Mon 27 Jan
Stop Looking ! You Found The Best ;) Im Waiting to Make U Smile 60$pecials - 26
* SuPeR SEXY ] NeW]—[[ 1OO% EXOTIC ]] ••((CuTiE w/ CURVES)) •* (1OO%BiG BooTy *MaRTiNi*) BuSty 38D's - 24
(Bronx, *SPECIALS 100/150 *W.MIDTOWN *NEW*33&7TH)
Sunday especials Exótic Dominican mami with Huge tits and fat ass 👅💦💦 ready to please 💋 - 21
(Bronx, Washington heights,16465530776)
Stop throwing your money away.... - w4m - 21
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, everywhere)
Star Sexy mix Ecuadorian / Mexican call me I'm Available now*82 718 825 8518 - 25
*** Scrumpous Green Eyed Irish Beauty with a Bubble Booty Ready to Please *** - 26
(Bronx, Outcall only)
sexual massage in call good touch for you best body work real pictures 718. 772.4421 - 28
(Bronx, Bronx ny)
specials💋💋💋Sexi Latinas ❤at your service❤❤💎💎don't miss out 😍😘😉 120 hr specials natasha - 22
(Bronx, outcalls)
SEXY ________ (100 pds) _________ 5 FT TALL ________ (((JENNIFER))) ____ CALL NOW!!!!! - 23
👑 SPECIALS👅👅JUST Arrived...GoOD •G¡RL 😇 ✰ 💋GoN€ ➜ 🍌💦BAD 😈 💋 RoUnD BOOTY - - 21
(Bronx, Bronx/ southern blvd)
$$$$ SPECIALS %*%* SPECIALS %*%* SeXy Tinkabell 9292281783 - 20
(Bronx, incall/outcall only close to 223)
SPECIALS... ☎️ Available NOW ☎️★ { Ph@T JuIcy bOoTy OiLED uP & Ready 2 BoUnce On IT!!!! - 24
(Bronx, incalls and outcalls)
Rare chocolate diamond🍫🍒smooth dark chocolate skin👅💝👍 petite slim kitty lovers choice. A1!! - 23
(Astoria, Bronx, Bronx westchester Manhattan queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Upper Manhattan)
☆¶▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ ★NEW★ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★ DOMINICAN▂ T☆R★E★A ★T!!! ★ Out Calls ★ Only ★ - 30
(Bronx, Out Calls Only ☎347 529 9574)
My SkiLLs ArE ExCeLLenT ItS COoL-SaFe - N - ClEaN* CoMe EnJoY yOuRsElF - 21
(Bronx, near E 167/westchester ave INCALLS ONLY!)
。◕‿◕。REAL NURU█ █ █ Skinny Asian college girl ★: ██████████████████ ███████████████ ❤ Independent ❤ - 21
*Pull My Hair N Spank Me *LOOK HERE* FLaMiNG HoTT * 60 and 80$ specialz - 22
(Bronx, 224th and whiteplains rd)
◤★◢◤★◢◤★◢ MUST HAVE █▓█ ❋40ⓢⓟⓔⓒⓘⓐⓛ❋ █▓█ Tu Jugetes Mas Deseado ◤★◢◤★◢◤★◢ I DO WHAT MOST DONT !!!!!! - 21
New! & Never Seen Before! Riverdale CLEOPATRA...iso her Cesar or Mark Antony - 19
(Bronx, RIVERDALE. 235st Broadway NO MOTEL)
MsFluffy💋 Come Get A Squeeze, While I Taste Ur 🍆 347🎲353 💸 1176 - 21
(Bronx, Bronx ,INCALLONLY!!213 st & white plains)
Mind_BIowwing T00 Tlght Tombyy T0yyPlay TAAsha Thick Lesbo BiFreaky 💋wit all that Azzzz 👅💦👍 - 26
(Bronx, Uptown Bronx incall)
p.r & d.r mix ** iam on* ; 50 100% REAL ****160HR ** - 19
(Bronx, whiteplains rd pelham prkw 2&5 trains)
MoRniNG LuVin Com3 get thiS PaPii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sexy Latina w/ Curves ~ ~ ~ ~ - 23
(Bronx, Bronx / InCalls Only)
Mizz bbw available for you💋 347-996-4746 💯 real pics 🌹 donations 🌹 (no texting) 💗 - 28
(Bronx, Bronx 225 white plains rd incalls only)
* ~** $pecial$ 40**Sexy* *Beautiful* **Dominicana** IN CALLS ONLY~ - 23
(Bronx, 179 university ave) IN CALL**)
★ Ms.HoNeY & SpEcIaL★ FeTiShEs > BiSeXuAl > SeXiI ToP 2 FrEaKs 50$ 917-510-7453 - 20
m§.pre++y is Soo intoxicated.««»hot italian&sicillian; with biq Booty» Sunday Specials Incallls only« - 23
(Bronx, Bronx n.y incalls only Southern blvd)
Playboy Bunny Simply the BEST Call Me Call Me 100% Satisfaction 💋💋😙 SI ABLA ESPANOL - 23
(Bronx, your place)
☆ Mistress SOPHIE ☆ •☆• THICK 38" FATTY Southern RED bone HOTTIE ~ ☆ •☆• $80 S P E C I A L S !!! - 22
(Bronx, Bronx Incalls/Outcalls)
__Perfect 🔟 ___I'm * Better * Than Her👇➹ Her 👉 ➷ & Her👆➷ ____ Don't Miss Me ! - - 19
(Bronx, Fulton Incalls Only)
* Open Wide Wenzd@yz * Bubble B0oty mami * Treasure * I"m all u will need * - 20
(Bronx, whitlock & westchester ave n/bx&man; out)
Papito Rico Quiero Cojer Colombian / Venezuelan Yudith *82 646 606 6353 - 25
#❶ •*¨¨*• *•°o☆Fire's N Diva Here!! You Ready? Flame On!!!!*¨¨*•★• ◕❥•◕❥ - 22
Onε of a kind 💋🎀 Brεa†h†aK¡ηG εXo†¡c V¡xεη °★° ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ 💜 кιℓℓer Curves 🎀 Come See My FREAKSHOW💦 - 22
(Bronx, bronx in and out calls)
🍾 Lets turn this boring Night into a FREAKY FANTASY!! 😍You With It ? - 21
(Bronx, Brooklyn, BX IN+OUT BX MAN YONKERS QU BK24/7, Ozone Park, Queens, Westchester)
💜PARIS 💜🍭 ߀S† Ø F TH€ ߀S† 🍰🍭S W € € †*🍭† R € Å † 😋✨SAT¡SF¥ °Y Ø U R° NAuGHT¥💦 ©RAV¡NGS W¡t - 22
(Bronx, bronx in and out calls)
LoOKiN fOr A gOoD tiMe WiT a TrUe P.riCaN FrEaK call*STAR*100% Real Pics $50 sPeCiALs 917 319 9059 - 30
(Incalls 169 grandconcourse)
👙 🅱OO🅱Y & 🅱OOTY 💖 Lover's Dream❣ 💋OffiCal Real Deal 👠 👅 Xtreme CURVES 💨 🍒 - 24
(Bronx, Bronx - #2/5 Gunhill - whiteplains rd)
💋💋LOrenA 🔥HOT🔥🔥 freaky young Dominican 💄100% real pics 1(646)600-1932 🍼👅 BRONX - 23
(Bronx, West BRONX)
⚠⚠OMG LOOK AT HER BUTT👙👙Dangerously FREAKY 💦💦💦 New Pics!🍫🍬🍭 Video Verification 💋 - 22 - 22
(Bronx, Kingsbridge & Grand Concourse !!)
Lexi is here stop! w sexy black dominican. early morning pleasure! - 25
(Bronx, incall bronx river parkway)