Mon 27 Jan
IM lOoKiNg foR sOmE SaUsages fOR mY cOOkouT*** MEmoriAL DAY specials - 21
(Bronx, Bronx yankee stadium area/ 161 area)
:-• *¨¨*•❤ Ø₦₡€ iŦ HiŦ§ M¥ Li₱§ 💋💋💋 I §Ŧ₳ℛŦ ŦØ ÐØ M₳Gi₡ Ŧℛi₡K§ •:- *¨¨*•❤ ƦεaÐy ƦiŦε ₦Ø₩ 💥👑💎 - 27
(Bronx, N. Bx I₦₡AŁŁ§ O₦L¥)
im working with my gym clothes right REAL Samantha is here call ME now out call only - 28
(Bronx, yonkers,mt.vernon,new rochelle)
🚺🚺🚺🚺🚺 ▬▬▬💞▬▬▬ MAGIC TOUCH ▬▬▬💞▬▬▬ Pretty & Sexy ▬▬▬🚺🚺🚺🚺▬ YOUNG ASIAN GIRLS ▬▬▬ - 22
(RT 9 **** ossining***westchester, Westchester)
MiSs cHrIsTyLe BaCk On ACtIon rEaDY tO gIvE a SaTiSfaCtIon To wHo eVeR iS ReADy fOr somE BaCk ActIoN - 21
(Bronx, bronx inncalls only)
*♥*~~*♥ I heard YOU like it NASTY.....TALL Exotic FREAK with AMAZING skills~*♥*~~*♥ - 22
(Bronx, Out calls)
*:©:* I EnJoy wAt i do*:©:* *:©:* SpAnK Me *:©:* SeXy EbonY FrEak *:©:* sensual - 21
(Bronx, BRONX CoZy INcall)
💙 💦 I 💕💦 AIM 💦💕 2 PLEASE 💕💜💦NEVER 2 TEASE💦💕💜🌹100 SPECIAL avail 🔥 LET ME PAMPER You - 20
(Bronx, East Tremont Ave)
💕💜 💦 I 💕💦 AIM 💦💕 2 PLEASE 💕💜💦NEVER 2 TEASE💦50 specials - 25
(Bronx, Private New Incall by 241 wakefield)
melissa *140hr* 100% real 100% dominican * hablo espanol * - 24
(Bronx, fordham rd university av d&4 off 87)
Hottie Brazilian Latina Ziomara Chantal *82 914 258 0947 Espetacular Figure - 25
I'm the one you want!!!!!! Nothing but sexinessss!!!!!!!! 100% real pics - 22
(Bronx, Bronx manhattan)
MONDAY Night Special!! Your REAL Authentic ★ Snowbunnie ★ ALERT! 120 Outcall Specials all day!! - 21
mmmm yummy!! all the things you want & more!!
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
If u a freak dont look any more super freak 100 hour CALL NOW ..... 347 818 1237 / 917 600 0941 - 20
(Bronx, Fordham Incall Only)
I T A L I A N...I T A L I A N....R E A D Y ...F O R.....Y O U...B R O N X..... - 21
!! ★MemoriaL Day SpeCial's $49.99 $49.99 $49.99 HoLidaY wkD!! ★ !! - 22
(Bronx, iNcaLL ★ 161st & Park ave.)
Hot** Tight*** College*** Cutie New To Bronx..... Private In-Calls.. .Discrete Location!! Call Now!! - 25
Hottie Sexy Beauty Brazilian / Venezuelan Camila *82 914 258 0947 - 25
MAKE THE BEST CHOICE: Sweet Ebony Seduction... Indulge A Little... AVAILABLE immediately **** - 22
* in call* 50$pecial~Sexy* Beautiful**playmate* LaTiNa*~come out n play* - 25
(Bronx, 179st UNIVERSITY AVE( IN CALL)*sf.prvt)
IMAN! (NO Text NO Outs NO Af Am Under 40. Thank you.) - 19
💋IM BACK🍭 Touch Me👐🏾 Tease Me👅 Can You Please Me?👀💦Call NOW 347.509.9895🍓 - 22
(Bronx, 🔷Morris Park/Pelham Parkway South🏡🔷)
im a freak ready to give up some heat tosomeone thats a freak - 21
(bronx fordham in 3rd ave incalls only)
•… MiSS.EXOtiC SliM REAdy To wARm yOU Up.( SPEACiAlS All MORNiNG ...• - 22
(Bronx, Bronx Area Whiteplans.)
I T A L I A N...B O M B S H E L L...I M...B A C K...G U Y S..A N D...I M..R E A D Y..F O R .Y O U - 21
(Bronx, BRONX NY / EXIT 13 ON 95 NORTH)
😘😍MISS NY... Did you miss me?👅💦 Back in town!!! 😈😘COME SEE WHY IM THE BEST💦👅😈COME GET IT😘💋👑 - 23
(Bronx, INCALLS ONLY (Southern Blvd)
I ThInK ItS TiMe To LeT My SeXi SpAnIsH WiLD SiDe OuT 50 In CaLl $pEcIaL - 25
(Bronx, Bronx Allernton avenue)
I ** D O ** E V E R Y*T H I N G !!!!!!!!!! B E S T *** D A T E ***E V E R !!!!! S E X Y !! - 25
i Aim To PlEaSe U wIlL LoVe ME 34B-24-44 i HaVe ReVieWS 80 special - 23
(Bronx, boston rd /baychester av)
** Hottest ALL NUDE Private Lap Dance in New York* *NEW GIRLS** 718-684-3441 SAFE Private,Discreet - 20
(Bronx, Pelham Bay VERY SAFE AREA)
MAKE u FEEL GREAT special NEW to BP BBW "ChEeCks" ((( 40 specials ))) 24hr - 21
♥¤♥ IM So Unexplainable Unforgettable★ Unbelievable ★Cuban & jamaican♥¤♥Come See For Yourself ★ - 22
(Bronx, bronx cool a.c. private incalls/outcalls)
I'm caramel with black hair my weight ; 120 height ; 5,3 .... Let's have a good time ;) :) Out Call - 21
(Bronx, bron)
Mouth watering pleasure! Ivory Lynne your ultimate sin! 5one6four1eight4ohfour9 - 21
(Bronx, 170th Grand Concourse - Bronx Outcalls)
Mocha here wit Ashley Beauty ;) 70SpL 70 SpL 🌟🌟✨✨ Two girls 130 SPL 9179957888 - 23
(Bronx, Bronx (Incalls only))
I T A L I A N ----- B O M B S H E L L ...H O T -- N A ST A S H A - 23
**Hottest All Nude Private Lap Dance** NEW GIRLS* Discreet, Clean, Exciting 718-684-3441 - 20
(Bronx, Pelham Bay Bronx , VERY SAFE AREA)
😍😍Hot New Asian Spinners 🔥🔥 👅👅💦💦Pretty and Young🔥🔥Petite and Discreet - 24
(West Side, Hells Kitchen)
❤ ★ ♥•♥ ▓ ▒ * ❤.•* LOv3LyLATiNA S3XY$StARr * ★* ♥•♥ Hott! mami !🔥🔥🔥Spani$hSw33t❤�panish ❤ - 36
(Bronx, Bronx, New York)
Modelo #1 Barbie Yasmin 914 258 0947 Irresistible Venezuelan Bronx Anytime - 22
** @M@Nd@ ** 50/80/120 ** 347_904_5612 avble after 4 pm - 23
(Bronx, bronx incall boston rd n conner st area)
*~* Mixed Ebony Goddess AVAILABLE NOW!! OUTCALL ONLY to Manhattan and BX*~* - 23
(Bronx, BX and Manhattan OUCALLS ONLY)
HOTT *White- Cutie wit a *BOOTY* * Sexy ItaLiaN.. !! 50-15 75-30min 100-1hr!! ALL PICS 100% ME!! - 25
(Bronx, Bailey 238,1TRAIN,MajDeegEx10/11)