Tue 21 Jan
✅IN//OUT CALLS ✅ ✅ ᗩᐯᗩiLᗩbLe💟 ШѦRNⓘNG💟A Treat You ✅ ✅can't Miss💟 EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE💟 ᗩᐯᗩiLᗩbLe - 22
(Bronx, Fordhan rd)
its my birthday COME SPOIL this pretty little PARTY GIRL xoxoxoxoxo - 22
(Bronx, 170 grand concourse area)
Freaky Erotic & Skilled♥ Stunning Colombian Brazilian Tgirl♥ 3474784024 AvailAllDay☀ BXfinest♥☑ - 19
(Bronx, BedfordPark INCALLS private apt)
💋 FaLL 🎊iN 💞LoVe 👯WiTh ℳγ 🍉Jμ¡©¥ 🍭gRiP ⭐MiNd 💨BL¤₩¡NG 👅LiPs & 👣ToE 🎀CurlingTriCkS - 22
(Bronx, BRONX AREA ,)
★ ★ ★ EPIPHANY the 9.5" Kentucky Fried Tgirl! ★KENTUCKYFRIEDTG .COM★★ 240-593-1335 ★★iN & Outcalls★ - 23
ExOt!c Hott!e ..w!th.. a tH!CK bODY ..k!LLER cURVES Lusc!ous L!PS '' ! and.. a bOOTY!! - 23
(Boston Road-bronx)
Hello Bronx💋New in town!!Sexy Girl Fun🌴Latina From Puerto Rico✈ Top/vers 8FF🍆💦👌🏼💯real✔👑p - 2 - 21
jessy in the bronx💋 especial today💖 llamame descubreme💖💖💖💖💙💖❄ ❄❄❄❄❄❄ - 22
(Bronx, E 180 train 2 or 5)
@@@@@@ **** Especial $60 ^^^^ Special $60 Hot Dominican Especial $60 :-) You wont regret! Caliente! - 28
(Bronx, Bronx, NY)
❤️Finally a latina bombshell that is going to leave you way more than satisfiyed !💋 - 27
(Bronx, Little Italy, Bronx New York)
Curves - Seduction - Fun Personality - 26
(Astoria, Bronx, Brooklyn, Huntington, Long Island, Manhattan, Midtown West, New York City, NY, Queens, Westchester)
get that SpC😸💋💋💋 wildbe🍒rry 🌹JaMaiCaN hUnG🙀🙀metrofreak😽😽 - 28
(Bronx, E gun hill rd / perry ave 💳💳💳💸💸)
💋BIG Booty EBONY👈💋💋👉 SECRET 💖Foreign mix💖💋SO SEXY💋 👉Try someone worth it💋 💖INCALLS 💖 - 21
(167 & southern blvd, Bronx)
@@@@@@ **** Especial $60 ^^^^ Special $60 Hot Dominican Especial $60 :-) You wont regret! Caliente! - 26
(Bronx, Bronx, NY)
I am the girl you dream about I am the girl you want to complete all of your erotic fantasies😍 - 28
(187 little Italy bronx ny, Bronx)
D O N E gettin Foool! POST As Many Ads U WANT! At The END Of The day I'm TS In Pic They NOT! - 25
(Bronx, Visit actual to N pic NO BAIT NO SWITCH)
Enjoy a Real Transsexual! Click Here to Contact Me >>
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
Facetime avail with tango, whatsapp and Galaxy 7 ó 6 hormones free. Big load 🍼🍼🍼ts-Kathy - 23
(Bronx, Manhattan, Other, Queens, South Bronx (929)391-7316, Westchester)
▀ ♥♡❤ Epiphany! Epiphany! EPIPHANY!★ ♥♡❤ ★ 240-614-1202★ ♥♡❤ IN & OUTCALL▀▄ - 23
(Bronx, ★★Bronx★ ★★ 240-614-1202)
🔥E🔥B🔥👑🔥N🔥Y🔥 🚨ALERT🚨 Hottest Most Seductive 🆕➜Ᏼaε 💥 issa F R E A K👅 ❗❗backside🍑Avail😋😋 - 25
(Bronx, Fordham/GrandConcourse/BedfordPK/32+ONLY)
💕💎fitness princess👄safe place 4 ur fantacy🎀 💛real pics★👄★ 💘💎SEXY ts •💛 💛💕 - 24
(Bronx, Bronx (incalls & out))
Genine in a BOTTLE! 2 Hott White Ts Fem-Bot's! Double Ur Funn!@!!! - 19
(Bronx, OutCalls or Nearest Motel near U!)
Hazel/Green BeautyQueen ❤️ Total package versatile TS - 28
(Bronx, Bronx / East Tremont ave by Jerome)
I 😘Am The WHOLE PACKAGE ♡ Brains, Beauty, Boobs, & Booty ♥ Dominican & Rican Mixx ♡👍 - 27
(Bronx, Little Italy, Bronx New York)
☞ 💯((CLICK HERE))💯 ☜•❤️😍• [ GORGEOUS ] •❤️😍•Ⓢ Ⓔ ⓧ ⓨ❤️ ⇨➋➍/➆ ((🌟 5 ST☆R S€RViCE 🌟))👑💖Ultimatⓔ Shⓔmalⓔ💖👑 - 22
(Bronx, ❤️Visiting Bronx Limited Time❤️)
💋👉👉👉 Horny Sexy Latina SAMANTHA Ready Now Today and Tomorrow Call me Now Never Rush daddy 👈👈💋 - 25
(Bronx, E 180 st Morris park av Train 2 and 5)
DOMINATE PARTY GIRL LOOKING FOR SUB GUY ((10in fully functional )) available now PARTY HARD WITH ME - 24
Freaky Friday...Hot Hung Ready 9★5 ♥ PRIVATE DISCREET REAL!!!! - 23
(Bronx, Bronx (Westchester Ave))
COCO....^_^ =The Bombshell !! Would you like a sweet taste? - 28
(110th @ 8th ave near central park)
○★○♥Blonde Bombshell○★9.5 Full&Loaded;♥REAL PICS○★○ShemaleYum Model TS Angel - 23
(Bronx, 159st & St Anns Ave (2&5Train3Ave&149))
🌺⭐️__☑️BOMBSHELL 🌺☑️⭐️__⭐️ ⭐️_🌟 New In Town! 🌟 _FREAK&SEXXY;_REAL - 22
(Bronx, New York,Your Place,Your place)
★★★★★BADDEST WHITE GIRL in BX★★ ChErRy BOmb ★★★Touch This Skin★★ - 24
(Bronx, incalls 231Broadway Bronx outcalls24/7)
Beautiful Black South Beach Babe (((((10 LADYST!CK))))) - 23
(Jamaica Ave Vanwyck JFK Airtran, Manhattan, Other, Queens, Westchester)
Adja Love taste just like candy...The one and only...Come taste my love - 19
(169 & Grand Concourse)
Your Ultimate Jr. tranny\crossdresser with full of Energy (vibrantly abusive) - 23
(Bronx, 180th Webster)
★ Y∅U'v∈ ⓣⓡⓘⓔⓓ Th€ Re§t ★♡ N∅W C∅Me ⓣⓡⓨ Th∈ Be§t!⛔STOP✋ NEW FLaWLeSS BⓔTTⓔR THAN HⓔR⇧AND HⓔR⇩ - - 24
(Bronx, White plains rd)
▓ ▒ ░ * **-* ௵ B R E A T H T A K I N G _ ௵ _ H O T T Y_ ௵ *-* ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* NEW IN TOWN *•. - 24
(Bronx, 188th st /Fordham rd Area Hung!)
80🌹Spec6/28/16 Visiting!Ts KARKAR XXL 10 LONG&STRONG;! {Love2ParTy} .. Ready 4Action!! Available 24/7 - 23
(Bronx, E184/ bassford/3rd ave/Gc/webster ave)
DNTFall4BULLSht👅Im Ts IN Pic! IM TS In PIC! NEVER Can be DUPLICATED👊 Stop Trying! Top/Btm 11.5FF - 25
(Bronx, South bronx in/outs & OUTS2CITY)
Drop a little load off 👅💋 🐴 Hung 9" bubble butt stick it in 💦 - 23
(Bronx, Story AV hostin /out calls to hotels)
9FFViSITING wiSh YoUr GiRlfRieNd haD a Lil SOmEthiNG XtrA BeTwEeN HeR LeGs - - 22
💋💋💋 10"🐍 🆙VersVixen 🆕VERIFIED Proof Video & Website💯No Disappointment/ Deals Until 12pm💋💋💋 - 25
(Bronx, Kingbridge/GrandConcourse 190's(ALONE))
Bella latina .'' no photoshop, no fakes pics 100% real. VIP ONLY - 23
♥&°° BOYS play WITH FAKE'S.. °*♥&;*° .. REAL men play with ME°*♥* - 21
(Bronx, GUN HILL RD (incalls only)/ ALONE)
What They wont Mulanii Moore will do Just Nasty😈 Real Pics Verse Latina love to get Freak Nasty 💋💋💋 - 25
(Bronx, Bronx Bedford park norwood jerome, Other)