Tue 21 Jan
Vo·lup·tu·ous Raica Colombian and Brazilian Real FaceTime 📲 👈🏾 for verification *82 646 8️⃣5️⃣8️⃣ 5️⃣9️⃣9️⃣9️⃣ - 28
(Arthur ave, Bronx)
🔴🔵🔴 Step Into My Office.. 🔵🔴🔵Take A Seat 🔵🔴🔵 Hung And Very Real All For You.. 24/7🔵🔴🔵 ★█ - 22
(Bronx, Bronx Community College /W179th/exit 8)
🌹🍒🌷💦Wow Have you Ever 👀Seen👀 A 🐰White Girl With 👉ASSets👈 Like This☎ Call Now 📞6466177118 - 26
(Bronx, Outcalls)
Sexy Wild Waters Wednesday's!! Freaky ts girl (versatile) $specials$ ($60s/ $100hhr/ $130hr) - 21
(Bronx, Sheridan,Whitlock / Incalls)
REaL HUN9 Y0unq maDOM //TOP + B0TT0M// 24/7 ACTION ! 100% REAL photos - 24
ViSiTiNg BoOtY AnD BeAuTy GuYaNeSe 80$PeCiaL 34-26-48 ArE My MeAsUrEmEnTs SeXy ViDeO InSIDe - 25
(Bronx, White plains rd)
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐LARGE & IN CHARGE 💪👊Make Way F0R A REAL Ad🔨🔩🔧VIDEO📹website💻PROFF! 🇺🇸🇮🇹🇫🇷 - 22
(Bronx, Burnside and Sedgwick 179st private hous)
💖💖💖💖H🔥O🔥T vip Service ►Jʉ!CY A§§__ TH!CK TH!GHS__ CʉRvY__R€ADY NØW H🔥O🔥T vip - 21
(Bronx, Sedgwick/Van Courtland Neat Deegan)
@@Thin SeXii and Petite@@ Lets Party Like ROCKSTARS. 646 712 0604 In @ OuTCaLLs - 23
(BRONX IN@OUTCALL NOW! 88j special)
Hey Gentle Men Good Morning. Your Latina Ts Bbw Betty 9177702374 - 27
(Bronx, Mott haven area, 145 street brook ave)
GINA KARDASHIAN IN THE BX!!! Stunning beauty in queens for tonight 3478414831 - 23
ツ _▄ █ ☆❤ CERTIFIED CupCaKE ★ ! [ HoTGiRL]! ❤ EnJoy a SpECiaL Hour of Fun at its BesT' '!!!❤ ★ ❤ - 20
(Bronx, Bx Incalls/Outcalls)
Brazilian & Dominican Clean Passable Tgirl * Attitude FREE - * *10000% Real - 19
(Bronx, Manhattan, Bronx)
THE♡♥💜💜 ♡BADDEST♡♥💜💜BBW ♡ ♥💜💜♡IS BACK♡💜💜 ♥ ♡ C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W ♡ $100hh SPECIAL - 25
(Bronx, ☎Bronx (3rd Ave) Incalls Only☎)
candy ►▐ ▐ ►❤alicia▐ ►❤ STORE▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ IS▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤NOW ▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ OPEN▐ ▐ ►▐ kinky shop - 24
(Bronx, white plains road)
♡ ♥💕💕 ♡T H E ♡ ♥💕💕 ♡ B E S T ♡ 💕💕♥ ♡ I S ♡💕💕 ♥ ♡ H E R E ♡💕💕 ♥ ♡ C A L L ♡ ♥ ♡ N O W ♡ - 23
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, ♡ ♥💕💕Maspeth♡ ♥💕💕347-348-7335♡ ♥💕💕)
SuPeR FreAK HotT BURNETTE BARBiE *OPEN MiNdEd * **BrOwn EYES**SeXy and So HoT,** - 25
(Bronx, Bronx Incalls/(Near)Yankee Stadium)
*.★.*... Super FREAK ** True SQ^!RTER **NAUGHI ITALIAN twist GoDDeSS *.★.*... - 19
(Bronx, Near :)Yankee Stadium ! : 4,D, Train)
🌹🍒🌷💦Wow Have you Ever 👀Seen👀 A 🐰White Girl With 👉ASSets👈 Like This☎ Call Now 📞6466177118 - 26
(Bronx, Incalls)
sweet like honey always keep them cuming ;-) ;-) $$$$$$$ SPECIALS IN CALL$$ OUT CALL $$ - 21
yes gentlemen that short sexy p.r mami is here is here ready to have fun... outcalls - 22
(Bronx, bronx / westchester/manhtn)
Specials! OUTCALLS only! AVAILABLE now...OUTCALLS Manhattan Specials Only - 29
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Manhattan Outcall Specials, Other, Queens)
# ❶ TOP PLACE== HOT PINK NYC === Try our BRAND NEW GirlS ===All NEW Come Relax ==== - 22
(Midtown East, MIDTOWN 30's ☎646-342-7748 ☎)
🌴🌴 TrOpICAL 👸 Princess 🌴🌴 JuiCe BOXX 😋💦 GuYanESe Mix 🔆 TrEaT 💕💦 60 Lets ParTy 🎉 💕😋💦 - 21
(Bronx, Conner ST incalls 🔆)
#❶ ToP CHoiCE Friday 13th specials Booty &9733;PuRE FrEAK ★CrAzY CuRvEs & AmAziNG SkiLL - 21
(Bronx, in/outs bronx&harlem;)
Trouble 😇😈420💯347⛽619👅6838Bx Incall!!😻😘😘 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx ,INCALLONLY!white plains rd 219 st, Brooklyn, Downtown, East Side, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Upper Manhattan, West Side, Westchester)
TiGHT BbW Busty&beautiful.; Nice Grip w the lips 👄AllNite Don't Miss Out on Me40/45/80/120$pecials - 20
(Bronx, BX 6Train MiddletownRD/WestchesterSQ)
Sexy Southern belle 😍dominate or submissive 😘Bx zoo/white plains rd area outcalls💳💰💵 - 24
Sexy PR💥Diamond💎💍 for U 2 TreaSure 💐🍀Fetish G0dDeSs Ready To WorsHiP You! !� - 22
(Long Island, Hempstead / Westbury / Franklin Sq)
thanks giving 30&60 rose specials call now brownie and tasty - 21
(Bronx, Bronx gunhill and boston rd)
SeXY *White- Girl * HoTT ItaLiaN.. * * !! 50=15 * * 75=30min * * 1OO=1hr !! * * - 24
(Bronx, Broadway238,1Train,MajDeegX.10,Riverdale)
•••¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥. SWEET SEXY T!GHT DOMINICANA MAMI •••¥¥¥£££££¥¥¥¥¥ - 22
(Bronx, Bronx incalls-E.tremont :180st)
sexy rosa and leidy vailable only outcall #917-284-5705☎📞 - 21
(Bronx, bronx & Manhattan and Yonkers)
Summer's Supahead40$ 40$ 40$ CARFuN TOP Freak Specials Cardat€S 👌BBW Beauty BODY😍😍😍 Sexxy SUMMER - 21
(Bronx, Story avenue Bx (🚗🚙 Cardat€S only ))
★ *♚* Sw€€T & SEXY *♚* H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€D *♚* *♚* §¡MPL¥ ¡RR€§¡§tABL€ *♚* ❤ 5164412898 - 21
(Bronx, safe discreet incall)
Sunday Deals🎩Gentlemans👔 choice🏆 💎Spoiled💸 High✈️ Maintenance 👠Diva 👑 Multi⏳ Hour⌛️ Specials - 19
(Broadway/ West Harlem Outcalls, Bronx, Manhattan, Upper Manhattan)
SeXy EbonY PeTIte FreAk! FULL Lips, Soft BroWn SkiN, SOFT b00ty w/ PerKy t!ts.. Available - 21
(Bronx, Gunhill Boston rd private Incalls)
Sexy latina for you love please read the post first - 26
(Bronx, Bronx , Manhattan, yonker wescherter, Manhattan, Midtown West, Westchester)
. ✘♔✘♔★STOP ✋ RiGHT ⚠️ THERΞ 🚨 ⓔⓧⓣⓡⓔⓜⓔⓛⓨ ⓣⓐⓛⓔⓝⓣⓔⓓ ❄SnOw Bunny❄ 100%Freaky100%Nasty - 21
(Bronx, Boston road.... Incalls only)
😍SEXY EXOTIC PEACHES BACK & READY FOR ALL ACTIONS 45$Topspecials .50/75/120 soaked n ready! - 20