Mon 27 Jan
° ((=CAUTiON=)) °° ((=EXTREMELY=)) °° ((=Enticing=)) °°$60 SpEciALs - 30
(Bronx, yankee stadium incalls)
Early Bird Sexy Latina Mix... Available Now Must See **LLAMAME** - 22
(Bronx, By Yankee Stadium (((INCALL ONLY)))))
EXOTiC MiXx M Õ R _ § w a G G _ tHaN _ OuR_ Â V R Â G _Ç H I Ç K - 20
(Bronx, Bx aFTeRW0Rk Special my place or yours)
Exotic Brazilian Vacation with Beautiful Bombshell MAE-LYNN :-* - 19
(Bronx, your place, hotel, bronx areas only)
BUBBLY✔BEAUTY✔ BOOBs✔ BOOTY✔ Brains✔💯 A Real 🚻 Dream❣ 💋FuLLFigured Mℹx D🅾 - 25
(Bronx, C🚘🚗R Dates MEN ONLYYYY💋💋💋)
{{EbOnY}} FrE@K💋B!G b0TT0M💓 Gorge0us FacE 💓 BeautifuL B0Dy☆ MY SkiLLs R @MAZING!! 420 Friendly - 24
(Bronx, Incalls)
Dream Your Latin desire spanish naughty &superfreak;😍😙2for 1 8O$ucan stop👀👀💦💦👌👍👏💪👯😝 - 20
(Bronx, incall Whiteplains Rd)
DROP💄 dead 👑 GORGEOUS💎 Mixed Latina💋 READY TO PLAY 👅 call now ! ! Special 3 Sessions 4 the hour - 26
(Bronx, Incalls Only & car-fun)
DoUbLe tHe TrOuBlE ThE tHe FuN dOuBle ThE PlEaSuRE sEe iF u cAn hAnDlE ThEsE hUnNy BuNs - 21
***** BEAUTIFUL SPANISH GIRL ***** REAL PICs **** outcalls all over bronx & new rochelle - 20
(Bronx-yonkers-new rochelle)
🌹🍒BBW Latina dreamgirl🌹🍒 ~incall~ specials 3473603086 - 28
(Bronx, Crossbronx exp, Washington heights)
* DIAMOND* is MAns best friend * Juicy Thick & Sweet * 100% Real Sexy Pics inside* Bubble B0oty* - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
Black and Indian Exotic video Vixen Multi-talented Rudy 50$ specials - 21
(Brooklyn, C.heights/flatbush In and Out)
Dimez & Divas brings u " Treasure " hourgl@ss shaped !! ** Cuban & jamiacan ** Discreet & Safe - 20
(Bronx, Bronx private & Safe incall/ outcalls)
Dominican Dream Girl, Legs for Days with a killer smile.... 100% independent & 100% real pix - 25
(Bronx, I come to you, baby!)
best erotic massage good latin a have brazilian and venezula incall 646.217.1458 - 27
(Bronx, bronx ny)
Beautiful thick.Irish Hotti🍀 Italian vanillacream🍰 to settle your taste buds😋🌺 - - 19
(Bronx, Bronx incall)
🍭🍓 COOKIES & Cream Late NIGHT TREATS 🔥🔥 150$ 2 Girl Wild FUN SPECIAL Playmates HERE LOOK - 19
(Bronx, Harlem & Bronx OUTCalls 7186904311)
Come see what everybody's talking about😍incall specials💋 - 21
(Bronx, Incall and outcall to the the bronx)
Beautifull Dominican Freaky Mami ❤❤❤ Half hr Specials AVAILABLE NOW😜 - 24
(Bronx, Bronx , manhattan, Yonkers)
COMING NOW??? I'M WAITING 4 YOU!!!! **** CaLL nOw!!!! **** - 917 284 7944 - 21
(Bronx, , incalls & outcalls)
🚨Bad🚨Bitch🚨Alert. Ms Barbie. Baddest White Girl on BP👸all pics are 100% ME - 25
(Bronx, Bronx/ co-op city)
Come Explore With ~ Temptation ~ And Let ~ Paris ~ Be Ur Paridise ~ 2 For 120 ~ Special - 19
(Bronx, bronx/manh/outcalls gunhill boston rd/in)
Come and get a taste of new Napoleon mix ,with my super special.incall - 19
(Bronx, bronx allerton area. .)
BARBIE DOLL FACE! Gorgeous APPLE BOTTOM That Can Stop Traffic! 100% KINKY! 38D Tits! Real Pics!! - 23
(Boston Road, Bronx)
ATTENTION 💪READ$50$😍ENTIRE ADD!!💣💣READ 🍆2🍆On 😻One!!Incalls Only - 19
(Bronx, Bronx ,INCALLONLY!! white plains rd, Manhattan, Upper Manhattan, Westchester)
!!!Colombian and Sexxy!!! its your girl Crystal !! INCALL - out - 21
(Bronx, whiteplains rd/mt vernon/)
B € ¥ Õ N Ð ~*-:¦:-*~ ¥ Õ U ® ~*-:¦:-*~ W ¡ L Ð € § T ~*-:¦:-*~ Ð ® € Â M §- - 21
(Bronx, co-op city Conner St . New Rochelle Bx)
💋❤💋 AmAziNg SKiLLs LiKe NeVeR BeFoRe 💋❤💋 BeAuTy & BooTy 💋❤💋Up aLL NiGhT {50} SpEciAL - 23
(Bronx, bronx private incall only)
Anny tihick whit big and Rosita w. Huge Tits 718= 600= 5031 Very Hornies Bx & Yk - 25
(Bronx, Bronx yonkers All WESTCHESTER)
** Come Have some Playtime with a THick DoMiNiCaN Beauty Avaliable ALL NIGHT** $$$ SPECIALS$$$ - 21
👅 CoMe And GeT all these 👀GOODIES 👅COME N HAVE 👀THE TIME 👅OF YOUR LIFE 👅HR 100. 631 855 252 - 20
* CauTION * Bubble B0oty inside * Treasure * sexy petite & exotic * safe & discreet * - 20
(Bronx, bronx & manh outcalls only)
All Fetishes & Fantasy Call Me Sugey Mature Pleasure *82 347 499 7064 Gaby - 40
(Bronx, Bronx/Westchester)
!! Alaiyna!! NEW PICS 💋💦💦 The Puerto Rican Cutie 😘👅💋🌟 PICS 100 % REAL.......Back In Town - 22
(Bronx, Southern Boulevard)
a sexy snow bunny here to make your fantasies come true - 26
(Bronx, 238st/nereid ave off of White Plains Roa)