Tue 21 Jan
Sofia Santos★ 🎀 Spank me Papi Super Freakin Sexy💰💰 Sweet CuBaN Juicy Bubble Booty The Real Deal Ride that Pony ★ - 20
(Bronx, Incall. Kingsbridge & Valentine Ave)
Report Ad Angelia and Karamel Two Sexy Freaky Ready to make yours Dream come true!! - 21
(Bronx, Boston Road)
SEXXXXXYYYYYY NAOMI..... I Get Nasty..... Call Me... Satisfaction GUARANTEED - 20
(Bronx, Bronx: East Gun Hill Road & Boston Road)
🔥🔥 SMOKING 🔥🔥🔥HOT🔥( ¯`'•.¸* GORGEOUS * )► 👍► EXOTiC _ 🌴Cuban Bahamian🌴🔥🔥Hottie🔥🔥$50 SPECIAL MYA - 23
(Bronx, Incalls/Uptown Area)
ready for something new miss nikki can help..... big sexy thick and juicy bbw!!!!! - 27
(Bronx, bronx incall and outcall)
SnOwBuNnY - The ShOrT CuTiE with the BiG BoOtY*** outcalls only - 26
(Bronx, Bronx & Surrounding areas)
**Ready To play Hotties 2GIRLS**OR 1 Your Choice**Love Kisses** -polish brazil party - 21
(Brooklyn, dumdbo willisburg greenpoint queens ou)
*READ* looking for some late night action? call me over! outcalls 3474514426 - 24
(Bronx, your place)
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(Bronx, bronx Yonkers Manhattan, Long Island City, Manhattan, Queens, Upper Manhattan, Westchester, Woodside)
♥♥Sapphire♥50/80/120♥Miss thick in all the rite places♥♥ New pix, New pix, New pix ♥Lets Party Guys♥ - 21
(Bronx, Fordham Rd, In,Outcalls)
PuErToRiCaN thick Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever 50specials70 - 33
(Bronx, bronx incalls 167 grandconcourse area)
SeXy YoUnG BrAzILLiaN BoMbShELLs HeRe 2Play 50spec 2Girl specials💎💕👅💦😘😘 - 20
(Bronx, North bronx Incalls)
sexy young dominican big'boobs soft lips dwn to earth 420 party friendly 80 100 180 spcls up allnit - 23
(Bronx, outcalls Manhattan bronxs Yonkers outcal)
*°•*☆*•°* ( SeXy ☆ WhItE ☆ BoOtY ) *°•*☆*•°* ★ LET ME ☆ SHOW U ☆ WHAT ☆ I CAN ☆ Do!! 50/80/130hr ★ - 25
(Bronx, Bailey ave,1 train 238st, riverdale area)
😍◢◤◢◤◢◤ ◢ ☆—SExy SOuthErN😘 ----☆ GEorGiA PeaCh◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ ☆ ◤◢◤ - 22
(Bronx, 3rd Ave Near Fordham rd)
👠💄🎀💋Rainy💦🌂☔ day dreams! Make them Come ture With Me💗💓💕$50ssAsk 4 Sky!!!! - 20
(Boston Rd area, Bronx)
Sexy&Sweet; ~ Soft&Petite; ~ MYSTERY ~ Slim Goodie P aradise~ West Indian & Dominican Freak - 20
(Bronx, ,bronx incalls,manh,outcalls only)
( Sh ) °o© ( CAnT ) °o© ( Do ) °o© ( ¡T ) °o© ( L¡K ) °o© ( TH¡S) SX LoviN CUBAN FREAK MAMI - 22
Red🍒💎IN call , ҉♥💎 60 quick.•°❤ ❤°•. 100% REAL AdTHE BEST 👄👄new girls👄👄💋 💜play. ★ - 23
(Bronx, Bronx. E 187st)
Slim, Sexy, & Ready !! For You Baby!
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, anywhere you want me!)
SexY SkIlleD AnD AlOt Of FuN CoMe Try Me AnD see - 20
Sick of all the lam fake pics the crazy rush service well that stops w us Dominacan n columbian - 25
(Bronx, White plains)
Phat Azz ** Thick ** Pretty face ** and freaky ** excellent rates 201-667-0327 - 30
(jerome ave incalls)
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(Bronx, moshulu and gunn hill in the bronx)
R u ready now?...Call: 917 406 6283- 24/7 Free Pics - 69
(Bronx, Bronx/Westchester/NYC, Westchester)
❣• ♡♥♡READY ♡♥♡2 ♡♥♡PLAY ♡♥♡C A L L ♡♥♡N O W ♡♥♡•❣ 8624145595 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx/Manhattan outcalls)
$$$. Sexy Sexy Sexy Latina ?$# Beautiful N Hot puerto rican an Dominican 140 hour sp - 19
(Bronx, gunhill incalls/ outcalls)
**SeXY J.Lo!! LeTs GeT NauGHTy!! 100%ReaL Pics! SPeCiaLs ! SPeCiaLs! SPeCiaLs ! ALL DAY ! ** - 22
❤ PERFECT ➓ _____ LaTiNa ___ L❤verS ____ # 1 PiCK _____60 sPeCiaLs ❤ - 21
Petite w/ Perky Tits N A Nice Round Ass 👅 $60 👅 FETISH 🍌🍌 EBONY 38ddd 30 46 9174348907 - 19
(Bronx, OUTCALLS (bronx) 9174348907)
Sexy Mami » $100hr «Allerton Incall + Antiguan and Panamanian 100% real pics - 25
(Bronx, allerton incall)
❤❤❤sexy latinas 100%real pix 50q 80hh150h best rates on backpage ❤❤❤also 5$drinks on the menu - 23
(Bronx, fordham rd crotona ave)
♥ ♥out CALL/ IN CALL especial 80 ✿ ✿✿ ♥ NICOLE ♥100% REAL ✿ FUN ✿ FREAKY✿407 310 8874 - 21
(Bronx, Bronx/manhattan)
**SeXY Mariela!! LeTs GeT NauGHTy!! 100%ReaL Pics! SPeCiaLs ! SPeCiaLs! SPeCiaLs ! ALL DAY ! ** - 22
▬▬▬💋 OUTCALL ☆ STUNNiNG ★ ▬▬▬▬ ☆ EXClUSiVe ★ ▬▬▬▬ ☆ FUN & AMAZiNG ★ AVAilABlE NOW 💋 - 20
Party girl looking to have a good time ::Amira:: - 24
(Downtown, Manhattan, manhatten,bronx,queens,nj etc)
**SeXY J.Lo!! LeTs GeT NauGHTy!! 100%ReaL Pics! SPeCiaLs ! SPeCiaLs! SPeCiaLs ! ALL DAY ! ** - 22
(Bronx, bronx,manhattan,yonkers)