Mon 27 Jan
* SExy & SWeet * come have yourself a * BUBBLE B0oty Treat * Treasure* = your pleasure * - 20
(Bronx, bronx and manh outcalls)
⎷⎛▓▆▃ ★ SEXY & CURVY ▓▆▃ J=U=I=C=Y ▃▆▓⎷⎛▓▆▃ C=U=T=I=E ▆▓⎷⎛▓▆▃ S=P=E=C=I=A=L=s▃▆▓⎷⎛▓▆▃ ▃▆▓⎷⎛▓▆▃ - 24
(Bronx, bronx incall)
SuGar😘SnoW BunNy WaiTinG toO kEep you company & sAtisfY YouR EvErY NEEEd call 718-772-7804 - 20
(Bronx, Bronx Uptown)
Sexy Delight!! Ultimate Freak Specials **Llamame** - 22
(Bronx, By Yankee Stadium (((INCALL ONLY)))))
~ *Sexy Beautiful LaTiNa* INCALL* $pecial$40* *AVAL UNTIL 1AM~ - 23
🌟 "SupaFreak" 👀 "Fetishes Included" 👅"Mouff Tricks!! 50'100'150 ❗🌹 9014211573 - 20
(Bronx, Hosting In Pvt Home Near E.Tremont🏩)
STOP!! Relax & Enjoy ✔️✔️ FAST ARRIVAL TIME! 100 100 100 Special - 20
(Astoria, Bronx, Jamaica, Queens, Ridgewood, Whitestone, LGA & Surrounding Areas)
♡SPECIALS♡ ◆Miss Super Addicting... let my love be your high....SEXY EXXOTIC Barbie◆◇♡♡☆☆ - 21
(Bronx, Boston Road Incalls only)
Stay In W/ Scrumptious Siren Rachel~Independent, Discrete & Easy Going Gal! 2Hr Spec Paypal Accepted - 28
(Bronx, Downtown, East Side, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Other, OUTCALL ONLY, Upper Manhattan, West Side, Westchester)
Steph HOTT n Freak Slim Mami 💋 😘💋🍆🍆🍆Bronx inCalls Only 347-367-4986😘❤️❤️🍆🍆 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx Uptown)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS :*: - - 23
(Bronx, harlem manhattan)
Sexxi SmaLL BBW 50$ special West Indian Gurl call only when Ready 2027504029 - 23
(Bronx, Gunhill Rd incalls only)
Sexi Mami! Living the Vida Loca! Sexy 38DD's Natural! Nice to Entice for the night!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘 🍸🍸🍸🍸 - 25
(Bronx, Harlem incalls right over Willas Bridge)
😘😜😂 SPECIALS SPECIALS ... Chanel 🎀🌂💄👙💋YOUNG SLIM Juicy & Sexy 🍓💕😎💦😜😀👌👅 - 21
(Bronx, Boston RD & Gunhill)
____________Specials : Young, Sexy White Girl___________ - 19
(Bronx, Incalls : Brook Ave : Yankee Stadium, Manhattan, Midtown East, New Jersey, Queens, Westchester)
SPECIAL - - -1OO - - - :¦:L O O K :¦:. :YoU'R3: .. :GOnNa:. ...:¦: LoV3 Me!! - 18
Spanish Mami,Gorgeous Face 👸🏻 Hablo espanol Papi 100% real ‼️ Don't fall for these fakes 3474559488 - 22
(Boston road, Bronx)
Specials! →→ 🍥 REAL Girl REAL Photo REAL Fun 🍥→→ Sexy, Sophisticated & oh SO Naughty IsLanD BeAuTyy - 21
(Midtown West, MIDTOWN WESt 40's UpScaLe InCaLL)
° ¥ÕÜ Ð§RV H ߧ °° CÜßÅNÅ y DoMiNiCÅnA MiXxÐ MÅMiÅ °° SpEciaLs - 22
(Bronx, INZ-Yankee Stadium- & OUTS - Manhattan)
real pic . is jenny and bella hablo español Waiting for you baby #347-984-6404 - 21
(Bronx, bronx & Manhattan)
Specials! ☆SuPeR JUICY ☆ {MAK3 M3 @ssUM3 THE PO$!T!0N}☆ AM@ZING L!PS♥ ♥PhAt BooTy QUEEN - 23
(Bronx, The Best Incall and outcall ever)
Specials(40) kinky{}thick &{curvy}/your dirty lil secret i wont tell - 21
Special100☆💏💑💏💑💏💑Sweet Sexy Asian girl-----❤ ☆ 💋 ☆◎ ☏ INCALL ONLY ☏631-620-5932 ◎☆ - 21
(Babylon, Long Island, York pl, west Babylon)
♥SPECiALS ♥———♥ DOMinican♥———♥B E A U T I F U L♥—-—♥ 100% Me or Free ♥———♥NEW!!♥ Available NoW!! - 25
(Bronx, Bronx in calls)
♥ Satisfy Your Desires ♥ SeXy aSiAn BoDyWoRk - 23
(Bronx, Central Ave, White Plains)
~`*Mz.PEACHES ready n here now! 40TOP Only $pecials BBW 100%PR Mami ~40/55/75/110 - 20
(Bronx, 6train INCALLS westchester/whitlockave I)
NEW!🌟❤️🌟 ØN€ dا€ yØu'LL b€ HØØk€D [B€§† CH♥iC€] •GØRG€ØU§ B¡G BØØTY V¡X€N!! 🌟❤️🌟80 §pecials - 24
(Bronx, Bronx/Harlem Out 💋 80 SPECIALS!)
✨ New Latina ✨ Puerto Rican 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Outcals only - 19
(Bronx, OUTCALLS ONLY bronx manhattan westcheste)
(( real★ N.A.U.G.H.T.Y ~ N.E.V.E.R. ★~ L.O.O.K.E.D ~ S.O. ~ G.O.O.D )) 24/7 $50 - 21
(Bronx, Bronx incall)
💎New In Town on BP💎💲100 Heat🔥Wave Specials💲❄Come Cool Off With Me❄💖In Town 4 A Limited Time 💖 - 22
(Bronx, Jerome Ave & 170 INCALLS ONLY)
Nataly curvylicious Dominican, cuban, puerto rican *82 718 600 5031 - 26
(Bronx, 24hr doin outcall Bronx mht yonkers br)
Real Nasty thick Phat booty freak wanna bounce on ya d**k . Available all night ! - 22
♡♥P.Y.T. Pure Incall Fun Special ♥♡ ( 347 366 7309 ) - 20
(Bronx, Incallz Only (PRIVATE HOUSE 4 PLAY TYME))
€rupt like a VolCano♡♡ MaKiN HiM STaND @ ATTeNTioN iS My SPeCiaLiTY! ♡ {aMaZiNG SKiLLS} ♡♡ - 23
(Bronx, South E169St Incall 50^80 pillowtop)
🍒🍒🍒🍒🍒RUSSIAN HOT GIRLS🎀 👯👠👠👠☎️(718)600-6619 - 23
(Bronx, Glen Cove, Long Island, Long Island City, Manhattan, Midtown East, Queens, Westchester)
Natalia Dig 50it like a Shovel80 Make it Juiicy Pretty booty Waiting for you with Something seXxy On - 23
(Bronx, 50(Incall)80 East 196st)
qUALIFIED to sATISFY *!CaN MaKe U StaNd LiKe A ChaMp RiSe & Shine 24/7! - 20
(Bronx, INCALLS pelham bay park AREA-OUT NY AREA)
N€Ŵ && L€ÄVÎŃĞ §ØøÑ ☆ {MÏX€D VĪXËŅ} *1OO%★RealPiCs :-) ¢ømë Ğ€T W| Ťħï§ !!! Chocolate BOMBSHĚŁŁ - 24
(Bronx, Only Outcallls No Incall Tonite 😞😞😞.)
***New*** Checkout 11am***" Be@uty is My N@me" British & Jamacian!!! C@tch Me If You C@n... - 22
(Bronx, Hutchinson River PWKY(Whitestone))