Tue 21 Jan
UPSCALE, Never UP-SALE! GUARANTEED Five STAR Service with A Smile! Dominican Beauty - 22
(Bronx, outcalls)
$uper $ize $unday $pecials call 3479964746 @sk 4 mizz bbw outcalls only - 29
(Bronx, bronx outcalls only)
W-A-R-N-I-N-G * * eXtReMelY HOT !!! y-u-m-m-y ((BUBBLY)) bLONDE VIXen CLICK hERE ! - 21
(Bronx, ALL OVER N . Y . C .)
Stace is here to please...let's have a good morning! - 24
(Bronx, Brnx prk e whiteplains rd Incalls only!💋)
♥~☆~★~♡~◆《soft sweet sensual sexy curvy bbw michelle pr italian limited time only》♥~☆~★~♡~◆ - 25
(Brooklyn, flatbush church and ny ave)
����S��P��A��N��I��S��H�� 2x1OO PURE AZZ ♡♥♡♥ BIG TITS! BIGGER BOOTY ������������������������������ - 22
((( SPECIALS ))) Honey & Remy & Havanna Ready To PleaSe You In Everyway ((( SPECIALS ))) - 21
{{ToP NotCh PLeaSer}} %% sexy {peTiT3 treat}¿? ••• {{ HeaRT AttaCK SkiLLz })••• 1oO%% ME! - 19
(Bronx, {{ aLL CaLLz }})
❤️❤️❤️❤️TrIniDadIAn IsLANd SenSatIon MoRnInG SpEcIaLs❤️❤️❤️❤️ PICs 100% REAL!! - 23
(Bronx, Incalls)
SoMeThInG YoUnG BeAuTifUl AnD SwEeTy A pReAtY lAtInA tHaTs vErY dIsCrEeT - 23
(Bronx, Bronx outcalls now)
Thick Sexy Latina BBW.. .Big & Round Booty ... 609-837-7096 - 28
(Bronx, Incalls Only Fordham Grand Concourse)
slim Goodie coCo Cutie Bubble_ Booty _Beauty_ Freak Soft N Fit Da Way You Like $$$$$$ - 20
(Bronx, white plains rd)
SEXY TR!N! & VENEZUELAN mix TH!CK TH!GHS pretty smile DANCER BODY Call AALIYAH now!! 347-451-8028 - 20
(Queens (Jamaica) INCALLS only)
sexyy Brunette playmate ready to have LOTS of fun! New to area🎀 - 20
(Long Island, Garden City long island)
*¨¨*:. ★.:*¨¨* SEXY WHYT3 B°t©{~} *¨¨*:. ★.:*¨¨ !! SPECIAL !! 50 .. 4.2.o FRIENDLY - 24
(Bronx, Broadway, 238 st // 1train // RIVERDAL)
sick of over paying? 30 5 minq40 10 minq 50 15 min q80hh special 140hr WOW dont miss out sexy lexi - 23
(Bronx, fordham rd crotona ave)
sick of over paying? 👌👈👌👈👌👈 60quick80hh 120$hrdont missout outcalls only👌👈😂💦💦🍆🍑 - 23
(Bronx, all 🗽 & Westchester county motel👍)
💛 TaSTe oF THe 💕SEXy EXoTiC MIXED EBONY 💗💛💕💗💗NEW in TOWN!!💛💕💗💕💗💗💛💕 Let's Have fun - 26
(East Side, Herald Sq. 38th)
♥♥Sexy Erotic RED BONE♥$60 Incall Special ♥♥ SEXY MIXED BEAUTY ♥ ♥ 347 850 7895 - 23
(Bronx, North Bronx)
💞*•*StUnNiNg •💖:* *BeAuTiFuL •* ⭐*sO SExY • *💖 ⭐ViXeN!! 💖LoVeS 2 PLaY!!!💞70ss❤️ - 21
(Bronx, Riverdale Incalls Only)
SugahPlums $hOrT CuTiE WiTh AlOt Of BoOtY OUTCALLS ONLY - 22
Sexy Latina YUMMI will do almost ANYTHING No Cover & $60 incalls/$80 outcalls r available - 18
(Bronx, bronx Westchester NYC)
Super 53inch B00Ty THICK azz adult actress TOOTSIE®!! !... - 24
(Bronx, e183rd & washington.....in/outs)
💦💦 Stripper Body &+ PornStar Skills Crystal💎 The BarbieDoll 👄💦👄💦 70/100/150 - 22
(Bronx, East tremont InCalls only)
sexy LATINA 100% real pics ** 120=2girls full hour *** (y) *** 500=over night *** ®®® - 20
(Bronx, 232 st Broadway. #1 train off 87)
sexy Cherry u want the best im the 1 to select 8453994992 specials available - 25
(Bronx, Whiteplains rd)
star hony. costarica. beby ummm. 347 912 0345. the better ,coll umm hot - 27
(Bronx, bronx y manhattae, w place yonkes)
❤️ Sexy Asian Girl ❤️ 100% REAL PICTURES ❤️ Incall Only $60/hr - 21
(Upper Manhattan, between 30th and 31st street & 6th ave)
SeeKinG --> ExCEllEnT sKiLLs * SexY -N- InDePeNdEnT --> CLICK HERE
(Bronx, E 167/westchester ave/INCALLS ONLY)
Spicee HotttBBw Ms.b00ty Tatted an Toned uP Has Returned Ph@ttest Azz in TheBx I'm urs while ur Here - 25
(Bronx, Mt. Vernon whiteplains rd. Area)
Sexy Cherry ready to make you explode with amazing skills, first come, first served - 24
(Bronx, Bronx near W. 258st, incalls and outcall)
Sexxy dominicana big tites Sully and Rubí special 40 - 24
(170 grand councurse area train D and 4, Bronx)
So Sexy & Seductive Jessica is ready to play... In/out - 19
(Bronx, Bronx, New England thruway, off 1 95,)