Tue 21 Jan
💦💋❤️ Aphrodite ❤️💋💦 E 256 STREET Horny Freaky Boricua 100%Real Pics - 19
(Bronx, Van Cortlandt/East 256th Street)
💦💋❤️ Aphrodite ❤️💋💦$50 MORNING SPECIAL INCALLS ONLY!! Whitlock Avenue 💦Freaky Boricua 💋100% Real Pics - 19
(Bronx, Whitlock Avenue 6 Train/Sheridan Expwy)
Angelic smile , busty sexy Asian is waiting for you , out call available ~~~~~~~~ 917-470-2129 - 21
(Astoria, Queens, Queens Manhattan Bronx LongIsland)
🌌🌌🔵🌌🌌🔵 ASIAN FEVER ! 🌌🔵 🌌🔵Body Grinder🔵🌌🌌 Best Young Asian Girls!!!!! Actual 100% Pic - 21
(Midtown East, between 30th and 31st street & 6th ave)
929-230-7282 💦💦🔥thick light skin Egypt here to bring in Father's Day right! call now💦💦💦👅 - 25
(Bronx, In calls & out Wakefeild section of Bx)
🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎7/24🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 MUST CHECK OUT!! new staff 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎� - 22
(Midtown West, MIDTOWN🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎7/24 39st 5~6)
80$ outcall special!! PuLL My Hair N Spank ME! E✖ΘTiC❥Ki₦KY!!! 2 FreAKy GirLs AvaiLaBL£!!! - 23
(Bronx, bronx Boston Rd)
*AC COOL 100💰Rubia Santos💰100 (NO Text. NO Outs. NO Persons Under 40) (Greco-Roman) *AC COOL - 19
(Bronx, Manhattan, RIVERDALE. JOHNSON. KAPPOCK. 235TH., West Side, Westchester)
50spec ★ DYNAMIC DUO ♥ We DO what ★ MOST DONT ♥ No Regrets ★ DISCREETE PLEASURE ♥ Treat yourself - 23
(Bronx, Near Yankee Stadium (420) 2grlsx100)
💦💋💥60💋120💋160💦💦slip n slide in this 🌟💫💥pleasures box🍑🍑🍑 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx outcalls I come to you 💥)
$60 {JUICY} °☆° {LUCY} °☆° {EXTREME} °°☆° {PLEASURE} SERVED HOT $60 specials - 30
(Bronx, yankee stadium in/outcalls)
$60 Outcalls Specials 🆕 🍩🍫Coco Outcalls Specials 🍫🍬Come and savior this chocolate 🍯dip 🍫😜 - 21
(Bronx, Bronx (Outcalls))
70 *F L A W L E S S *I N D I A N & D O M I N I C A N* B E A U T Y ** 2 4 HRS - 26
(Bronx, B X/ 240 WHITE PLAINS RD /GUNHILL 24 hrs)
★•:.7.0 inCall •:*.• ThE SaTiSFaCTiOn SpECiaLiST. * SofESt ROUnd BooTY and PreTTy NiCE SmIlE - 22
(Bronx, my ApT incallz GraND concourse)
50specials70 PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever CALL 347 849 0010 - 33
(Bronx, bronx incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
5ospecials7o PuErToRiCaN bbw Big BooTy PuRE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever Hablo espanol - 36
(169 Grand concourse area ( IN), Bronx)
60🌷🌷Special! Body Rub & FETISHES INCLUDED😻 This Mouth Is Ridiculous 👅👅🍭💪 (Safe Play😘60'100'160 - 18
(Bronx, No Hotel/Projects. Pvt Home 119 & 2nd Av)
60SS Freaky Nasty Chocolate 🍫PlaymaTE 👯Kittenz🐱 Call Now😻 for 60SS SPECIAL - 23
50Freakoff With You80 Friday Bouncing my Bubble so Sexxy in-Reverse! Soft WaRm Sexy Sweet - 23
(Bronx, E169st Incall Discreet Apt 50☆80)
5 ladies Dominican SAMY @ KARLA @ ROCIO @ MIA @ LUISA special $60 $ 24/7 - - 22
(Bronx, 1815 morris av 176)
🚨🚨 50 special ⚠️all tunnels ⚠️ OMG LOOK AT Her butt boyz ⚠️⚠️💖 💕JAMAICAN ▃💖▃ SWEET&JUICY; ▃ - 22
(Bronx, Kingsbridge Rd and concourse)
40/70/100 special ►╠╣OT ☎☟♥ ★T0TALLY 💰 S—E— X—Y 💰 ★ ♥☟☎█▒☆MS TRINI BODY☆ █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ █▒ ►╠╣OT - 21
(Bronx, 196 and concourse)
$50 specials (Non Rushed) relax stress free A+ plus service (347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238th Neried Ave Whiteplains Road)
40TOP Ready NOW 50SS 100Half 150Hr ! LetsParty💊 SEXY PR 💦BBWMami 💯INCALLS ONLY - 21
(Bronx, bronx middletown rd 6train INCALLS ONLY)
💲50 💲50💲50 ⭐⭐STAR⭐⭐ Come 👀 ME 💋💋 👉All Night 💲50 Specials👈Incalls Only - 22
(Bronx, Westchester ave 6 train line)
$50 & 2 girl special^*^*^2 DoSeZ Of ExAcTlzy WhAt ThE dOcToR pReScRiBeD^*^* Slim chicks - 18
(Bronx, Traveling To You('_') Travel to me too)
@40@80@ Hot dominicana valery and viky incall bebe 9292506374 - 26
(184st and park Ave bronx, Bronx)
** (($40)) M¡¡Lk n cOoKiEs 4 bReAkFaST... (($40)) ** {wKnD sPeCiaLs} - 21
(Bronx, 161st *yAnKeeStAdiUm*)
2000% SuMMeR TiMe SnOw BuNNy AfTeR PaRtY AVAiLABLE NoW!! CaLL Me NoW! iNCaLL RiGhT NoW! - 23
★★★ ★★★ 10o* incall****_____THe CURVIEst HOtTest latiNA GIRL _____ ****10o ★ incall ★★★ ★★★ - 23
(Bronx, inalls 100*150hr sheridan expwy)
💢💦2GiRl $peCiaL CoMe See👀What that Mouth Do💦💢👅PuRe PleaSure➡W€tt LiPs N' TiGht Gripz😲 - 22
(Bronx, Boston Rd / Gunhill Rd)
( ( ( 2 iS BeTTeR ThAn 1 ) ) ) 24/7 ( ( NeW GiRlS ArE BeTtEr ) ) 24/7 ( ( ( ClEaN HoTeL FuN ) ) ) - 18
(ARDSLEY westchester incall only)
2 girl spc ®®® 5000% real pics 160hr=2 girls full hour * ® //no cover/// 2 girsl 1 price - 19
(Bronx, pelham prkw williamsbridge #5 or.bx 12)
¨¨ ☆2_SMOKING ╠╣ot! ♥╠╣ot! ♥EXOTIC ρℓαγmαtεs �%100 Real P¡C$ ★$50 Special$ !! - 26
(Bronx, Incalls Only)
2 --4-- O N E !!! ,,,,,,,D O M I N I C A N ;;;N ;; W H I T E == D ON T ==M I S S!! - 23
100% Real Photos ❤️Bella Velez❤️ Visiting Outcalls Only Traveling Only - 25
(Bronx, Out Calls Only Any Where In The City)
100% Pleasing Hot Beauty Irresistile Boricua MARIBEL *82 914 258 0947 Bronx - 25
Mind_BIowwing T00 Tlght Tombyy T0yyPlay TAAsha Thick Lesbo BiFreaky 💋wit all that Azzzz 👅💦👍 - 26
(Bronx, Uptown Bronx incall)
ts alexiis is bak in da southbronx. $917$770$2374$ - 28
(Bronx, southbronx nyc area,145 st brook ave)
🍆👅 Slippery Cookies💦🍪🍪 💋Dimepiece💋tuesday $pecials Don't miss out💋😈🍆 - 23
(Boston rd/ e tremont, Bronx)
👙💋💦mz curvy🍓who wanna show me how it's done👠🍇😍And don't be scared $60 specials for q v💦💦 - 21
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls, New Jersey)
good morning baby coming to dare for the best thing I do whatever you want914.327.9068 - 30
(Bronx, Bronx ny)
💎Young Sexy 💄Hot 🔥and Ready NOW💎 Ask About 60 Special !!!! - 25
(Allerton and Whiteplain Rd, Bronx Park E, Bronx)