Mon 27 Jan
50specials hh70 independent puertorican freak NO disappointment call iris 3475920094 HABLO ESPANOL - 35
(Bronx, 169 grandconcourse area (incall))
40/80/100 Exotic puertorican samoine goddess NORUSH I WANNA PLEASE YOU 3478933086 ALL DAY!! - 24
(Bronx, bronx in 165st westchester ave 2&6 train)
🍄24HRS🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄🍄collage girls 💓💓💓💓💓💓three 19yrs old 💓💓💓enjoy every mins - 20
(Bronx, Downtown, Long Island, Manhattan, Midtown West, Queens)
2 beautiful skinny dominican spanish mami bronx incalls 60$ specials - 22
(Bronx, 1329 clinton ave 169 boston rd bronx)
► #❶ 2 GiRL ★ § _ P_ _ C _ i _ @ _ L _ § ★◄ NO RUSH .. Real picZ - 20
(Bronx, .347.587.0271 in & out Bronx yonkers)
A dream come true
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
Adtired of hearing no want a girl who will do what ever U want meet coco&lala; 2 freaky girls specia. - 21
(Bronx, All over)
♡¿♡ 100% SeXy ItALiaN ♡¿♡ SeDuCtiVe ☆~☆ HoT ☆~☆ FrEakY ☆~☆ LiTtLe 《《TrEaT》》 ViSiTinG*** DoN't MisS O - 22
(Bronx, bronx, N.Y. close to West Chester)
°= 1000% ReAl DeAL = °° = = °° = EbOnY= BOMBSHELL= °real pixX (( SPECIALS )) - 20
(Bronx, Manhattan / Harlem)
Tue 21 Jan
Divine visiting From Cali ❤️💦 Come Get Me While You Can 1 (914) 320-3772 - 23
(Bronx, incalls only 216 white plains road)
DOMINICAN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SUPER SPECIAL _ _ _ _ _ _ ALL DAY/NIGHT 40SPECIALS!!! - 19
COmE on FanTasY rIde.wIt CoCo BuNNy ..FreaK inCallS onlY..... 315 359 8348 ..... - 21
(Bronx, incalls only BOSTON RD ND CONNER.....)
Chocolate with CaRemal onToP!!! ReaL LiFe BunNieS 2GIRL sPEcIaLS!! ..To Much to HaNdLE 6464218121 - 21
(Bronx, yankee stadium)
🍑B!g Jiggly B🍑🍑ty! Perky bouncey T!ts! 💏Serenity will make u Surrender💏! - 22
(Bronx, Jerome & 170th Incalls Only.💋)
BAd BitCH! ♥ SEXy N' FREAKy UNf0RGEtAblE BAby! ♥ DNt MiSS 0Ut! CRAZy SpECiAlZ - 19
(Bronx, Bronx Incalls out specials)
b>Stop What You're Doing!😱 Right Now! Young Sexy Short .. Thick .. Beautiful My name i - 22
(Bronx, incalls third avenue/ local oucalls)
Asian READY NOW in calls & out calls 140hr incall... out 160$ TOTAL . 100000% real - 20
(Bronx, Fordham rd. in calls & outcalls)
Beautiful thick.Irish Hotti🍀 Italian vanillacream🍰 to settle your taste buds😋🌺 - - 19
(Bronx, Incall)
😘😘😘BBW Big Ch33ksks! INCALL - 27
(Bronx, INCALLS ONLY/ Harlem Lenox, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Upper Manhattan, Westchester)
✮ Alone Right Now? ✮ Why Not Have An Awesome Time ✮ With Me! CRAZY Specials Today ONLY!!✮ - 24
(Bronx, Bronx 8Ohlf/1OO)
**ALL NUDE Private Lap Dance **Ice COLD Air Conditioner** 718-684-3441 - 20
(Bronx, Pelham Bay Bronx , VERY SAFE AREA)
50sPeCiALs70 PuErToRiCaN thick Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever call iris 917 736 8726 - 33
(Bronx, bronx incall 169 grandconcourse area)
60....60....60...LIGHT Skinned GODDess... Come get freaky with me - 21
$50 Specials!! (( *HOTT* )) *#1 BeAutiFuL* (( *KiLLeR BoDy!* )) ☆(( *NEW PICS* )) ☆( *CALL ME* )) - 26
(Bronx, Incalls 188 & prospect ave.)
▃▆▓▓*:• ☆$50 Specials ♥T¡Gh† Gr¡P ° WØn'† §L¡P ☆Th¡Ck H¡P$ &WiLD; Lip$ ⇨JuIcY BoOtY★ *:• ❤▓▓▆ - 27
(Bronx, Incalls 188 & prospect ave.)
$50 specials (Non Rushed) relax stress free A+ plus service 100% pics (347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238th Neried Ave Whiteplains Road)
2 girls 160 full =hour,=2 girls @@ 5000% real pix / 450 over night 2, girls\ //no rain coat/ - 19
(Bronx, 256 St Broadway riverdale 1train)
2 girl spc ®®®® 5000% real pics 180hr 2 girls ®®®®® LOTS ov fun safe place ®®®®®®®® - 19
(Bronx, fordham rd webster av d&4 metro N)
(100% Real Deal .. ).(P.Y.T💎✅🍭 🍫🍯🍰🍪🍦🍩COME treat yourself ,CALL TRULY(347_336_0054)📞 - 20
(Bronx, OutCalls Only 347_336_0054)
°100% ME💕 Always READY💕 💕BRUNETTE BARBIE💕 ♡Seductive♡ 💕 - 20
(Manhattan, OUTCALL midtown $88jj, West Side)
100% REAL ★--★ SeXy •.¸ ★ ¸.• ExOtIc •.¸ ★ ¸.• SeDucTiVe ★--★ 80 $pEciALs aLL dAy & NiGhT - 22
💯😍OMG super Bowl special 🏈🏉 Guarantee you won't be disappointed UPALLNIGHT🏉💯 - 21
🆕THE🍦SWEET n SLiPPERY🍦 gorgeous [5🌟] 3475937023💦F R E A K Y💦 100% REAL💋Dominican GODDESS [24/7] - 24
(Bronx, MY place Parkchester 6 train)
Sensous time with foxxy transsexual lady.... 2O1 426 OO77
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, bergen county, North Jersey gsp163 rt80)
❌Stօք ʀɨɢռᏆ ɦɛʀɛ My place❌ FunSize N Playful ♨️don't miss ❣️out I'm Gonna Be 🐝What ur 🔍looking for👀💥 - 19
(Bronx, Pelham Parkway)
💕💕💕 NEW Sexy Italian Cutie 💕 WELL REVIEWED 💕 Ready for fun💕💕 100% REAL 💕💕💕 - 21
(Bronx, Bronx / OUT)
~~~~~**** Ivy sweet ivy in you85r town let do the unthinkable85 •+•* - 24
(Bronx, Car dates only 161 st n out)
2 sexy nasty freaks coming to please you I got friends we all do right - 19
(Bronx, 179&3rd ave bx incalls only)
TS GIGI 🍉Beautiful, 💋Pasable , Young🍼 , Hung verse Tgirl ! Highly reviewed! Crème de la Crème ! - 22
(Queens, Sunny side / Long Island city)