Mon 27 Jan
_________ let me be your TREAT TONIGHT:) IM UP AND WAITING..EBONY WITH CURVES _________ - 19
(Bronx, manhattan/ bronx/)
Have You Ever Seen Thickness In A Thong???????? Specials! 40/60/80! Pakchesterr - 32
(Bronx, Parkchester in the bronx)
🆕🆕Habla Espanol💋💋Aiming To Please🚨🚨🚨Sexxy Juicy😍habla Espanol💅😗Tasty Spcl💱💱💱 - 21
(Bronx, Hunts point, Southern Blvd Incalls ONLY)
***HOT*** ▐▐ ❤▐▐▐ ❤▐▐ Beautiful LATINA BOMBSHELL▐❤▐▐▐ ❤▐▐ 100/150/200 ***HOT*** - 25
(Bronx, Near Pelham Pkwy)
latin dream girls. *150=2girls full hour* *500*over night* NEW in TOWN. . today spc o - 19
(Bronx, 231 st. broadway. #1 train. riverdale)
HOT! Blonde! Busty! 100% Certified White Freak! - 21
(Bronx, Outcalls Bx, Yonkers, New Rochelle &MORE;)
***HOT*** 100 / 150 / 200...▐ ❤▐▐ EXOTIC BEAUTY for Older Gents▐▐ ❤▐ 100 / 150 / 200... ***HOT*** - 25
(Bronx, Pelham Pkwy - Incalls Only)
★ HorNy 💘💘 DROPPING ★Outgoing *OpEn MindeD ☆ ExPeRiEnCed• SeXy M@MI • BustY ** AvAiLaBlE 💘💘 - 25
(Bronx, Bronx, NY)
✋✋✋✋ Look No further I'm here 💃💃 Who you know Take it like me? 9292307287💦💦💧 👅💥💥💥💥 - 25
(Bronx, Conner street and boston road)
LiGhT SwEeT aN sTrIcKlY dIsCrEeT cOMe An ShArE tHiS fRiDaY wItH mE ( specials) - 21
(Bronx, bronx inncalls now)
hey you want sommeone thats real when fun to play with - 18
(Bronx, Fairfield, Other, outcalls the bronx, Westchester)
Let me come show u a good good time ❤️️😌I'm the best out here 😈😈 - 21
(Bronx, My.vernon newrochelle Yonkers outcalls)
Hey baby you wanna have some fun with no drama then you know to do baby - 18
(Bronx, Outcalls in the Bronx)
Let me make your day. Sexy hot🔥🔥🔥🔥 and ready for your D*** New In Town 518-929-0487 - 22
(Bronx, Webster ave white plains rd Bronx blvd)
hello honey is cute service,good service call me baby 347-798 6198 karina call me lantina papi - 19
(Bronx, bronx and mahanttan,yonker)
latina rain spc 150 hour 2 girls 100%me ©@©© 36 d d wow apple bottom ** ©© - 19
(Bronx, e 187 St Arthur av little Italy safe)
•★• Late Nite Specials •★• ___ _____ _ ♥ SEXY CURVY REDBONE - ! ♥_ ________ Outcalls - 25
(Bronx, Outcalls Only!)
💦Halo💦BRA👅IN ONLY!! BxIncall!!😻😘 - 19
(Bronx, Downtown, East Side, Manhattan, Upper Manhattan, Westchester)
HOLA PAPI 💋💋💋💋💋¦: L • O • O • K :¦: 💋💋💋💋 ———— * NEW EXOTiC DoMiNiCaN MAMI 50 SPECIALS💋💋💋💋 - 21
(Bronx, BX-INCALL 256 & broadway)
lindas hispanas puerto rico y santo domingo special$40 bronx .ny - 26
(Bronx, 196 st end bainbridge ave)
"Lets Get Crazy"Spankk Me_Makee Me Xumm All Over _Call Now SPECIALS 24/7 ##3478694755## 80$ - 22
(Bronx, boston rd gunhill)
_|_let ME be your TREAT!!! {212-221-0109 } Great Midtown Location! Brand new Studio! Clean! - 24
({Incall} { - 38 St & 5 Ave - })
😘HaRleM INCALLS/!PluS SiZed FreaK!! Azzzzz!Azzz! BiG T!Ts N Azz! 50 Spec! - 24
Latina Chyna wants to show u y shes the freakiest girl on bp No Cover & $80 Specials Available - 18
(Bronx, bronx Westchester queens)
Latina Lovely wants to show u y shes the freakiest girl on bp No Cover & $80 Specials Available - 19
(Bronx, bronx Westchester queens)
GRAND OPENING█★██★【☆ Spanish _ThixkGIRL☆】 Great Specials██★ Best Night ★ - 19
(Fairfield, OuTCALLSSSS ONLY!!)
Hi guys I'm jackie I'm from colombia I'm 24 years old.. I'm new to the area.. If you looking for qua - 23
hey guys my name jessica and im here for limted time only incalls gentlemen only - 20
(Bronx, bronx incalls)
Leaving today .. Draya FROM LONDON here to please you👅👅 100% me or its free - 22
(Bronx, Bronx/ southern blvd)
Hazel Baby 😍😘 Ready To Show You a Good Time 😋 OUTCALLS ONLY 💃 - 20
(Bronx, Tremont burnside 183 grand concourse)
Have Some Lunch On Me 🌞👅💦! Yo Hablando Espanol**Caribbean Mix**lNCALL - 24
HAVE YU EVER WANTED a Thick REDBONE FREAK wit a phatt @$$ 50$ spcl AVAIL RITE NOW!!!! - 21
(Bronx, 169 BOSTON RD AVAIL Now my place)
H U G E 😎 B O O T Y 😎 C U T I E 😎 - HiPS , THIgHS , AzZZ - GRIPaBLE BooTY - 100% All Me - 24
(Bronx, bronx - uptown #2/5)
🎇🎉Had A Long Work💼 Week❓ Its Time 2 Unwind Call🔥Fire🔥Your Cuban 👙💄Bahamian👏🎇🎉 Princess👑💎 - 23
(Bronx, Outcalls Your Place 🚗🚗)
🍎🍊🍏🍎🍊🍏🍎🍊🍏🍎🍊🍏🍎🍊🍏🍎🍊🍏GRAND OPENING🍒🍎🍒 NEW STAFFS🍎🍊🍎🍊🍎🍊🍎🍊🍎🍊🍎🍊🍎H&S-; SPA - 21
(Astoria, Astoria Phonel: 917-889-1391, Bronx, Brooklyn, East Side, Flushing, Glen Cove, Jamaica, Long Island, Long Island City, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Ozone Park, Queens, Ridgewood, Up)
LAST 5HRS IN NEWYORK Call Call Call ! 100% REAL PICTURESS 40$ special's ..... 😍😘🌷 - 18
🔵🔵🔵🔴 ✅▬▬ Grand Opening Dooly Dooly Spa! Guaranteed 100% Real Staff Member Pic!! $70/HR 🔴🔴🔴✅ - 21
(6th Ave Between 30 & 31, Bronx, Fairfield, Manhattan, Midtown East, Queens, Westchester)
Hi I'm Anna! Italian Mami with a Puerto Rican Mixture| 19175042758 |Available for incalls now!! - 23
(Bronx, Fordham Road)