Mon 27 Jan
n*a*u*g*h*t*y never looked this n*i*c*e - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, 10 minutes away)
NAsTiEsT FrEaK On ThiS SidE OF toWN 646 💋470 💋5899👅 thiCkNesS at itS finEsT ..OPEN MINDED - 21
(Bronx, Burnside Tremont grand ave)
In calle // out CALL // ҉ ↗҉ ♥.•°❤ BEAUTIFUL PETITE TREAT ❤°•. 100% REAL Call Me! sexy body NIECOL - 22
Incall PERFECT ➓ ( 5 ☆ S €Rv!C€ ; ) FLaWL€sS~Italian Hottie! ★ TH€ F®€ak!€§T Ø F TH€M ALL - 19
(Incall, Manhattan, Midtown West)
💋 INCaLL SpecialS🏡...Sm@LL W@!$T ⭐⭐(( ThiCk BoDy )) T!ghT&$UP€R+++W€T!!! ALL U WANT🤗👅 - 24
(Bronx, 💝Harlem Upscale INCALLS 💖)
m§.pre++y ωill ®ock you® ωo®ld «» Italian&sicillian;«»70.00 special« Incallls only« - 23
(Bronx, Bronx n.y_ Incalls on southern blvd)
MY GOD! BiG PhATt Whopper-licious Booty 48 inches - 22
(Bronx, bronx,Manhattan,Queens outcalls ALL DAY)
Mizz Delicious is back in the bx for a LIMITED TIME.... Pics 100% Real Taken Today $60 Specials - 21
🎉🎊 IM So Unexplainable Unforgettable 💋Unbelievable Sexy Redbone 🎀 Come See For Yourself🎊🎉 - 22
(Bronx, bronx cool a.c. private incalls/outcalls)
I'm one of the biggest and freakiest of them all💋 $80Special💋7343254302) - 24
(Bronx, Gun hill rd 💋Incall Special💋)
messy mondays with mystique that redbone freak 3479384646 specials available - 26
(Bronx, Bronx/GUNHILL)
$$ mz curvy cake is ready and cold so come make me hot $60 specials - 24
(Bronx, bronx incalls/outcalls)
INCALLS From MIAMI Hot🔥🔥New🌺🌷 🌷🌺 In Town Ready To Play🍌🍆🍌 - 24
(Bronx, Glen Cove, Long Island, Manhattan, Midtown West, Upper Manhattan, 👜94th & Broadway Incall Only👜)
______Incall Special_____Slim & Thick Sexy, Young White Girl - 19
(Bronx, Brook ave & 165 : yankee stadium)
m§.pre++y ωill ®ock you® ωo®ld «» Italian&sicillian;«» Incallls« - 21
(Bronx, Boston road #Incalls Only)
im wit errthang u witt to the bx ready to call u n scream out ur name - 21
(Bronx, Freema)
In caIl __★&👄👄👄 👄▃ ▄ ▅ BEAUTIFUL •★• SEXY •★• HOT • LATINA █ ★ IN CALL - 21
(Bronx, bronx three ave)
miracle💎Sexy💁🏼Unique Upscale Latina👑highly Skilled💜Best iN Town💜Hot tight & ready👅💦 - 23
(Bronx, Middletown road incalls only)
its cold out but im warm special 60$$$bronx& harlem outcalls - 21
Miami SexiEst CarAmeL BarBie DoLL. pRomiSe iM tHe bEsT aRouNd. Breast/buTT LoVeRz CaLL NoW - 23
(Bronx, BronX OutCaLLsONLY No Hotels No ProJect.)
(out calls)
---🌞- ---- ---- I'm That Late Night Cake You Crave ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----💋💞👄😘🌟 - 24
(Bronx, Bronx incall Grand Concourse)
💋💋💞Ms.Pre++y is Simply Amazinq💞Slim waist 💞Fat ass 💞so warm n Gushy💞80short/120hlf /160hr 💰 - 23
(Bronx, Bronx n.y_ Incalls only__gunhill road)
✨💋MiSSeS ALWaYz DRiPPN💦, 😍🙊 BUTTT CaN U KeEP It THaT WaY..!?!💦😝😏!!! - 23
(Brooklyn, Brooklyn OUTCALLS ONLY)
if u really want to have a good time WiT a TrUe P.riCaN FrEaK call IRIS 50sPeCiALs70 - 32
(Bronx, bronx incalls GRANDCONCOURSE AREA)
😘💰👙 mz curvy 😘 50 specials 💋caribbean gyal😍I got that drip drip - 21
(Baychester, gun hill road Incalls, Bronx)
My 50$hh specials 💸 Come Have A wonderful time 😍 Hot & Exotic Dominican 👯💋☎📞Call - 25
(Bronx, Bronx incall 4 & D 🚇)
🍇🍇🍇Ms.B€RR¥🍇🍇🍇$UP€R JUiC¥ $p€Ci@Ls Ju$T F0R Y0U B@BY! C0M€ & G€T IT! - 21
(Bronx, Jerome Avenue Incalls Only)
* In The Garden of Lust * There"s * Mz Kisses * * Juicy Thick & Chocolate diva * pleasure is yours - 20
(Bronx, bronx incalls/ manhattan & bx outs)
Incalls🎀💄 DROP DEAD GORGEOUS 🎀💄🍭Sexy Exotic Mixed Mami Fat 😻💦🍯& Tit$👔50💕🍯3479804342 - 21
(Bronx, Incalls- Sheridan Expwy, Other)
Im Ready NOW ❤💋💐The Best is BacK **Miss Vanilla** 💐💋❤ Blonde Pretty Face BIG Booty - 28
(Bronx, Westchester ave)
Me Atrevo A todo y Complazco Parejas Dominicana Culo Grande Rositha Bx - 25
🌹🌼 IN This Garden Awaits A Sexy✴ Exotic Cuban & Jamaican 🌷 Treasure🌷 ➡COME see for yourself💜 - 22
(Bronx, bronx discrete safe incalls/outcalls)
► MmM LeTs MaKe A Fi®E! U BriNg Ur W_0_0_D To PuT iN My OvEn MmM ►! - 21
(Bronx, Bronx♥iN♥oUtcaLl**aLl*nyc)
¥*¥* MiXeD BROOKLYN CHICK *¥*¥* MaGiC TOuCh 50$$$ super BuTT _«««««« L O O K Dominican - 21
(Bronx, BUSHWICK OutCalls««)
(👄😋 ( IM STILL UP )I can Make it BOUNCE & JIGGLE @LL on it...:) Nice BODY #OUTCALLS ONLY - 22
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Jamaica, OUTCALLS ONLY (BX BK S-I QU ) 24/7, Queens, Staten Island)
Morning Specials!!!! CoMe GiVe It To Me And PuT mE to ThE tEst🔥💰💣👍👌👅!!! - 21
(Bronx, Incall by Mt. Eden)
🌴€MPR€§§👑{{CARiBβ€₳N G0DЀ§§}}👑🌴{{BAβ¥ LEŦ ME β€}}👑{{Y0UR M0TiV@Ti0N}}👍👍 - 21
(Bronx, Jerome AVENUE iNCALL§ 0NL¥)
✨🌟💫🌟✨ IM 19 & FABULOUS ✨🌟🌟60✨💫💫 N@tur@L Pl@¥time CALL ME NOW 👌 9142469328 💃💃 - 19
(Bronx, $60 I come to you 9142469328)
Morning Coffee Hot Better Bread And Brown Muffin Ready Call Now!! Half Hour Special Incall - 23
(Bronx, HARLEM INCALL 60 CALL NOW 2Girl 120)
🇳🇪🇼 ((Mmm))🇦🇲🇦🇿🇮🇳(Nasty Splashy))🌚🌗🌚 Nasty Day and Night 🌒🌖🌒 )) (( 🌗 Specials 🌓 ) - 26
(Bronx, Bronx incall (♦Co op city ♦)Conner st💋, Fairfield, Other, Westchester)
*~¨ ¨*~=;= iF iT LooKS THiS Go0D ~ iMaGiNe WHaT iT FeeLS LiKe! ;.* ~*=;= CuBaN MaMi 3472397706 - 22
MiSs cHrIsTyLe BaCk On ACtIon rEaDY tO gIvE a SaTiSfaCtIon To wHo eVeR iS ReADy fOr somE BaCk ActIoN - 21
(Bronx, bronx inncalls only)