Tue 21 Jan
New😘 Sexy Fun✨Playful 100% Real Mixed Beauty ✨✨Specials Call Now Well Reviwed - 22
(Bronx, Boston road Incalls/ surrounding area)
sexxy girls dominicans Naomi and Vannessa 40 special - 23
(Bronx, 170 grand councurse train D and 4)
🌟seXXy puerTo Rican n Dominican miXX 100% Real PhoTos🌟 Incall / Outcall - 26
(Bronx, Nyc.westch county.yonkers.mt vernon)
Rosa & stef 100% real pix new girl ((180hr 2girls)) ((120hr))) 1girl ((( fetishes)) - 19
(Bronx, allerton av. whiteplains Rd 2 liNE)
@*@*@* NEW to the family..NOMI 6'feet 1"inches..DR /INDIAN BLACK FOOT - 27
(Bronx, Allerton Boston Rd)
☆!☆!☆!☆!☆! NEW SERENA .Island girl.Grenadian very CURVY! bootilicous! ☆!☆!☆!☆!☆!
(Bronx, yonkers manhattan IN CALLS & OUT CALLS)
👑Raven 👑 Guaranteed To Be your Favorite Memorable experience - 25
(Bronx, Bruckner blvd / white plains rd Incall)
Satisfaction *is* ONLY *a*call * away I Got It
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, anywhere you want me!)
S T O P !!!!! ==2 F O R =O N E !!! ----- D O M I N I C A N ---- A N D -- W H I T E - 21
✨✨✨ PretTy Latin ✨☶✨✨✨▐✨✨ ❤Sexy BoOTY !!▐✨✨▐✨✨ ❤✨✨✨✨▐ HOTTIE▐❤✨✨✨✨❤ - 24
(Bronx, NORTH bronx-incalls)
New 😘💋💎 Goddess⭐ 💕 💯% ReaL 💕💎 Curvy Body😘💎💋 BeauTiIFuL FaCe 💕 AlwAyS CLaSSY 💕 💚🎀💚 Baby 80$ - 22
(Bronx, Bronx Incalls)
🌟Quiero Seducirte Todo💋Calentosa💒 Latina Baby🔥DOMINICANA🔥😄 Ven Papi 😄💜 No Rush 💗 La Mejor D - 21
(Bronx, Downtown, East Side, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, New Jersey, North Hempstead, Other, outcalls ..to All NYC 24/7, Staten Island, Upper Manhattan, West Side, We)
New Never Seen Before Lightskin Redbone - RIVERDALE RED - Pretty Hands, Feet, and Face -2 NU PHOTOS! - 21
{{{NEW}}} 100% €ErT!F!ED CUt!E w/ a PH@t JucY B00T¥ 1000% me or Its FREE !!!! - 20
💋💦💦 Puerto Rican Cutie, Anticipating Your Call, & Ready To Have A Good Time 👅💋🌟 - 22
(Bronx, Third Ave /185th- Fordham)
*NEW GIRL*Latina Delicious Will do ANYTHING for the right donation No cover Available - 18
(Bronx, bronx Westchester babyj & no cover)
©• {Pl€aSuR€} • {S€ssIoN} °o©• {60$$} • INCALL • Sp€cIAL! °o©• Y-A-Z-Z-M-I-N • SeXy freak• - 22
p.r & d.r mix ** iam on** ; 50ex 100% REAL pics ****160HR **** - 19
(Bronx, barnes av pelham prkw 2&5 trains)
New intown, Latina Mixed, Big B👀ty College Cutie, Mocha 💅🏾💋💦 - 19
(Bronx, 163rd Brook ave, incalls only)
Perfection @ its Finest!!! Dominican Princess !!! are u my KiNG ? lets party!! specials $80 - 19
(Bronx, bronx/ riverdale incalls only)
NEW In Town! Eʙᴏɴʏ BBW [✔] 60/80/120 [✔]•AVAILABLE NOW •[✔] - 20
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey, Queens)
( ( ( NeW! ! )) ) )_ ❌⭕❌ _ *BLOnDE PRinCeSS*_ ❌⭕❌_( ( (AvAiLaBlE NoW! ! - 22
(Bronx, bronx,manhattan)
NEW__ SuPeR * BiG * B'oo'ty ___ (*( 34 b )*) __ 1 of a KIND ___* ToP * NOTCH * BEAUTY ((INCALL)) - 23
(BXin out calls)
★ Party Exotic GiRL ★SuPa T¡gHT & JUICY ★70$100$ 150$ 518-866-4433 - 21
(Bronx, Sheridan expressway hotel incalls)
• • • • • ► • ★ •* N A U G T H Y • • • H O T T I E *• ★ • ◄ • • • • • - 21
(Bronx, Bronx (( IN ONLY )) 50.100.140)
out & incalls Specials**💯% Real Pics if it ain't Me Than its Free*** - 18
(Bronx, bronx//your place)
•°o♥o°•★☆ [•♥•[ N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥•] NEVER LOOKED [•♥•] THIS N*I*C*E - •♛ specials 6464218141 - 21
(Bronx, 180th & 3rd ave)
😘OpenMinded Playmate 😝💎 ToTaL FReAk! 💎 PeRKY *Slim waist 🍭💦 VERY TALENTED; LET me show YOU🍭 - 20
(Bronx, Conner St. New England Thru I-95 Ex13)
OUT CALL W :: A :: R :: N :: I :: N :: G•☠• VERY SEXXY OUt CAll sexy PAMELA call me - 23
(Bronx, Bronx/)
�💦missy🐰Dominican Mami🐇 incalls Only🏭Fun Sensual experience!!!💋Bx Hunts Point - 21
(Bronx, Hunts Point Souther Blvd , incalls only)
melissa UPSCALE Latina ##, *200/250* 100% me hablo espanol - 19
(Midtown East, 54 st 5th av in calls MYplace)
NICE👅💦 BUSTY (SPANIS ) 🇫🇺🇳 💋 ➡➡➡🆕🆒 🇦🇲 💎✨💖UpscaLe F l a w l e s s 💖💎✨ 🎯💯%R🎯E🎯A🎯L💦 - 26
(Bronx, New Jersey, 👉gunhill/whiteplains rd.👈)
!!!!@mazing $killz in&outcalls; east233st whiteplains rd - 19
(Bronx, 233 E whiteplains rd area in/outcalls)
!! ★MemoriaL Day SpeCial's $49.99 $49.99 $49.99 HoLidaY wkD!! ★ !! - 22
(Bronx, iNcaLL ★ 161st & Park ave.)
🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎New Staff💙🎀💙GRAND OPENING 💙🎀💙BOBO WORK SPA💙🎀💙 Every mans exotic dream 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 - 23
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, New Jersey, Other, Bayside)
★LOOK••••►HeRE ❤ ❤ FReAKY ❤❤ CLiCK HERE ❤1OO% EXOTiC ]•((CuTiE❤❤ BuSTY ❤❤ BiG BOOTY - 23
(Bronx, The Best Incall and outcall ever)
💋💋LOrenA 🔥HOT🔥🔥 freaky young Dominican 💄100% real pics 1( 305)563-9522 🍼👅 BRONX - 23
(Bronx, West BRONX)
😳😳NEW TO BP (straight From Chicago ) CLICK ON THIS POST (Video) UP at This Moment #IN+OUT➕ Special - 24
Lets Start this new year off with a BANG!!! - 22
(Bronx, Brooklyn, everywhere, Fairfield, Glen Cove, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)