Mon 27 Jan
DoMiNiCaN @ LaTiNa SpEcIaL RaInY dAy hour SpEcIaL! - 23
(Bronx, BX INCALL We're BEST RAT call now!)
BBw doing what the rest won't!! Nasty Girl Here!!! - 22
(Bronx, bronx zoo area fordham rd 184th 3rd av)
╚»BACk By {P0PUlAR} DMANd ♥ NiNA l0VE SEXy N' PRtTy GiRl! ♥ - 19
(Bronx, Bronx incalls 50 specials)
dominican girls *150hr* 1 girl 100% real pics BUBBLE booty sexyy *250**- 2 girls WOW - 19
(Bronx, 256 st broadway motel riverdale)
😍Dominican bbw and skinny work all day and night 60$ specials all day incalls early bird 60$ 😍 - 20
(Bronx, Webster ave 170 bronx train D)
Dominican and Colombian mami here back at your services doing out calls all day - 21
(Bronx, bronxs)
🎀Beauty At Its Finest 💞Dont Miss Out 💋 Slim &Thick; ✨ Beautiful Blonde Playmate💦💞💋 Llamame - 27
(Bronx, Out Calls/ Delivery Bronx & Westcher)
bbw big booty bounce 30/60/80 harlem incalls! FETISH QUEEN & 4/20 - 19
(Bronx, harlem 145&atom; clayton powell)
★BBW *♚* ThIcKnEsS *♚* MaKe ApPoInTmEnT *♚* BBW *♚* H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€D *♚* BBW *♚* SwE€T & R€ad¥ - - 23
(Bronx, Out calls and In calls)
[ CR€M€ — •❖• — D€ — •❖• — LÅ — •❖• — CR€M€ ] — •❖• — [ N€W — •❖• —VÅNiLLÅ— •❖• —CÕNF€CTiÕN ] - 19
Asian girls. ready now. wow 140hr. ☆☆☆☆☆ 200hr/2girls. ♥ 10000% real picture. NEW girls - 21
(Bronx, out calls. outcalls. out)
CREAM ⭕ Honey GIRLS ⭕ ❤ CREAMY Busty Girls C⭕ 💖💖 BODYSLIDE ⭕ CREAM open LATE Real Photos - 23
(Midtown West, midtown west 56 street 8 ave)
~ BeAuTiFuL % 3bOnY ^^ PLay~MaTe ^^ ~ ReAdy * To * PLay~ CaLL noW !$! 80 $pec!@l$! - 18
(Bronx, {{ iM CoMMiN OvA }})
Beautiful Brazilian Sharp Curves Fat Ass - 23
(Astoria, Bronx, Downtown, Flushing, Jamaica, Manhattan, New Jersey, Outcalls, Ozone Park, Queens, West Side, Westchester)
💚💛💚💜COME SEE Why THEY Cant COMPARE 💙💚💛💜Chocolate DREAM Come TRUE 💙💚💛💖VERY BooTyFuL& SEXY 💜💛💚💜💛💚 - 25
(Bronx, Downtown, East Side, Manhattan, OUTCALLS EVERYWHERE, Upper Manhattan, West Side, Westchester)
B i g g . B u T t . . . j E s s i C a . . B l o n d e . . P l a y f u l . . . K i n k Y . . . . . . - 21
(Midtown West, penn station)
💥💥💓💓❖❖ Asian Relaxation 💓💥💥💓💓 Feel OUR AWESOME & MAGIC TOUCH and GREAT BODY WORK💥💥💓💓 - 21
(Long Island, 💥💥💓💓 HAUPPAUGE💥💥631-374-9529💥💥💓)
"Coco Is Freaky For Fridays!" Thick Booty. Chick!" $60. Special!!! Amazing Skills !! - 25
(Bronx, bronx/166st. boston rd area/incalls)
ComE N HavE ThE TimE OF YouR LifE ALL FETishES ArE WeLComE SupeR SPecIAL HouR 100 QuicK 50 CALL NOW - 20
Come see Ms. Better BBW Bigger BootyMs. @$$...AkA Ms. Better and BaDder Body than her$ dirty Talkin - 24
(Bronx, Whiteplains rd. 240th nereid area)
Come Have Fun With This Sexy Mixed Latina Freak INCALL 24HRS LLAMAME - 22
(Bronx, Morris Ave/ BX INCALLS)
columbian and puerto rican mami 100% real pics available all night (9174465209) - 22
(Bronx, bronx Manhattan Yonkers outcalls)
👀👅CoMe aNd BITE 👅all over these BiG 👅JUICY BooBs .HOUR 120....631 831 1443 - 20
💦👄😜👅💦💦chocolate desire specials all days low as 50 call now specials only for today 347-316-5342 - 21
(Bronx, 1101 east 231 street)
CATCH Me NOW🆕💕🐰❄️ EXTREMELY ѕωєєт🍭 👸 PARTY Pretty gιяℓ🐰❄️💕 💦Slippery & Tight💦💕 K!NkY💕🔥 - 22
(Bronx, Tinton incalls)
*Caution*Azzzz One Helluva Booty (52 inches) Cake The Real Azzz Godess..$$Late Night Specials$$ - 21
come and get sum of my sweet honey spec 50 quick 70 back window .... 718-600-0249 - 20
(Bronx, 233rd white plains rd.)
Classy & Intelligent Latina!!! Bisexual Swinger, Stripper, Escort & Dominatrix!!! - 22
(Bronx, TriState OUT ONLY)
A true Mixed Vixen ready to grant your every wish ! Like to party? incalls and outcalls!! - 22
(Bronx, 172/ by 6 train morrison/soundview)
🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴💕💚 💕 Always New Asian Beauty 💕💙 🍀💋 Sweet Sexy Funny Girl 💕💙🍀💋 Table Shower💕🍀 💋212-704-4274💕🍀💋Open 24/7 - 22
(Bronx, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Midtown West, New Jersey, Other, Staten Island, Westchester, 💘 40th St Between 7av-8av 💘Times Square)
ALLSTAR WEEKEND ~~ JuSt WhaT You'Re LooKinG FoR On This NiGhT• - 20
(Bronx, tuckahoe I87 incalls +out Bx Manh QU Bk)
💋【aMaZinG SkiLLs】💖【sExY FαCє】💚【spaNKaBℓε αSS】❤️【 SiMpℓy* the * BeSt* 】💜【eXoTic BBW】💛【80 Speciaℓs】 - 24
(Bronx, Your Bed 60💦80hlf💦120💦)
✨60$pecial✨. New in Town 5🌠 Experience . come Try meANew Sweet🍭Treat - 20
(Allerton Ave/White Plains Rd, Bronx)
Call Us Anytime 3 Exotic Latinas Especial Boricua, Colombian, Dominican, Ana - 25
6314027211 OUTCALLS 24/7 SPECIALS!! Ms.Armani Sexy Puertorican Italian samoine 50/100/140 - 24
(Bronx, outcalls)
$60 Im Back !! Come See Cinnamon Now $60 $60 $60 Specials. INCALLS ONLY - 22
(Bronx, westchester ave 6 train line)
BoOtylicious CurVy & Magically Delicious Party & Play FunBunny ♡♥ Call for more Pixs - 24
(Bronx, INCALL ♥♡ OASIS)
$70 special 2 FREAKY LADIES Ready To Plz You In Anyway (Outcalls Click Here ) - 20
(Bronx, Bronx outcalls)
$60 ... $60 .... READY Right Now!!! No Waiting!!! Sexy WHITE GIRL - 23
(Bronx, SOUTHERN BLVD BET 167 & 168)
$70 SPECIALS :*:* LEAVING TOMORROW MORNING :*:* So SeXy :*: PuRe SaTiSfACtIoN :*:* No DrAmA - 22
$60 ss & 100 hourly special sexy freaky Latina 🇩🇴 929 227 0245 INCALLS ONLY - 22
(Bronx, Grand concourse Bronx)
💦🎁💦👄50$SpeCiaL🌞 SeXy iRResistible FreAks💜SuPeR KiNky👅Come TouCh but Dont TeaSe😉 - 22
(Bronx, Boston Rd / Gunhill Rd)
★•:.7.0 inCall •:*.• ThE SaTiSFaCTiOn SpECiaLiST. * SofESt ROUnd BooTY and PreTTy NiCE SmIlE - 22
(Bronx, my ApT incallz GraND concourse)