Mon 27 Jan
50 special 💋💋💋•💋💦💦 [♥] SeXy, & SKiLLeD.VIXEN [Juicy Soft L!pZ][♥] 50 special Up All N!gHT - 19
$60/100/160☆ The rest are imitating ☆Ms.@rmani that will keep u comin 4 more ☆6314027211 - 25
(Bronx, bronx manhattan outcalls n car)
!! 50 STOP !! BOOTY BOOTY~THICK fun guaranteed !! 50/70/100 specials always !!!! - 25
(Bronx, BRONX, WHITE PLAINS RD, whiteplains road)
💯✔🔥Breakfast has never💜👌been this good!💄👢💋💅202-560-6048 - 23
(Bronx, conner St , New Englad ThruWay , INcall)
**Blonde $100.00 special+ HOTT real pics$100.00 special-21 - 21
(Bronx, incall,0utcall Bronx,mantthan)
60/100sPEcIALs♡♥* Hot₰ K¡ηkγ -*♥♥* δωεε† ₰ ©υr√γ -♡♥* - Pi♥* - ηαυς╠╣†γ -*♥*- ρℓαγα†ε - 22
(Bronx, Yankee Stadium incalls)
Best Mou👅h Around!! T👅unge Will Curl Your Toes😘😘!! INCALLS Only - 23
(Bronx, Elder,Westchester Ave 6 LINE INCALL ONLY)
◆♥❤☆❤♥◆☁ ☀ ☁ $50 Tender and Tasty Tuesday $50 ◆♥❤☆❤♥◆☁ ☀ ☁ - 19
(Bronx, 198st and Jerome near 4&D; train)
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off! - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, 1)
😍BBWS Do It The BE$T PuertoRican Princess Ready2Play Exotic && $3xy BBW 40$TOP ! - 20
(Bronx, BX6TRAINSheridanExpwy/Westchesteravearea)
$40 $40 $40 Specials MS.BOUNCE lightskin big booty BBW OPEN miNDed! seXY bbw come & GET it - 19
(Bronx, bronx burnside area)
B A D==A S S== W H I T E ==G I R L == === 100 % R E A L -- O R -- I T S -- F R E E - 23
3 Super Hot Latin Bronx Yonkers Mht All Westchester 24/7 - 20
❤ ► 2 SEXY GIRLS - ◄ ❤ - 24
(Babylon, Brookhaven, Glen Cove, Long Island, Riverhead, Smithtown, your place)
New👀 uℓtiℳαtε ✘ ρℓαγMtε ✘ ✨SKiLLŞ👌👄 ρυRε💎 ρℓ℮αδυRε 🎆Frεαkγ👅💄SEXY👙Soft Juicγ B🅾🅾TY - 21
(Bronx, Morris Park/Pelham Parkway S. INCALL🏡, Westchester)
P*R*E*T*T*Y* ” __*H_O_T_* -” W-E-L-L-H-U-N-G 9 1/2 INC TS TEEKA ! ! - 26
(Bronx, The Bronx & New Rocelle area (In &Outca;)
*'• DON'T GAMBLE ★ *•-:WITH THE ★ *•-:REST ★ *•-: SEE ★ *•-: THE BEST *•-: - 21
(Bronx, Botanical Gardens Bronx)
🌟Passion FLOWER🌟 New in Town. 100$ Specials🌟720 399 6095 - 22
(Bronx, Fordham ROAD INCALLS only( 100$ Specials)
♥▄▀▄▀▄▄▀▄▀▄♥ $50 ★ $80 ★ ♥ ▄▀▄▀▄ 4 : 20 ▄▀▄▀▄ ♥ ★ $80 ★ $50 ♥▄▀▄▀▄▄▀▄▀▄♥ - 19
(Bronx, Bronx near 4&D; Train)
Ladies Needed NOW for established INCALL - OUTCALL Service -- Great Splits - 18
Tue 21 Jan
Come Jump In My Bag Of ~ Skittlez ~ & Taste My Rainbow West Indian & Brazilian Freak - 18
(Bronx, Bronx In & outcalls)
:-• *¨¨*•❤ CoMe eNjOy YoUr NiTe WitH tHis SeXy, FrEaKy BeAuTy w/FaBuLouS SkiLLs •-: :- *¨¨*•❤ - 26
(Bronx, bx IN ONLY!!)
💙💙CLICK ON THIS AD guarantee you won't regret it AVAIL NOW (YOU HOST ) 💰💌 - 18
💋🌹 ((Caramel))🌹💋👑 ((JUiiCY)) 💞 ((FlAWLESS))👍 ((5🌟s )) ✌ ((Exotic)) 😍💎 ((Discreet)👍💌 - 20
(Bronx, Soundview Incalls Only 💕💕)
CHerry BBW come see me 80$ SPECIAL!! 917 528 06 34 - 24
(Allerton white plains rd incall only, Bronx)
Brittany. NEW in TOWN. ♡ 150hr. BLONDE GIRL. 250/2hrs. 600 till 10 am - 22
(Bronx, 242 st Broadway van Cortland #1)
°C°_°A°_°N° ___°Y °_°O°_° U° __ °H°_°A°_°N °_°D °_°L °_° E° _°US* - - 22
best special 80 hr good touch new staff good time for your In call 914.327.9068 real pictures - 28
(Bronx, Bronx ny)
Beautiful Discreet Freak Petite" WarM You Up Specials !%!%! (YuMM , YuMM) !%!%! CoME GeT SuMM !%!%! - 21
(Bronx, Yankee Stadium Condo Incall)
BaLL DrOpPn (40) SpeCiaLs!!! (60) BaLL DrOpPn (100) SpeCiaLs!!! - 21
(Bronx, u CoMe 2 mE/241 wHite pLns)
Bbw💋👉Gεn†ℓεmαη's #❶ Cho¡cε💯%🙌💃❤ ØN€☝️◆DØS€ & YØU'LL◆B€◆HØØK€D 50spl.【√¡ρ Tяεα†mεη+ - 32
(Bronx, Bronx incalls)
Asian girls from Japan in&out; calls ASIAN. 140hr. 10000% real picture. - 21
(Bronx, outcalls & in 149st grand concourse)
_ _ _ _. _ _ _ _B R A Z I LI A N _ __KAYLA NEW _ _. _ COLOMBIAN. _ _ ___ __ _JASMINE_ _____ _ L A T I N A_ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ - 26
(Bronx, Fairfield, New Rochelle,.............,Stamford, Other, Westchester)
✨✨💋all u need is this freaky columbian DD'S real sexy % 100 real pics nooooo rush baby - 25
(Bronx, White plains road)
A1 Steaksauce50 Juicy SPECIALZ80 Sweet Petite Exotic Chocolate Sexy Discreet Freak!! - 23
(Bronx, East 169 st (INCALL) Boston Road 10456)
80$ Apple Bottom BBw Bella ILL down it @ll Wh3r3va Toned Thick Donk Busty Soft Booty Fantasy Girl - 23
(Bronx, white plains rd area)
🎀🎀A SWEET & TASTY Cuban Treat👅💦*50 Specials All Morning*💦👅Call Me NOW!! 🎀🎀Im Ready For YOU🎀🎀 - 23
(Bronx, Bronx InCalls)
80,80 Special I'm Back your delight from the Islands to Fulfill your hours Desires see you soon - 22
(Bronx, BX 6 Train Westchester Ave)
👀50specials hh70 bbw independent puertorican freak NO disappointment call☎ iris 3475920094 - 36
(Bronx, (incall )👌169 grandconcourse area)
*** $50 Sweet like Chocolate Soft like Silk & Ready for u Daddy :) - 21
(Westchester, Dobbs ferry/Ardsley)
60 80 120 Special New §kiLL€Ð LiP§👅 THiCk HiP§👙 BiG TiT§🍒 Can you HaNÐL€ - 22
(Bronx, Boston Road Incalls only)
$50 Specials! Voluptous BBW willing to do what others won't! 40DDD Redbone! Golden Lips - 23
50♥80Bring it to Mama! Ill take good care of him;) BubbleBootie Gorgeous Guyanese Exotic FrEak - 23
(Bronx, E169st Incall Discreet Apt 50☆80)
!! 50 STOP !! BOOTY BOOTY~THICK fun guaranteed !! 50/70/100 specials always !!!! - 25
(Bronx, BRONX, WHITE PLAINS RD, whiteplains road)
$50 specials (Non Rushed) relax stress free A+ plus service 100% pics (347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238th Neried Ave Whiteplains Road)