Tue 21 Jan
Come and have a rain day with strom come n be satifiy ...248-935-6319 ... - 20
(Bronx, bronx in call 233)
College CO-ED, cute and fun! - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, city)
🎆👀🎯 🔛C🅾ⓂE🔙 ♨Warm♨ 🆙 💨💨 H🅾➕ 🅿🅰N🅰Ⓜ🅰Nℹ🅰N 🔥➕H3RⓂ🅾S➕🅰➕ 🔥 ⛄Winter❄ 💰Sspecialss - 22
(Bronx, Boston Road In Calls ONLY)
❤.•* Certified Freak❤* Rare❤Beauty Stunning 💥 💥 Toy Have It ur way The Freakier The Better ❤-:¦: - 21
(Bronx, FORDHAM Rd)
Bubble But Dyke DtF new an different tomBoi TashaFetish Big Booty BBW 100%Girl BigBoOty Beauty Freak - 24
(Bronx, /Uptown Bronx Plush incall /)
Bronx Outcall NEW ~ ~ ~ ~ ASIAN ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HOTTIE ~ ~~ ~ OUTCALL ~~~ (212) 729 4448 = =kbn - 23
(Bronx, Outcall 718 510 5598)
*___ _ __. BRAZILIAN . _ _. ...LATINA. KAYLA AND ROSALY....TODAY COLO M BIANA .._L A T I N A _ ___ ____. _COLOMBIANA_ _ _ - 25
(Bronx, Fairfield, New Rochelle..Westchester or Stamford,, Other, Westchester)
Best Service in Town - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, 10 minutes away)
best erotico massage in call good touch for you a brazilian dominical in call 914.327.9068 - 30
(Bronx, Bronx ny)
**big booty _____ SWEET _____ PETITE _____ LATINA _____ TREAT_____ **must see - 25
(Bronx, Bronx Incalls/Bronx Zoo Area)
▃▆▓▓❤ ▓▓▆▓▓❤ ▓▓▆▃Best In-call Specials Are Here▃▆▓▓❤ ▓▓▆ ▓▓▆▓▓❤ ▓▓▆▃ - 24
(Bronx, East 219 whiteplains)
beautiful white lady violet is available - 26
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)
BeSt on ThE liSt 👠 OuR SecRet is Safe 💋Ready For U Babe 💏💏 - 21
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, outcalls/incalls)
BaLL DrOpPn (40) SpeCiaLs!!! (60) BaLL DrOpPn (100) SpeCiaLs!!! - 21
(Bronx, u CoMe 2 mE/241 wHite pLns)
Bella Rubia Sensual Blondie Wendy 646 606 6353 Bronx Anytime Barbie - 20
(Bronx, Bronx yonkers All WESTCHESTER)
Asian girls. ♥ ready now. ♡ ♥wow 140hr. 200/2girls. 10000% real picture. NEW girls - 21
(Bronx, out calls. out & in riverdale area)
Back by Popular Demand"You've Tried Da Rest But I'm Da Best" - 27
(Bronx, wallace ave. & allerton ave.)
((AVAILABLE NOW))*New in Town* 50$/80$ Chocolate FREAK! Thick LiPS for your PLEASURE* - 21
(Bronx, White Plains Rd. INCALL ONLY)
are you ready to be bitten 💝💝👍two girl specials check out my curves 👅👅 Yes in call and out call - 23
(Bronx, bronx outcalls incalls grand concourse)
♥️♥️attention 2 cutie Available Guarantee you won't be disappointed😍 UP ALL NIGHT 😍IN +OUT - 21
Barby Hooter Beautiful Mx Brazilian / Latina Ziomara *82 718 825 8518 Bronx - 25
All you need..... Click rite HERE!!!!!!!!! One or Two, choices are allways better.. - 24
★☆★{•A BOOTY that Is OuT of tHiS•}★☆★ (W•O•R•L•D)★☆ Azz So PHAT It Stop TRAFFIC ★★ - 24
💋💋 ABSOLUTELY SEXY 🍭 Sweet Chocolate 🍭 🍭 Specials!! $$ - 24
$ ..80 NOW Freaks Only ** Spring Break 2012 ** The Na$tie$t Deserves The Na$tie$t ! ** - 20
(Bronx, BoStOn RoaD InCaLLz)
AfTeR pArTy DoMiNiCaN MaMi SpEcIaL! RiGhT EvErYtHiNgZ Go"z NoW 646 712 6227 - 23
(BX INCALL lover SPECIAL morning)
((( $80 SPECIAL )))AMAZINGLY SEXY!! +LeTs GeT NaStY + {{SpaNkabLe BooTy}} (+)(Juicy) - 23
(Bronx, bronx INcalls)
70$ Q.V 💦It's YOUR 🌎 new In Town 🍌YuM❤ YuM 🔥🔥 💢 CⓞMⓔ ☆GeT🍭YoU👅 §ⓞmⓔ caramel tr - 23
(Bronx, Brooke Ave/ Yankee staduim incalls only)
$60 Specials 😻 This Cat Has the Vyse Grip , it Might Pull Your Coat Off 😻 (917) 564-4463 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx (InCalls ONLY))
*50*Hot Thick* Sexy Pretty Dominican* Playmate* $pecial $50**sweet come enjoy 💋🔥💙✨ - 24
(Bronx, Incall..179 university ave🚊4)
50specials70 100% Puerto Rican freaky Tona the best @t what I do 9292417086 - 36
(169 grandconcourse area (incall), Bronx)
$60 SHORT STAY SPECIAL💋💋💋BACK AT IT JODI💎💕21 years old 💕😘💦sexy slim thick BARBIE💗 - 21
(Bronx, INCALL ONLY 165th st)
◆◆◆ SEXY HOT. Outcall ESCORTS◆◆◆ 646-730-9840 ◆◆◆SMOKIN ╠╣ O T NEW Girls ◆◆◆ OUTCALL ONLY ◆◆◆ - 21
(Midtown East, Outcall ONLY all over NY, NJ, CT 24/7)
50specials70 PuErToRiCaN sexy Big BooTy PuRiE FrEAK N BEST SkilLs Ever call iris 3478490010 - 35
(Bronx, Bronx, incalls 169 grandconcourse area)
*50spl* SeXi *Beautiful * DoMiNican* INCALL*~50 $PECIAL$~ - 23
(Bronx, 179st UNIVERSITY AVE( IN CALL)*4)
60 SpEcIaLs LUSCIOUS MoUtH wATeRiNg FiNgErliCkIn MmMmm g0oD WaRm CaKe TrEaT yOuRsElF tO a PiEcE - 21 - 21
(Washington Heights ((Incalls)))
**$50 Specials** (917) 564-4463 This Cake Might Pull Your Coat OFF or I CaN Make It Vanish 🍌☔ - 19
(Bronx, HuntsPoint InCallz Only)
$ 50 Specials in calls *°SHHH*° We'll Be Ur DiRtY LiTtLe SeCrEt. Incalls - 22
(Bronx, Incalls 1000% real no fake pics)
$50 🍬SWEET 🍭like🍭 CANDY🍬 I'll be your new ADDICTION! * Call NOW Incalls ONLY - 23
(Bronx, Westchester Ave, Middletown rd)
$60 specials!!!! ~SoFtesT L!!Ps EVeR!!! PRetty FAcE!! The SOuTHeRN VIxxEN w/ THE pHAt Booty~ - 22
(Bronx, Webster av &203 INCALLS)
$60...$60...$60... Sexy Hot White Girl READY & WAITING - 23
5 ladies Dominican SAMY @ KARLA @ ROCIO @ MIA @ LUISA special $60 $ 24/7 - - 22
(Bronx, 1815 morris av 176)
✴✖$40QV incall Special Hot CoCo ready 2 Please And Give u A Unforgettable tooth Craver - 20
(Bronx, laconia & boston rd)
((( $40 Specials ))) ... Take A Shot OF A 3 Sexy Latinas ... 2 Girl Specials ... - 19
(Bronx grandconcourse)
3*New Sweet PetitE spanish Slim GoodiE$ wit nice CupCake Booties & Boobs - 19
(Bronx, bronx incallz)
*40* Hot valery and candy super special two for 100 papi incall 9292506374 - 26
(Bronx, 178 gran concord)
347-769-4128 Call me tonite very hot im hot outcall and incall sexy latina - 26