Mon 27 Jan
J_U_S_T __W_H_A_T __Y_O_U __ N_E_E_D••INCALLS ONLY!!♡ 2 Girl Special.. Let us be your Freak! - 18
(Bronx, My Place Near Westchester ave on 6train)
Must Have!! juicy booty. ..Lusty and beautiful!!! 100% real pics!!! - 24
(Queens, All over Queens area & long island)
💋💋💞Ms.Pre++y is Simply Amazinq💞Slim waist 💞Fat ass 💞so warm n Gushy💞80short/120hlf /160hr 💰 - 23
(Bronx, Bronx n.y_ Incalls only__gunhill road)
Incall spot available Ladies only!!! - 19
(Bronx, Bronx ,white plains rd, Brooklyn, Jamaica, Manhattan, Queens, Upper Manhattan)
IncallS! 2 Bi Freaky, clean & Nasty Girlfriends! We r n a motel! - 22
(Bronx, White Plain Rd Motel/ BX/ incalls only)
InCaLL OutCaLL READY!!! Super Specialss ((( 2O1 870 7682)) - 22
(Bronx, incaLL bronx bosten road CaLL Now)
💗💋 Im So Unimaginable 💎💎 Unforgettable 💎💎 Unexplainable💎💎Come see for yourself 💗💋 - 22
(Bronx, bronx discrete safe incalls/outcalls)
I'M BACK! !! {Perfect body} Perfect Booty} Flat Stomach } Cute face Total package - 23
(Bronx, bronx./ sharidan expw)
✨💋MiSSeS ALWaYz DRiPPN💦, 😍🙊 BUTTT CaN U KeEP It THaT WaY..!?!💦😝😏!!! - 23
(Brooklyn, Brooklyn OUTCALLS ONLY)
☆ Mistress STACEY ☆ •☆•BLONDE Hair RED bone mixed HOTTIE ~ ☆ •☆• 70 100 150 S P E C I A L S! - 22
(Bronx, incall / outcall)
if u really want to have a good time WiT a TrUe P.riCaN FrEaK call IRIS 50sPeCiALs70 - 32
(Bronx, bronx incalls GRANDCONCOURSE AREA)
INCALLS ONLY!! Lala and Lexy Here to Make It Nasty!! Have One Or Watch both😍😅 - 20
(Bronx, Westchester ave on 6train - 9172598096)
My 50$hh specials 💸 Come Have A wonderful time 😍 Hot & Exotic Dominican 👯💋☎📞Call - 25
(Bronx, Bronx incall 4 & D 🚇)
🍇🍇🍇Ms.B€RR¥🍇🍇🍇$UP€R JUiC¥ $p€Ci@Ls Ju$T F0R Y0U B@BY! C0M€ & G€T IT! - 21
(Bronx, Jerome Avenue Incalls Only)
▓ ☆ I ☆LⓞVⓔ☆WHAT☆ I ☆ÐO..HIghlY SKiLLeD!! ☜SPECIALS☞ ☆ÅddI©+!V€⇨ R€@dy & Waiting 100% REAL♥ - 22
(Bronx, Serious Callers💞)
Im Ready NOW ❤💋💐The Best is BacK **Miss Vanilla** 💐💋❤ Blonde Pretty Face BIG Booty - 28
(Bronx, Westchester ave)
I T A L I A N...B O M B S H E L L...I M...B A C K...G U Y S..A N D...I M..R E A D Y..F O R ....Y O U - 21
(Bronx, BRONX NY / EXIT 13 ON 95 NORTH)
🌹🌼 IN This Garden Awaits A Sexy✴ Exotic Cuban & Jamaican 🌷 Treasure🌷 ➡COME see for yourself💜 - 22
(Bronx, bronx discrete safe incalls/outcalls)
► MmM LeTs MaKe A Fi®E! U BriNg Ur W_0_0_D To PuT iN My OvEn MmM ►! - 21
(Bronx, Bronx♥iN♥oUtcaLl**aLl*nyc)
🌟🌟 Mixed Princess! 5 Star Treatment! Expect Only The Best! Only Taking Serious Customers! 🌟🌟 - 21
(👄😋 ( IM STILL UP )I can Make it BOUNCE & JIGGLE @LL on it...:) Nice BODY #OUTCALLS ONLY - 22
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Jamaica, OUTCALLS ONLY (BX BK S-I QU ) 24/7, Queens, Staten Island)
Morning Specials!!!! CoMe GiVe It To Me And PuT mE to ThE tEst🔥💰💣👍👌👅!!! - 21
(Bronx, Incall by Mt. Eden)
🌴€MPR€§§👑{{CARiBβ€₳N G0DЀ§§}}👑🌴{{BAβ¥ LEŦ ME β€}}👑{{Y0UR M0TiV@Ti0N}}👍👍 - 21
(Bronx, Jerome AVENUE iNCALL§ 0NL¥)
✨🌟💫🌟✨ IM 19 & FABULOUS ✨🌟🌟60✨💫💫 N@tur@L Pl@¥time CALL ME NOW 👌 9142469328 💃💃 - 19
(Bronx, $60 I come to you 9142469328)
Morning Coffee Hot Better Bread And Brown Muffin Ready Call Now!! Half Hour Special Incall - 23
(Bronx, HARLEM INCALL 60 CALL NOW 2Girl 120)
🇳🇪🇼 ((Mmm))🇦🇲🇦🇿🇮🇳(Nasty Splashy))🌚🌗🌚 Nasty Day and Night 🌒🌖🌒 )) (( 🌗 Specials 🌓 ) - 26
(Bronx, Bronx incall (♦Co op city ♦)Conner st💋, Fairfield, Other, Westchester)
MiSs cHrIsTyLe BaCk On ACtIon rEaDY tO gIvE a SaTiSfaCtIon To wHo eVeR iS ReADy fOr somE BaCk ActIoN - 21
(Bronx, bronx inncalls only)
I ** D O * I T ** A L L !!!! G R E A T.** R A T E S!!! Available N O W - 19
(Westchester, westchester and bronx outcalls)
Hottest Brazilian Latin Girl Bronx Nice Body Latina Brazileira*82 914 258 0947 - 25
melissa *140hr* 100% real 100% dominican * hablo espanol * - 24
(Bronx, fordham rd university av d&4 off 87)
Hottie Brazilian Latina Ziomara Chantal *82 914 258 0947 Espetacular Figure - 25
I'm the one you want!!!!!! Nothing but sexinessss!!!!!!!! 100% real pics - 22
(Bronx, Bronx manhattan)
im bored and looking for fun. can you think of anything exciting?
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
MONDAY Night Special!! Your REAL Authentic ★ Snowbunnie ★ ALERT! 120 Outcall Specials all day!! - 21
If YoU NeVeR HaD A PeRuViaN & iTaLiAn MaMi CoMe GeT A TaStE $60 SpEcIaL - 25
(Bronx, bronx barnes and arnow)
Hottie Sexy Beauty Brazilian / Venezuelan Camila *82 914 258 0947 - 25
*°* HoT SeXy AbovE AvErAge SupEr Star Ready To PLaY *°* - 23
(Bronx, Westchester ave/ Sheridan expsway)
💝🌹MØ$Ŧ🎉🍭₩Ạ₦ŦẸÐ.🔥 SmOking HoT🔥【 †ħεGεn†ℓεmαη's#❶ Cho¡cε】❤️【 up ALL night 】❤️【√✰ INCALLS ONLY ☆ - 23
(Bronx, Yankee Stadium INCALL)
✨🌟💫🌟✨ IM 19 & FABULOUS ✨🌟🌟✨💫💫 What are you waiting for? CALL ME NOW 👌 3473398808 💃💃 - 19
(Bronx, $60 I come to you 3473398808)