Tue 21 Jan
SEXY Petite Ebony Ready To FreAk INCALLS ONLY!!7189246640 - 22
(Bronx, Near Westchester Ave.Bruckner Exp.6train)
💭💋 Sweet Cherry Kisses 📞 Call Me Your Mistress 🌉 🆕 Area 🆕 Specials 📲🍒 - 22
(Bronx, 🏰 183rd & Prospect Incall ♨)
Super Curvy BBW, sit a glass on that a*$, Brand new 2 backpage - 26
(Bronx, upper westside harlem, private apt incal)
SUper THICK THIGHS ND A PHATT BOOTY very freakY!!! 60$ 347 290 5299 NCALLS!! - 22
(Bronx, 241 WHITEPLANES .. Avail)
Sexy Mami » $100hr «Allerton Incall + Antiguan and Panamanian 100% real pics - 25
(Bronx, allerton incall)
Super Sexy Latina Freak 24HRS Incall... Lets Have Fun.. Best Skills.. Llamame - 22
(Bronx, Morris Ave/ BX INCALLS)
sexy lady 125 hour 100%me new on b.p apple bottom ()()() let me make your week - 19
(Bronx, allerton AV whiteplains Rd #2 26bus)
special only today $35 dominican and puerto rico - 25
(Bronx, 196 end bainbridge area grand concourse)
★ ★ ★ ———• Sexy •————• COLUMBIAN •———• OUTCALL ONLY •——• ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ - 24
����S��P��A��N��I��S��H�� 2x1OO PURE AZZ ♡♥♡♥ BIG TITS! BIGGER BOOTY ������������������������������ - 22
{SpAnK ME} 👋👋👋 {PuLL My HAiR} • 🍒🍒** PreTTY * EXOtiC * DOMINicAN EBONY💯%% - 22
(Bronx, vancourtlandt/broadway)
S P A N I S H..... B O M B S H E L L..... R E A D Y..... T O..... P L E A S E..... Y O U..... B X... - 21
(Bronx, BRONX NY / 4565 3RD AVE)
S E X Y -- 4 '11 -- S Q U I R T E R!!!!!!!! Great performence, great company. outcalls - 19
(Bronx, bronx/harlem)
☀️ ▃▃▃▃ Relax With Us Today ▃▃▃▃ ☀️ Brazilian ☀️ Colombian ☀️ ▃▃▃▃ ☀️ - 26
(Bronx, NEW ROCHELLE , NY, Westchester)
★★★ S m A c K ★★★T h E s E★★★C h e E k S★★★M a K e ★★★Me ★★★S c R e A m ★★★U r ★★★N a M e★★★ - 34
Pϵtitϵ 💋╚»⇰ Ⱳhiȶe Ɠirℓ ❦ ╚» ⇰ perƒect ➓☆ 💋❧ YOUNG, & SexY ❥ -⇰⇰ - 19
(Bronx, Incalls ONLY 💋 ╚» Southern Blvd)
sick of over paying? 👌👈👌👈👌👈 dont missout 50c@r d@t3$ and outcalls specials 🍆✊💦💦😰😂 - 23
(Bronx, pick ups c@R$ and outcalls)
♥PeTiTe* sExYy ♥× && rOcKiN* bOdy ReAdY 2 pLeAsE* ♥60$ 100$ 150$ - 19
(Bronx, Bx incall/outcall boston rd nd gunhill)
*Put* Me* On* The*Top* Of* Your* To* Do* LIST iRReSiStAblE Big BooTy Freak... - 23
(Bronx, The Best Incall and outcall ever)
PERFECT ➓ ( 5 ☆ S €Rv!C€ ; ) FLaWL€sS~Hottie! ★ TH€ F®€ak!€§T Ø F TH€M ALL - 19
(Long Island, Outcalls)
sexy laitina 100% real TODAY. spc ** 140=2girls full hour *** ) new GIRL. ** - 20
(Bronx, 231 st. Broadway. 1 train of I 87)
$PECIAL BRONX Delivery IRRESISTIBLE Boricua Maribel*82 914 258 0947 - 25
*PERFECT 1O ★* _ =*= ALL~NATURAL _ (( BiG BOOTy )) __ Mixed latina =*= _____ *100% REAL*70$$$$$ - 18
(Bronx, Bronx everywhere)
NoW! ❤ "100" FrIdAy SpEcIaLS!! SeXXy NeW GIrLs!!!" ♛ █ - "ThE BrOnX!" - DiScReeT - 18
(Bronx, Call: 888 268 2986)
OUTCALLS ♥♥ Jamaican Beauty. . Up A!! Nit€. . 914~ 562~9685 - 19
(Bronx, OUTCALLS EVERYWHERE 914 513 6345)
♥ ♥out CALL/ IN CALL especial 80 ✿ ✿✿ ♥ GYNa♥100% REAL ✿ Latina sexy big - 21
(Bronx, Bronx/manhattan)
* SEXY & FUN 2 is hotter then 1 * 2 for 120 * 2 Bubble B0otyz * Mystery & Treasure * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill&boston; road ncalls/bx&manh; out)
♥♥Sapphire♥♥Miss thick in all the rite places♥♥ ¤New pix¤ New pix¤ Limited time guys - 22
(Bronx, fordham cortona incalls/outside)
💣New🌷 Sexy Bombshell💰 Stephanie💋NO TEXT!!! CALL NOW!!! - 22
(Bronx, INCALL ONLY Near Yankee Stadui 100% Safe)
NICE @ss HOT S€XY mixed pr & Italian girl/🍰🍭waiting on u!! - 19
(Bronx, 169 grandconcourse(incalls)
★★👌 Sensual ★★👌 Sexy ★★Top ❶ Best Choice☞ !★ Open minded girls★👌 - 21
(Bronx, Fairfield, Manhattan, Queens, Westchester)
NEW🍒👅💦 YuMMy🍭🍒 LATINA PRINCESS👸💋🔥 Simply the Best 🔥💋 ReadY to Please👅💦💋 VeRy AddiCtiVe👉 ☎️CALL NOW☎️👈 - 24
(Bronx, Boston Rd 🍒🍭 Conner st 😋🍭INCALLS ONLY💋)
💕 Nice 💞 Lips👅👄 And TIGHT GRIPS💋💦🍒 BIG BOOTY FREAK🍭🍬🍑READY 4 Slippery💦💦FUN🌟🎀 - 24
(Bronx, Manhattan, Midtown West, Morrisania Area Incalls/Habla Espanol, Upper Manhattan, West Side, Westchester)
RAINy NIGHt Come Get Moist w/ Carlie Trifecta ★ Tasty Chocolate - 23
♥S U P E R **♥** H O T T♥ - 21
(Bronx, Morris Park and White Plains Rd)
NEWto bp!! FIVE STAR SERVICE!! young sexy clean avalible NOW Jade Marie 3476381319 - 18
(Bronx, Fordham)
R A R E ** M I X!!!! Puero rican & indian. great rates!!!!! T H E==B E S T - 19
(Queens, Queens/Brooklyn)
NEW GIRL NEW PICS (¯`' .... '´¯) ♥JUST WHAT U WANTED ♥(¯`' ....'´¯) RARE MIX - 21
new GIRL NEW bubble booty READY NOW //160hr// 2 girls buy 1 get 1 free > > 100% real pix - 20
◆◆◆ PuR£ Pl£ASUR£ ◆◆◆ ToP QuaLiTy £Xp£Ri£Nc£ ◆◆◆ W£'LL Tr£aT U LIK£ A KinG ◆◆◆ VerY hoTT 2 giRl spec - 23
(Bronx, Boston rd)
(Bronx, North Bronx Incalls)
¥¥¥~~ PINKY // All Afternoon Speacial ~~¥ ¥¥ In call rite 3474957414 - 21
(Bronx, Bronx & Harlem in call out.call)
》》NeW # >>SUNSHINE 》》☆☆646*525*9026*☆☆ DrInK EveRy DroP????*^*^*^*^$)(()(40$ $pCl $$(*)()(*)() - 26
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Crown Heights, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, New Jersey, Other, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
*PERFECT 1O ★* _ =*= ALL~NATURAL _ (( BiG BOOTy )) __ Mixed latina =*= _____ *100% REAL*70$$$$$ - 18
(Bronx, Bronx everywhere)
Need somebody to play with ? come play with me . ready for ur desire incall specails n outcall - 19
▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐▐ 🎯 New Staff 🎯▐▐▐▐▐ K SPA▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐▐ ▐▐▐▐▐ ▐ ▐▐▐▐▐ - 23
(Bronx, New Rochelle/Westchester/Bronx)