Mon 27 Jan
$70 special 2 FREAKY LADIES Ready To Plz You In Anyway (Outcalls Click Here ) - 20
(Bronx, Bronx outcalls)
BooB LOVERS DeLigHt --- UPSCALE CauCasIon Playmate*** NiCe BOOTY & SuPeR BUSTY * * *SuPeR PRETTY** - 27
(Bronx, YONKERS 24/7)
Big Ol' Bouncy Round Juicy Booty!!!! Azz! Azz! Azz! 100% Real Must See!!!!!!! - 20
(Bronx, harlem incall)
★•:.7.0 inCall •:*.• ThE SaTiSFaCTiOn SpECiaLiST. * SofESt ROUnd BooTY and PreTTy NiCE SmIlE - 22
(Bronx, my ApT incallz GraND concourse)
Bro💝💋💝💋💝💋💝💋💝💋💝💋💝💋💝GRAND OPENING 💝💝💝💝💝💝NEW STAFFS 💝💝💝💝💝💝H&S; - SPA 💝💋💝💋💝💋💝💋💝💋💝💋💋💝- - 21
(Bronx, 💝💋💝💋💝💋💝💋💝💝💋💝💋--917-889-1391💝💋💝💋💝💋💝💋💝💝💋💝💋)
$50 specials Outcalls.🚗💉AddI©+!Ve↔️ F®e@K On The L💣💣se..💋😛 - 22
(Bronx, Outcalls Anywhere in the Bronx)
BrAnd NeW PolIsHed Party PlessurE KinKy PinKy & Nikki!! - 18
(Bronx, Available Now. In & Out. NikKi & Pinky!)
💙💙 $60 SPECIAL B4 12 NOON !! **Slim Coco Goddess** 💙💙 LEAVING TOWN SOON !!! - 20
Best full massage a good service for you a for latin real picture 718.772.4421 in call bronx ny - 29
(Bronx, Bronx ny)
***BEST IN TOWN!!★KnOCkOut!!★JaW DrOppiNg * MouTh WaTeRinG★SuPeR BOOTY!!!* MUST SEE!! - 25
(Bronx, Incalls & outcalls)
40QV 3479744688 2 pop special call S.l.u.t.t.y Jenny c.u.m play I'm soaked 💦💦💦 - 20
(161 Incalls, Bronx)
50 special 💋💋💋•💋💦💦 [♥] Sk!lled h3@d Doc [Juicy Soft L!pZ][♥] 50 Even bettr grips Up All N!gHT - 20
★ ★ BEAUTIFUL ★ ★ Busty ★ ★ OUTCALL ONLY (917)338-7584 ★ ★` - 21
(Downtown, Manhattan, Outcall Only)
**$50$~* Beautiful &Sexy;** LaTiNa PlayBunny** $50$pecials* INCALLS ** - 21
(Bronx, 179st UNIVERSITY AVE( IN CALL)4 train*)
█ █ —————————— B^E^S^T ——————— 212-729-6055 ————————— ASIAN HOTTIE █ █——— OUTCALL —————————— █ █ - 20
(Bronx, BRONX - OUTCALL - 212-729-6055)
4 Latinas HOT HOT HOT Dominicana colombiana venesuela Special $40 - 22
(Bronx, 176 morris av Grand concourse)
3 Latinas HOT HOT HOT Dominicanas colombianas Mexicana Special $40 - 22
(Bronx, 176morris av corner grand concourse)
$40 🌟 Soft Big Booty 💖 Super Juicey B( _ )( _ )S 😋💲 Thick Thighs 💋 Super Juicy Suprise.🌟$40 - 25
:*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *CaRmEn:*: ChEcK mE OuT :-) :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS 100$pecials - 22
"ATTENTION" 50$ Specials with the oh so sexy Juicy starr xxxxxxxxx - 22
(Bronx, boston rd / gunhill rd)
@40@60@ Hot dominicana valery and viky incall bebe 9292506374 - 26
(184st and park Ave bronx, Bronx)
—— 24 HOURS—— G—U—A—® — A— N— T—€ —€—D —— S—A—T—I—S—F—A—C —T—I—O—N - - 21
2 is always better than!COCO sweet dark Moca with Vanilla topping your pick both r tasty - 23
(Bronx, Westchester & Castle Hill)
24/7 RUSSIAN , UKRAINIAN girls in Forest hills: NURU, 4 hands relaxation massage. Ph:(718)-544-2038 - 26
(Bronx, Queens, Forest hills)
Banesa ben k te quiero chapiarrr esta coje 15 y no se tranca tu cre k ba de robo 917 717 8051 - 22
(Bronx, bronx,manhattan,yonkers)
* _ asian __* SeXy *____ _____* SeDu CtiVe *____ _____* SwEE t *___ incall only ___-. - 23
(Midtown East, Midtown)
$100 Hot Double Coco's Ready to Please 'n' Tease 24/7 All Play - 21
(Bronx, 161st area Outcalls only)
2 girl spc ®®® 5000% real pics 150hr=2 girls full hour snowy day spc 150=2 girls* - 19
(Bronx, pelham prkw williamsbridge #5 or.bx12)
AdIRR£§I§TIßL€ *❤* ••••►LaTiNa PLA¥MATe★.•*¨¨*• :☆:-•* AdD¡CT¡v€ ღ*❤*ღೋ Llamame - 22
(Bronx, Yankee stadium)
🍭 %1OO ► ► ▬ [ X ] R@T€D GiRL ✨ αvαiℓabℓε ➜ ✨BuSty Babe ✨[ δωεε† ]🍭 RΞΛÐ¥ TØ PŁΛ¥👅Ask 4 MYA!!!!50 ss - 23
(Bronx, Bx)
2 S3XY TH!CK FR3AKZ ==CuLo RiCo == LoTs Of SpEcIaLs 2x1OO == Up all Night {{CLiCK HERE}} - 21
《《 #1☆Super Pretty PLAYMATE☆CLAssY☆HUGE all NATURAL 38DDD ☆ FLawLesS FaCe ☆ AWESOME Curves ☆》》 - 30
Tired of escort taking ALL your money? Need a incall spot? click here - 99
(Westchester, south bronx)
Tue 21 Jan
coME See my 1 of a kind hOt,seXy firewOrKs 70$$pecial (miss pretty) - 19
D@ddy put Di$ ©@ke In yuh F@©e !! ;-) ~ Bossd@y Speci@l$ ~ (60$/ 100$ / 140$) - 22
(Bronx, 203 / Webster ave. Incall ONLY!!!!)
.*¨¨* come play with this think**SeXy PuErToRiCaN MaMi aT uR sErViCe ALL DaY ¦:-*1917 319 9059 - 30
(INCALLS 169 grandconcourse AREA)
COlumBIan BoMbSheLL CoLLegE StUdENt SpeCiaL 👑347💥361💲0223 DRaIN Ur PIpeZ SpeciAL - 24
(Bronx, University Tremont burnside)
College CO-ED, cute and fun! - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, city)
🎆👀🎯 🔛C🅾ⓂE🔙 ♨Warm♨ 🆙 💨💨 H🅾➕ 🅿🅰N🅰Ⓜ🅰Nℹ🅰N 🔥➕H3RⓂ🅾S➕🅰➕ 🔥 ⛄Winter❄ 💰Sspecialss - 22
(Bronx, Boston Road In Calls ONLY)
★【✔ Charlie Red 】 ★ 【✔ SEXXY 】 ★ 【✔ NOT RUSHED 】 ★💗💗Your Perfect FUNSIZE 💗💗 - 19
(Bronx, Southern Boulevard Freeman)
CALL516-519-2909 ▬▬▬ NEW ▬▬ ▒▒▒███▒▒ ▬▬ RELAXING ▬▬▬ ASIAN ▬▬▬ SENSATIONAL --TOUCH ▬▬ ▒▒▒███▒▒ ▬▬ - 21
(Long Island, woodbury- Jericho Turnpike)
bubbles. p.r& 100% real pix. ® Latin dream girl. (120hr) ®®®® today price. 120hr. ®®® - 20
(Bronx, Fordham rd jorome av. d&4 train)
Busty👅 Italian Bbw BEAUTY LEXI💋💋HEAD SPECIALIST 👅💦VIP Companion 💋👅💦 - 21
(Bronx, Bx incalls, Westchester)
Call me slim 😍😍😍 Spanish mamii - 21
(Bronx, Bronx Gunhill rd, Manhattan, Upper Manhattan, West Side)
$$$$$$$cheapest you will ever see on backpage call now$$$$$$$ - 18