Sat 11 Jan
***Hunnie B - Thick , Colombian sweetheart at YOUR service !*** - 19
(Bronx, 216 and White Plains Rd - IN /OUT CALLS)
Fri 10 Jan
You're Dream T-girl !!! Dont waste your time with OTHERS ! I am the REAL DEAL ! OUTonly - 20
(Bronx, Washington Heights OUTCALLS)
(( ♥ $$60$$ NEW IN TOWN ♥)) BISEXUAL 2 GIRLS (( ♥ ALL FETISHES ) white girl - 21
(Bronx, St.Nicholas Washionting heigts INCALL)
60 $✰ Th!Ck & FrE@K*💋* AmaZ!ngLy $ SK!LLED L!Pz** the FuN StarTZ Here *★ •°50 - 21
50specials70 Mature bbw independent puertorican freak NO disappointment iris 929 2417086 HABLO ESPANOL - 36
(Bronx, Bronx 169 grandconcourse area (in))
💦5O$peciaL💦 ➡CLiCK HERE⬅ JuiCy FreaKy👅 EboNy ViXen💥C0me Get a Taste🍭 - 20
(Allerton Ave/White Plains Rd, Bronx)
40 special°°• WHaTeVeR • iT °•rEQuIReS ° I'Ll •DEliVeR °°• yOUr DeSIrEs •°°• 40 specia - 21
(Bronx, BOSTON RD)
❤Amazing Gifted BBW Daisy🌷💥Top Notch Companionship😆 Skills Like No Other👏 - 44
(Bronx, Harlem, Manhattan)
♥UPSCALE Busty Babe 👑ABSOLUTELY Stunning💎Exotic MiX🌺KiLLER Body⭐AMAZING Experience💋 - 20
(Bronx, Westchester avenue)
"Hott Coco Is On Fire! Freaky Friday!"100% Real Pics! $70 Half hour Incall Special!! Jump on it!" - 28
(Bronx, bronx/E 166 boston rd area/Incall & Out)
I'M BACK 🎀NIAOMI🎀 §oft §wεεt & §εxy💞ⓘⓝⓒⓐⓛⓛⓢ💜🅰vailable Now But Leaving 🔜💞💜 - 22
(Bronx, Jerome & 170th Area)
If you like Young & Sexy, then I AM your Girl. sepcial incalls &out.; - 19
(Bronx, allerton ave area/ uptown bx.)
Thu 09 Jan
$60'´¯ LeT Us★ BE YouR ★ SeXY LiL SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ~Eroctic ViXenz MixN Match* NDULGE yourself! $60 - 20
(Bronx, Your place or mine)
50specials70 Relax Your Body & Mind With sexy BBW independent @ Puerto Rican freak 929 2417086 hablo espano - 35
(Bronx, Bronx 169 grandconcourse area ( incall))
50sPeCiALs70 PuErToRiCaN Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever CALL*STAR* 1917 736 8726 - 32
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
👍50specials hh70 bbw independent puertorican freak NO disappointment call☎ iris 3475920094 - 35
(Bronx, bronx 169 grandconcourse area incalls)
💋💔 45 Pl@¥tim3 Spec!!!! 💎ThicK GurlS DoNt Cry,W3 TaKe @ll Of It! - 24
50specials70 If YoU aRe LoOkInG FoR A ReAL PUERTOrIcAn FrEaK CALL IRIS 917 564 2225 - 32
50specialsh70 sexy PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRiE FrEAeK N BEST SkilLs Ever call iris 3478491570 - 35
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
💥🇯🇺🇮🇨🇾💗💦💗💦 ChoColatE 🍫🍫BoMbSheLL💣💥🔥Sk❗LLEd L❗PS 🇹🇮🇬🇭🇹 Gr❗P👅🍌 GuSHEY💦💦 - 27
(Bronx, Bronx/Manhattan)
🌹🌹Hottest MILF/COUGAR in town 💕 Sexy & Mature Belizean Petite Anabella 🌹 - 38
(171 University ,Safe Private apartment, Bronx)
"Hott Coco Is On Fire! Tasty Tuesday!" 100% Real Pics! 60 qk SPECIAL!!" JUMP ON IT FELLAS!!" - 28
(Bronx, bronx/ E 166st boston rd /INCALLS ONLY!)
Wed 08 Jan
$60 ...special..White Snow Bunny 100 per Real or its FREE - 23
(Bronx, Bronx, 169 th and southern blvd)
50specials70 100% Puerto Rican freaky Tona the best 9292417086 - 36
(169 grandconcourse area (incall), Bronx)
$70 SPECIALS :*:* LEAVING TOMORROW MORNING :*:* So SeXy :*: PuRe SaTiSfACtIoN :*:* No DrAmA - 22
50specials70 PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever CALL 347 849 0010 - 33
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
$50 specials (Non Rushed) relax stress free A+ plus service 100% pics (347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238th (Neried Ave) Whiteplains Rd)
50specials70 IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A puertorican true FrEaK call 6463014450 (HABLO ESPANOL) - 33
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
50sPeCiALs70 if YOU ARE looking for a true thick puertorican frEaK call iris 1917 736 8726 - 33
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
💲50 🎀Cinnamon🎀 Come See Me Now 💋💋NEW PICS💋💋 👉💲50 Winter Special👈 - 21
(Bronx, Westchester ave 6 train line)
50♥80$€XUALL¥ FRU$TRAT€D?¿ ★ Lay Me Down & Caress My Hot SoftBody Exotic Petite Pretty FrEak - 23
(Bronx, E169st Incall Discreet Apt 50☆80)
°•❤•° $40 SPECIALS °•❤•°2 FrEaKy LaTiNaS °•❤•° BIG BOOTY LOVERS CLICK HERE °•❤•° - 20
(Bronx, Bronx incalls)
🔥🔥🔥 Ts Jazmyne ready to Play 🍆 FF 9" Kandy 🍰🍰 Soft n Bouncy 💦 ‼️ - 25
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Rockaway pkwy/ Church ave, Westchester)
Tue 07 Jan
$50 specials (Non Rushed) relax stress free A+ plus service 100% pics (347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238th Neried Ave Whiteplains Road)
50specials h70 independent puertorican bbw sexy mami NO disappointment call iris 3478941570 - 35
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
$50 specials (Non Rushed) relax stress free A+ plus service 100% pics (347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238th Neried Ave Whiteplains Road)
😍😍50 SpeCi@ll!!BBW Fr3@k!!(Harlem Incalls)Ms BiG SofT CheeKs🌟🌟 - 25
$60 Incall Special*** New in town ***Miss Dream $60 Incalll Special *** New in town - 24
(Bronx, Holiday inn motel incalls)
You can have what ever U like!! call to PARTY with Rosy & Honey B 347-500-1825 - 24
(Brooklyn, brooklyn in calls only)
[×°x°× BABY, I'M THE ** BEST ** SO YOU CAN'T DO BETTER!! ×°x°×] - 22
(Bronx, bronx incalls only)
Two Beautiful Mix💦The Best 2Girl Special✨Young & Fun 💥Llamame 💥 - 24
(Bronx, InCall Mi Casa//183 & Walton 24/7)
Come Get It & Go To Work! 60 Morning Special! 😚 Ms Certified To Go Down South 👅🙊😸😻🔥🔥🔝❗❗❗ - 19
(Bronx, Prvt Apt On E.119th & 2nd 🏩NO PROJECTS)
💦💦 .• CAUTION •. ▒ ▓ ☆ ☜ REAL deal ☆ ÅddI©+!V€⇨ F®e@K¥ Latina Girlz 😍😍 - 19
*LOOK All Booty Lovers ❤.•* BIG B✪✪TY Queen •.❤* ▒▓♥•♥•♥• SEXXII ★FrEaKy •♥•♥•♥ReadY 2 PLAY!▓▒ * ❤.• - 24
(Bronx, Stadium incalls)
Specials in calls only sexy chocolate delight gone wild ready to have fun specials!!!' - 21
(Bronx, Bronx in calls)
Star marina. hot costarica ;;in and.outcall 347 912 0345 coll me pleace - 27
(Bronx, Queen manhattan why plece. and bronx)
Specials All Day Long.40/60/80! 10 off any session !Come Cool Off!! Parkchester In the Bronx - 32
(Bronx, Parkchester in the bronx)
Sexy petite PlayMate 😋🍫😍 Call Now .....(347) 990-2562 - 26
(Brooklyn, 🏠 My Place or your place 🏠 Eny)
🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑🛑SEXY AND SLIM & WET✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️✴️ ✅FACETIME✅CALL/TEXT📞 347-259-2878 😘💙😘 ALWAYS ready for YOU👅 - 21