Mon 27 Jan
SEXXY▓► N_E_W ** I_s_L_a_N_d 《《 Pl_A_¥ m_A_T_e→▓ *AVAILABLE NOW* ☎°•..-:¦:-.. Beauty On Duty ¦ - 21
(Bronx, incalls/outcalls van courtland)
seductive💦SweEt💦DomInIcan & Guyanese Beauty💦😜ThE One & only Treat💦 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx / incalls only)
StOP🚫!!!SToP🚫!!!!!💦BOoTy💦 BoOty 🍑MATURE Dominican hottie🍓CALI GIRL🌴💞 - 24
(Queens, Jamaica NY, Queens JFK Airport)
stef. 100%me. /150hr/ back in town. WoW. fun FUN fun - 19
(Bronx, boston rd. conner st. iff I 95. I95)
SEXXY► N_E_W ** I_s_L_a_N_d 《《 Pl_A_ m_A_T_e→ *AVAILABLE NOW* ☎•..-::-.. Beauty On Duty - 21
(Bronx, outcall)
_______S E X Y1 201-400-9463call me - 21
(Bronx, Bronx Inn call, Brooklyn, Downtown, East Side, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, New Jersey, Other, Queens, Staten Island, Upper Manhattan, West Side, Westchester)
Sensual Nude 🍒 DREAM GIRL SPA 🍒 Bodyslide ❌ NEW spa Shower ❌ ❌❌ REAL PHOTOS - 23
(Bronx, Long Island, Other, Queens, Westchester, broadway astoria Queens NUDE)
° ¥ÕÜ Ð§RV H ߧ °° CÜßÅNÅ y DoMiNiCÅnA MiXxÐ MÅMiÅ °° SpEciaLs - 22
(Bronx, INZ-Yankee Stadium- & OUTS - Manhattan)
★★★•°•°• S E X Y ! •°•°•° G O R G E O U S •°•°•° EBONY BARBIE•°•°•° B O M B S H E L L •°•°•° -★★★ - 21
(Bronx, incalls only)
REAL pic 1000%% 50$ Special IN cALlS ONLY especial llamaME Now!!!!!!!!! - 22
(Bronx, Incalls bronx lafayette av)
**~~ ST0P BY F0R SUM M0RN!NG BRE@KF@ST Th!s L!GHT BR!GHT Mami Will Make UR day !!!! - 21
(Bronx, bronx incalls only)
rosa. sexy Latina 140hr. ( I hate rubber) 100% COLOMBIAN. ( Middletown rd ) - 20
(Bronx, Westchester square. 6 line)
real sexy jenifer and eva hablo español Waiting for you baby #347-984-6404 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx Manhattan Outcalls Delivery)
Puerto Rican BeauTy (INcalls ONLY!!!) TEXTS only! 929-248-7218 specials all night!!!!. - 21
(Bronx, Bronx / Manhattan)
Real BUSTY BUSTY BUSTY & Thick! 347.709.8776 (NO sloppy BBW Here!) 38DD - 28
(Bronx, White Plains Rd & Randall)
New! & Never Seen Before! Riverdale CLEOPATRA...iso her Cesar or Mark Antony - 19
((💋New💋👀)) Freaky👅💦Mouth💦 Watering($💵Specials)Mix Breed(🌹ROSE🌹) - 22
(Bronx, bronx incall(near 163rd third ave))
ready 2 make u ©um and enjoy $ome fre@ky fun $pecials 3479964746 in and outcall$ bronx ask 4mizz bbw - 29
(Bronx, bronx incalls & outcalls baychester233)
NEW* Feeling Freaky Today* So Call Me Nasty Nadia 100% Real Pictures!!! 718 576 9773 - 25
new erotic massage come to day for new staff venezula an colombian in call real picture 917.688.5456 - 25
(Bronx, bronx ny)
mz curvy cake is ready to be bitten 💝💝👍 check out my curves 👅👅specials Yes out call - 23
(Bronx, bronx outcalls incalls on boston rd)
(New) (*(* CAUTION NEW*)*) ~ ★ ~ Up All NiGHT ~ B*oo*ty! ~ ★New $60 $60 Specials - 20
(Bronx, Bronx - Incalls Only)
Rubia Blonde Super Sexy Colombian / Italian Wendy 646 606 6353 Bronx / Yonkers - 20
(Bronx, Bronx yonkers All WESTCHESTER)
Pϵtitϵ 💋╚»⇰ Ⱳhiȶe Ɠirℓ ❦ ╚» ⇰ perƒect ➓☆ 💋❧ YOUNG, & SexY ❥ -⇰⇰ - 19
(Bronx, Incalls ONLY 💋 ╚» Southern Blvd)
__________ New college freak specials Slim dime piece come play _____________ **** $$$ - 20
(Bronx, Moshulu bx)
New 2 BP, Multi Hr Specials💋, Big B👀tŸ 🍫 Latina ViXeN, SmOkiN Hot🔥Babe, 💯Dominican🇩🇴, GrEat 5🌟ŠeRîčĒ - 18
(Bronx, Manhattan, Upper Manhattan, Yankee stadium area, incalls only)
Must See..Perfect Body, ya favorite girl , Total package[ 1 of a kind] - 23
(Bronx, westchester/ sheridan expw)
🎀Queen Shani'💋💎 *New To Area* Forty, Fortyyyy, Fortyzzzz Sp - 20
(Bronx, West Bronx/Incalls&Outcall;/24hrs)
R_E_D __ H_O_T__ R_E_D_H_E_A_D _ ::::::: RARE INCALL OPPORTUNITY (HOT dancers body) 39.99$ - 21
(Bronx, Near E 233 St Whiteplains rd)
Muñecas Calientes So Hot Doll Very Sexies Latin Textme / Callme Anytime - 25
(Bronx, Bronx yonkers All WESTCHESTER)
▄█New █▄ AZZ AZZ AZZ▄█ NEW █▄ MixXed ▄█ New█▄ PretTy FaCe ▄█ █▄ 100% Real Pics __Up AllNite AZZ AZZ! - 19
(Bronx, Bronx /Manhattan)
🚨🚨🙀🚨🚨 Prettiest Puss 😻On Bp ⚠️🚨Fat C🙀T Alert🚨⚠️ ‼️ 60/100/160 ‼️ - 19
(Bronx, 🏩Yankee Stadium Incall ⚾️ Brx, Harlem)
-:¦:- S e X ¥ ~*-:¦:-*•~ M i X * L a T i N a -:¦: --- ☎ CALL ME!! I'm Available NOW - - - 22
(Bronx, bronx/manhattan/oucall ........)
♥ROSITA♥THICK MiXeD BeAuty* Big Booty Lovers ♥ ★♥ BUSTy♡36 DD BBW ♡ Plus size Latina - 21
(Bronx, Van Courtlandt ,Riverdale,Broadway,Incal)
Rear-End (AverageSize Rods Only, Lol) & Fetish SPECIALS ★☆★ Young Wild n Free, Come Tame Me - 20
(Bronx, OUTCALLS & INCALLS, im on 167&BostonRoad;)
💯Real💯🍒🎀SeXy🎀🍒 HoT💋🌹 BLoNDe 😍🌻😍 PeTiTe🌹 FuN 💝YoUnG💖 🌺💞 Lil BoMbSheLL💄InCaLL)💝 - 21
(Bronx, Bronx outcalls)