Tue 21 Jan
P E R F E C T ➓ ((PETiTE)) * LaTiNa BEAUTY * Exotic ██ ❤ - [visting from miami] - 20
(Bronx, Outcalls bronx area westchester fordam)
▀▀ ♚❤♚ N@UGHTY PLaYFUL PLEASURES ♚❤♚ B(๏ 人 ๏)iES ♚❤♚ Curvy VOLUPTUOUS Cutie with aBig BOOTY♚❤♚ ▀ - 23
(Bronx, Tremont INCALLS)
❤️❤️PARTY GIRLS🎊🎉❗️❗️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Slim Caramel ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 100% Dominican exotic Gurl - 23
(Bronx, E.tremont INCALLS 🚗 Outcalls available)
°o♥o° 3 SuPeR FrEaKy °o♥oErOtIc & SexY °o♥o PleAsure Unlike Any OtHers °o♥o° Specials Starting @ $50 - 26
(Bronx, Incalls 188 & prospect ave.)
*Outcall specials*($80 short$120 half hr $160 hr) Its Destiny im 50 slim 120lbs & sexy 347 219 6298 - 50
¸.'´¯) NO ONE -:¦:- DOES IT-:¦:-LIKE ME ¸.'´¯) BiG BoOtY DOmInIcAn $$$$ SPECIALS $$$$ - 21
Sexy Dominican and Cuban mami ready to please Friday special OUTCALLS only - 21
(Bronx, Bronx manhatten)
🌟New To Area🌟 Tall & Slim Steph 👅💦100% Real! TRULY Breathtaking SnowBunny👅💦 - 23
(Bronx, Sheridan expwy Incall)
S P A N I S H..... B O M B S H E L L..... R E A D Y..... T O..... P L E A S E..... Y O U..... B X... - 21
(Bronx, BRONX NY / 4565 3RD AVE)
NEW PICS*** LETS PARTY!!! party & 4/20 friendly! MIXED DOLL PHAT AZZ DOUBLE D'S - 21
(Bronx, W238TH & BAILEY)
NICE👅💦 BUSTY (NEW )🇫🇺🇳 💋 ➡➡➡🆕🆒 🇦🇲 💎✨💖UpscaLe F l a w l e s s 💖💎✨ 🎯💯%R🎯E🎯A🎯L💦 - 21
(Bronx, New Jersey, 👉161 third ave 👈 Bronx incalls)
NEW to BP 🍎Visiting the BIG Apple🍎 🌟80HH SPECIAL🌟 ❗️Freak of the week❗️ - 23
(Bronx, Co-op city -Off Exit13- Incalls Only)
sassy thick body dream 😘😘🕝🕝💦📞💅❤❤❤🚆🚇🚊----_---- - 25
(Bronx, White plains road allerton ave incalls!!)
((💙💵NEW 📷Pics Naughty ))▫💋▫(( 📷Specials 📷))▫(( 💙Juicy girl💙) - 22
(Bronx, bronx in calls (167 southern blvd))
Puerto Rican/italian petite/busty outcalls only solo delivery - 19
(Bronx, bronx, Yonkers new roc ( throgs neck))
NEW GIRL in Town - Busty Beauty to Rock Your World!... - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, In town)
NEW GIRL!!!!Sexy carribian BBW waiting to please u 100 specials - 21
(Bronx, New Rochelle / Bronx in calls only)
New In Town…Honey…Hot And Ready To Get You Out The Cold! - 26
Pϵtitϵ 💋╚»⇰ Ⱳhiȶe Ɠirℓ ❦ ╚» ⇰ perƒect ➓☆ 💋❧ YOUNG, & SexY ❥ -⇰⇰ - 19
(Bronx, Incalls ONLY 💋 ╚» Southern Blvd)
❤️😬OMG Stop what You Doing 💋Guess Who BACK (here for a LIMTED time only ) 💯💋
OUT CALLS **Let*Me*Be* Your*Fantasy** KAREN AND ROCIO $ 60$ 24/7 ONLY OUT - 22
(Bronx, bronx ny OUT ONLY)
Most WANTED ** Kitty So TIGHT & BOOTY To Fatt ** Back By POPULAR Demand ** AVAILABLE NOW - 24
(Bronx, Incalls)
💦MsNy💦40/70/140 GangBangQueen😻😘 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx ,white plains rd, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Upper Manhattan, Westchester)
♥o°• N3W iN t0WN $60 • °o♥o°• MZ DiVA $ 5w33tS • °o♥o°• GeNtLeMaN's #1 ChOiCe!! $60/ $60 -SpEciaL!! - 19
(Westchester, Mount Vernon, Pelham, Yonkers, Uptown)
NYC OUTCALL$$💖💖💖💖💖💖💁Si Hablo epanol 💖💖💖💖 H/hr $$pecial$$💖💖💖 California LatiNA💄💋 - 21
(BK,NYC🗽outcalls everywhere⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅⬅, Bronx)
◀🔴🔵Nikki Hard 🔵🔴▶MEET Da Magic Mouth👅Im everything your wife is NOT 😈BbW👅⚠ available Now 😉 - 35
(Bronx, Whiteplains rd)
New! Sexy Chocolate Pretty Soft Skin💰 AVAILABLE NOW! Sloppy Topppy 💋 Bounce this Pretty Ass Yummy! - 20
(Bronx, INCALL 194 st)
MORNING COFFEE SPECIAL●💗 ——OuTcALL —— 💗● ♡ B E A U T Y ♡ ● ▶ AVAiLABLE NOW (917) 324-7043 - 22
✨new pictures✨ 🏅best kitty 🏅 my 👅MOUTh👅 just compliments my 🍑ASs👅MOUTh👅h. T.T. E S T. kitty💦 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx Park East, White Plains Rd)
late night/early morning pleasure.. bronx beauty available for OUTCALLS - 25
(Bronx, BRoNx OutCALLs)
**-:¦:-* LT Me FiNiSH WHÂT ★ Y0UR YS STÂRTD *-:¦:-**Ms. Nasty - 19
(Bronx, Bronx INCALLS ONLY)
☆ Mistress STACEY ☆ •☆•RED Hair RED bone mixed HOTTIE ~ ☆ •☆• 80 100 15 0 S P E C I A L S! - 22
(Bronx, incall / outcall)
LOVELY Panamanian Specials45 dollar SpecialROCKIN BODY TOTAL HOTTiE - - 19
(Bronx, Bronx Incalls/My Place)
I'LL Do You RiGHT 💋__BiG BuBBLicious BooTy 👅SeXy BodY__🌟 🌟AVAILABLE🌟 🌟__ReAdY to PLaY - - 24
(Bronx, bronx-incalls)
💛💜 I N C A L L 💙❤BONANZA 💜💛💗WITH 💚 ❤ 💙 BUGATTI CREAM ❤💙💜💛💛EIGHTY EIGHT @JAY ❤ 💙 💚 💛 💜 ❤ 💙 💚 💛 💜 ❤ - 23
(Bronx, BRONX INCALLS ONLY 💙❤💜💛💚❤💙💜💛💚💙)
Im Ready NOW ❤💋💐The Best is BacK **Miss Vanilla** 💐💋❤ Blonde Pretty Face BIG Booty - 28
(Bronx, Gun hill Rd)
Jenny. . 150hr. 250/2hrs. 100% real picture. ☆☆☆☆☆ 250/2hrs - 22
(Bronx, Ramada hotel co op city. i 95)
italian/puerto rican Treat Urself To The Best 24/7 - 26
(Bronx, Bx incall only 1440 sheridan express way)
♥ HavE YouR WaY WitH ME!!! ☆ 🌟💜 PLeASuRe 🌟 (BEY0nD) 💜 MeAsUrE!💋HoTtie 🌟💜 - 20
(Bronx, Bx & Westchester OUTCALLS)
*°•*☆*•°* (☆ FrEaKy ☆ LiL ☆ WHITE ☆ GuRl ☆ !! ☆ ☆) *°•*☆*•°* ★★ SPECIALS 60=15 100=30 150=1hr!! ★★ - 25
(Bronx, Bailey 238, riverdale are, 1train)
Get HAND Soaped ►◄►◄►◄►◄►◄► Great Massage + BODYSLIDE *Real photo girlfriend ``** - 23
(Bronx, Manhattan, Midtown 34 street 5 ave Bwy to 3am, Midtown West, New Jersey, Other, Westchester)
I'LL TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOU;) -:★ eBoNy :-° FrEak - WarMM -:★:- YoU Up Just riGhT!! - 21
(Bronx, INcall! Dont miss out on this good lovin)