Tue 21 Jan
✨✨💫💫💫fire fire fire Dominican hotties outcalls. new in town 646 5004708 - 25
(Westchester, out calls Westchester purchase/rye/white)
Fresh out the shower 👅💝🌷right where you need me to be 👍🌷👍l'll come to you now - 23
(Bronx, bronx westchester Manhattan queens, Manhattan, Queens, Ridgewood, Upper Manhattan, Westchester, Woodside)
freaky friday with the one and only ★zori★satisfaction guaranteed - 19
(Bronx, whiteplains rd/2line area)
***D O U B L E --D A-- F U N!! !------!2-- G U R L--S P E C I E L...TROUBLE @ STORM.. - 20
(Bronx, BRONX- Jerome)
Exuberant Voluptous Rositha *82 718 600 5031 Dominicana Bronx Escort - 25
Foreign freak 😍🔥😏 Come get a taste of what you've been waiting for !😋💦👅😍😘💕 - 21
(Bronx, Eastgunhill)
Fresh out the shower right where you need me to be come to me or I'll come to you now - 22
(Bronx, Manhattan, Manhattan bronx Westchester, Queens, Ridgewood, Upper Manhattan, West Side, Westchester)
*★*• _ (FaVoRiTe LiTTlE SecRet)__ •• SwEeT SeXy__ •• Ex0Tic Latina •*★* Sexii Italian ❇❇ ▒█ ❤█ ❤█▒ - 21
(Bronx, outcalls)
█▒ EXoTiC ▒█ ╠╣OT █▒▒█ ♥ S—E— X—Y ♥ █▒▒█ 100% ReaL ▒█ Dominican & Chinese█▒ PETITE MoDeL ▒█ - 23
(Bronx, Incall safe location /// OutCalls)
CUtE😘,ThiCk😍,JUiCy 👅💦DOMiniCAn&'PuERtOriCAN; If yOURe lOOkiNg 4 A1 SkiLLs💦👅 DONT MISS OUT 😘 - 20
(Bronx, Manhattan, OUTCALLS ONLY, Upper Manhattan)
Cutie With A Big Booty What You See Is What You Get!! CALL Us Now !! 24/7 - 20
come treat yourself with this basaina & Brazilian hot sexy Mami!! - 18
(Bronx, whiteplains rd ,area)
(Bronx, Incalls & Outcalls-238th St.&Bailey; Ave.)
★EvErY BoY's WiSh ★EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCreT ★EvErY MaN's FaNt@sY $60 specials - 23
(Bronx, Castel Hill & Westchester)
Classy & Intelligent Latina!!! Bisexual , Stripper, Escort & Dominatrix!!! - 22
(Bronx, TriState OUT ONLY)
EARLY bird incall SPECiaLs 60 80 120 $tart ur Morning right with La Lisa ExOtic mami !91763138933 - 21
(Bronx, incalls/ outcalls)
¨¨* :❤: *¨¨ EXOTIC Egyptian/Spanish Beauty Super PETiTE¨¨* :❤: *¨¨Amazing BODY - 20
(Bronx, Yankee S.. INCALL)
[(Exotic (&&) Yummy )] Up all night come kick it w/Jamaican Spicee )|| - 21
(Midtown East, Manhattan In calls)
Don't be rushed be treated like a king!! $$ s/s incall specials$$ - 23
(Bronx, Parkchester in/out calls)
Erotic and Sensual COLLEGE GIRL - **Special Tonight** - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, In the city)
Emely Latina Sexy Mami Just For you Out Calls Only "" 201-220-0467 """ - 20
(Bronx, Bronx,Manhattan,Bronx,Manhattan)
💋💋💎👉Cinnamon & Sugar love to treat they $100$specials come for some Tuesday specials $$$ - 21
(Bronx, whiteplanes rd incalls only!)
•C0m€ & Wa†Ch M€ WØrK ¡T • §Ø §€xY. DOnt CHe@t★ YourSelf ★ Trea@t ★YourSelf - 23
(Bronx, Private Incall.. Just Us!)
BRONX INCALL√√ JUIC¥ BOOT¥ √√√√√√√√ Outcalls √√√√√√√ 100% Me or Free ...... - 24
(Bronx, Huntington, Long Island, Other, Outcalls>Mount.V,New Rochelle,Yonkers, Westchester)
BRONX Outcall Especial MARIBEL Irresistible Boricua *82 914 258 0947 Delivery - 25
Bronx Outcall NEW ~ ~ ~ ~ ASIAN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HOTTIE ~ ~~ ~ OUTCALL ~~~ (212) 729 4448 = =d0e - 23
(Bronx, Outcall 718 510 5598)
Brand New! 36c swEet Thick LaTinA hazel eye BUnNY 60 ★° ° Booty&BeaUty; :* ☆ FreaK - 23
(Bronx, 180st INcaLL private home)
»»» Busty Bootiful Caramel Ebony Treat ««« Super Sweet Specials ««« Late night Specials!!!! Come Now - 19
(BOSTON rd and ADEE ave)
BLoNde BaRbie ^up^ 4 GrAbS { think AnD CurvY} BiG B O O T Y - 25
(Bronx, Riverdale/Yonkers incall only)
💏Brittany The Babe! 🍆OutCall Specials🍆New to the area! 🍑Ur dirty little secret!💏 - 19
(Brooklyn, Flatbush)