & TONED ____ Dont Miss Out On This One___ - 19
2 FrEaKs U jUsT CaNt RESIST sExY cUbAN mAmi & Da NEW pHat BoOtY RiCaN WaiTiN oN uU 3472397706 - 22
18 yr old Basian,Bubble Booty Clappin Dirty come be My First - 18
❤️❤️❤️ SMOKIN HOT ————B A R B I E ——# 1l—— ❤️PICK (••) ❤️————— 100% —————REAL 608; - 23
#1 choice For The best Top ever come find out what's it's all about - 21
(Bronx, incalls and car session only)
ts alexiis is bak in da southbronx. $917$770$2374$ - 28
(Bronx, southbronx nyc area,145 st brook ave)
#1 ExoTic DOMINICAN Princess ❤ BOMBSHELL ** IM THE BEST **ReadY to PlAY 💋💋 Call Now ((CHLOE - 21
(Bronx, Boston rd Bronx incalls)
@%%40##&60special hot dominicana valery and Lucy incall daddy 9292506374 - 26
(184 st and park Ave bronx, Bronx)