Fri 03 Jan
Ready for some fun?? If u Wanna Good NighT let Reina Do you Right - 19
(Bronx, Bronx,manhattan,westchester)
Thu 02 Jan
(Visiting)NEW EROTIC SHEMALE...🎥 NEW VIDEO..🎥.Long legs Soft Body...Iam Your Secret treat!! - 24
(Bronx, Bronx/alone)
Pretty Colombian Tgirl 3476411331 Excellent reviews online - 21
(Bronx, WHITE PLAINS ROAD and 226 st)
Need a pounding ♡hot redhead #1 phatt booty freak ♡♡delicious popsicle💜 💛💛💛 💛💛💛🙏 - 26
(Bronx, 💦💛💦 safe & discrete/grandconcourse)
★★★ NEW HOT BOMBSHELL ★ AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW_ {{ DISCRETE }} Seductive_& _Classy _ yet Wild ★★ - 21
(Bronx, FREEMAN (2 line))
sexy dominate chocolate verse hottie packin 9 in and outcalls bbc bbc - 23
(Bronx, 199grandconcourse inandout)
Jackeline 10in ! Extreme shooter w/ a "THING" for Party An Play View my site Youll Love Me - 26
Hottest body on here hands down! Tired of the rest? It's time to encounter the best! Treat yourself - 27
(Bronx, Bronx / East Tremont ave / Manhattan out)
FRESH/Clean & READY! 2000%Real 11.5FF Hung FullyLooadded Top/Btm Ready! Super freaky Donkey BOOOTY! - 25
Fendi is back come play 9172588761. 11 in of a joy toy and ff - 23
(allenton ave whiteplanes rd out call to, Bronx)
TwO HiSPaNic G F E ExTrEmElY O R a L l y TalEnTeD : B b b j LETs MeEt 6465311672 - 21
(Bronx, Zerega Brush)
🔥🔥🔥🔥:-• *¨¨*T!T3 & JuiCy, FaBuLoUsLy FrEaKy & I'M 🔥HOT🔥LIKE🔥FIRE🔥 •-: :- *¨¨*• 🔥🔥🔥🔥 - 28
(Bronx, n. bx/KarFun OnLy)
Tired of your time wasted??CALL ME NOW 👑ELISE👑100% real Italian/ Latina ♥️ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🍹🌹 ₦Ø₩💕 - 24
(Astoria, Outcalls only, Queens)
"Thursday Nite Live Come Have Sum Fun With This Super Freak" specialzzzz n more specialzzzz - 22
(Bronx, Bronx 224 n whiteplains rd)
THE👑🏆💦🐱IS BACK✔️📲 😘OpenMinded Playmate 😝💎 ToTaL FReAk! - 20
(Bronx, Downtown, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Southern Blvd Westchester Ave 2 Train In, Westchester)
【THe 】💝🚺 ⭕❇❌░ 【 ★AMaZING★】 💊🚬【 LaTINa 】💊🚬 {SeXY 💄ADdICTIVE 👙 FReAK - 22
(Bronx, St Barnabas hospital 184th)
🌀🇼🇪🇹🇹 🇪🇷🌀 than 🇭🇪🇷 ⬇ and 🇭🇪🇷⬆BIG B🍎🍎TY BUSTY FREAK 🏆💎 Available ⛅🌙☔❄☎Tamia $50SS - 27
(Boston rd baychester, Bronx)
Take your pick or double your Treat and double the pleasure!!!!You deserve us - 22
(Bronx, yankee stadium in/ outcalls)
Tapout WitThe Better BBW Bigger BootyMs. @$$...AkA Ms. Better and BaDder Body than her$ dirty Talkin - 24
(Bronx, Whiteplains rd. 240th nereid area)
Super Weekly Speciall $$$40,80,40 Call Now ask for Linda $$$ - 25
(Bronx, fordham road -Bronx incalls)
★★★Sugar & Spice Miss Kiss Is Nice★★★ 24/7 NON STOP FUN & PLAY★★★Hour SPECIALZ - 23
(Bronx, Burnside Harrison)
❤Soft Like A Pillow BBW Lady👩 Razel Rose🌹,Come Let Me Play WithYour🍌 &Take; You For A Ride 😍😊 - 20
(Bronx, Bronx incall , Elder ave /Westchester)
special special !!! 70 dollar special sneck away and play let lala and shay be your lil secret - 21
(Bronx, all over)
Sexy blonde white girl, skills like no other! You gotta see it to believe it! - 21
(Bronx, Westchester Ave Incall Bronx,)
Sexxy🔥Exotic Look👀 No More 👑💄NEW In Town🎀👠 Miracle 🍭💕 REAL PiCTURES!! ❌✔Click HERE✔❌ - 23
(Bronx, Jerome and 170th incall only)
*__ ___ _ _ __. BRAZILIAN . _ _. ...LATINA. .. COLO M BIANA____ CARINA .._L A T I N A _ ___ ____. _COLOMBIANA_ _ _ - 25
(Bronx, Fairfield, New Jersey, New Rochelle, Other, Westchester)
♛♛♛A M A Z I N G!!!!!!!S E X Y!!!!!!!D O L L!!!!!!!E U R O P E A N!!!!!!!B R U N E T T E!!!!!!!!!!!! - 21
(Midtown East, OUT CALLS****:::::::::::::::::::)
❤A M A Z I N G L Y S E X Y ❤ 24/7 everyday - 20
(Bronx, Bx incall New England Thru)
60....60....60.... Call me and come get freaky with me - 21
(Bronx, Bronx ny connor street off exit 13)
$45Q.V Special Irresistible Chocolate slim chic ready to have Fun - 19
(Bronx, INcalls white plains rd)
•★•5 Star ★Treatment •★•$50 Special•★• A+ plus service (No Rush) 100% Me (347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238th Neried Ave Whiteplains Road)
😝💯$50 InCall SPL EvErYTHiNg Shape Nice and Fits Nice with This Chocolate Chip Cutie⚠⚠ - 20
(Bronx, 215st & boston rd)
♥ (($40)) ♡ ((sHe's a DoLL >> RedBonE sPeCiaL's !!! (($40)) ♡ DDD ♥ - 22
(Bronx, 161 ** Yankee StaDium ** PriVate Hse)
347 979 0944【KiLLєR 💋 CuRvEs】💕【cUτє 💋 FαCє】💕【👋spaNKaBℓε💋αSS 👋】【ReAdY NOW】♥【❄️NaStY GiRL] - 19 - 19
40$ 40$ 40$ DOMINICANA Caliente All the Specials u need,come get it 👌 - 25
(Bronx, By 4 train on fordham road-incalls)
40$. HOt Laura and candy . special two for $70$ - 26. and 30 incall 929 2506374 - 26
(Bronx, gran concord)
call when ready 😜Estoy Disponible Ahora llama Papi @ iris 929 2417086 - 36
(Bronx, bronx in 169 grandconcourse area)
$9293257168$ bbw ts alexiis. Hey guys lets have fun. Early morning service$$$ - 28
(Bronx, Southbronx,145st.brook ave area.)
Trying To Have Some Fun ❓ Give Me A Call If You Want Some Chocolate 😘😜😍 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx Co-op City Bartow Ave)
ஜ۩👑OUTCaLL 12o💎● P⃣R⃣E⃣T⃣T⃣Y⃣ ♥ ᖴᖇᗰ♥ᕼEᗩᗪ♥2♥TOE ●💎👑۩ஜ● 5⭐️m⃣o⃣u⃣t⃣h⃣SK¡LLz ☆☆E✖ΘTiC ❥Ki₦KY🇩🇴 🇩🇴 DOMiNiCaN ➔➔🇩🇴 🇩🇴 - 26
(Bronx, OUTcALL 12oHaLf 18oHR OUTCALL 24/7)
Escorts Needed !!!!! Get paid daily $$$$$$ Money motivated ladies wanted!! - 25
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, New Jersey, NYC / Brkl / Queens / BX, Other, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)