Mon 27 Jan
💲60 Heat🔥Wave Specials💲❄Come Cool Off With Me❄💖You Will LOVE It💖 - 20
(Bronx, Jerome Ave & 170 INCALLS ONLY)
Your Ultimate Dream Girl - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, 10 minutes away)
Your Dirty Blonde French Secret! NEW NEW Location. 100specials! - 23
(Westchester, New Rochelle In/Out)
Your sexy sweet heart ❤️available right now to meet your needs💋 new in town!!! OUT CALLS - 23
(Bronx, Bronx,Manhattan,Yonkers)
💦💥💦Your💍 Dirty💖 Little💍 Secret💦💥💦 INCALLS ONLY LET'S GET NASTY!! - 19
(Bronx, My Place Near 6 train Westchester ave)
♥ «—— YUMMY EXOTiC TREATS ! —— ♥ L€TS PLAY BOYS! ♥ ツ We Got WhaT ¥oU N€£d ♡ 2 SeXy MiXeD BoMbShEll ♡ - 23
YELLOW BONE NeeDs A Spankin!!.. ((PHATT AZZ)) 70$ 347 290 5299 - 21
🌹🍒🌷💦Wow Have you Ever 👀Seen👀 A 🐰White Girl With 👉ASSets👈 Like This☎ Call Now 📞6466177118 - 26
(Bronx, Outcalls)
*¨¨*:•.★.•:*¨¨* We.TT, WhitE, Ti Ght, PHaT, JuIcy, KiTty.. FReaKY-LiL WhiTe GurL!! *50/75/100* - 25
(Bronx, Broadway238,1Train,MajDeegX.10,Riverdale)
♡♥Want the BEST?♡♥Call Major NOW LaTe NiGhT ..60spl - 21
(Bronx, WHITESTONE incall °☆all fetish friendly)
👊🏻 💌YOU THINK U READY ? Still Up Looking For Action Late Night Snack💯 (80 120 180) - 21
(Bronx, BX IN +Out BX Qu Man West Chester 24/7, East Side, Manhattan, Midtown West, Queens, Upper Manhattan)
Trouble 😇😈💯347⛽501👅6938Bx Incall!!😻😘😘 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx ,INCALLONLY!! white plains rd, Manhattan, Upper Manhattan, Westchester)
VERONIKA incalls only daytime NEW blondie from europe Pics are 100% ME real and recent, room with AC - 39
(Brooklyn, bay ridge)
Trick or treat Smell My FEET or give me something Good to eat! Early trick or treat specials here! - 25
(Bronx, Bx 170 and jerome ave)
Up ALL Night😈 🆕SEXXXY Melissa🆕 🚗In/Outcalls🚗 💦💦 - 21
(Brentwood/ Farmingdale EVERYWHERE, Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, West Side, Westchester)
¸.•'´¯) U P S C A L E (¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) ITaLiAN and puerto rican B o m B s h e l l $80special...... - 21
Tight andAlways Right ** Never Rushed ** Book Your Appointment Now!!! - 24
(Bronx, Bronx, East 182nd Near Clinton)
Ur SeXy PeRuViAn AnD ItAlIaN ExOtIc MiX BaCk In BrOnX 1 Wk OnLy In CaLlS - 25
THE👑🏆💦🐱IS BACK✔️📲 😘OpenMinded Playmate 😝💎 ToTaL FReAk! - 20
(Bronx, Downtown, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Southern Blvd Westchester Ave 2 Train In, Westchester)
ThIs dOmInIcAn & InDiAn MaMi Is hOt & rEaDY FoR SoMe mOrE FuN cOmE GeT Me iM wAiTiNg!! - 21
(Bronx, bronx/incalls)
Thick sexy samll bbw (60 special)incalls only 196 jerome ave bronx - 21
(Bronx, 196 btw jerome and morris incall only)
The Real Deal 💖MIRACLE💖My Expertise Is To Please✨ Brand New In Town - 23
(Bronx, Middletown road incalls only)
This is NO trick i can be YOUR treat;)))) Black nubian princess at your servies - 24
This Is Something You Don't Wanna Miss I love What I Do!💦💋 Incalls Only - 22
(Bronx, sheridan Exp. Incalls Westchester Ave.)
★ tHis wiLL lEaVe uU sPeeChLeSs ★ 5 STAR SATISFACTION ★ - 22
(Bronx, Incall/161 near Park aVe/priaVate HousE) latin Mami LIz...Ready to make YOur time special..lets play - 24
(Bronx, bronx incall some outcall)
The Sexiest Blonde Bombshell On BP HOT OUT CALLS ONE NIGHT ONLY Make it the Best night - 22
(Bronx, Bronx/Manhattan)
The sexiest latina sweetheart u will find on B.P. experience true pleasure - 19
(Bronx, my place or yours)
( Your Vision of Extacy )) No RuSh nO wOrRiES iM wAiTiNg oN yOu """""*****ask For my SPeCials"" - 20
(Bronx, bx pelham bay area in-out nyc area)
Yours ! And Only Yours ! ► Just For YOU Special ! ► Saturday A.M Special! - 21
(Bronx, Bronx Outcalls Only!)
Super Sweet Exotic Latina Freak Llamame 24HRS INCALL Espero Por ti - 22
(Bronx, Morris Ave/ BX INCALLS)
Super negotiable Pretty Azzz Thick Lesbo Bi Freaky Tomboi Tasha 80🌹BBw 💋wit all that Azzzz 👅💦👍 - 26
(Bronx, Uptown Bronx incall)
(¯`'•.¸ 💋 YoUr AfTeRnOoN WILL Be DeLiGhTFuLl CoMe EnJoY yOuRsELf💋 ¸.•'´¯) - 20
YOUR***** GIRLFRIEND***** WORST****** NIGHTMARE****** 60 $pec - 21
(Bronx, ((NEW GRLS/A.C/ BX INCALLS (D&4 trains))
Sweet & sexy Alize $ 50 In calls specials %100 real pics (347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238th Neried Ave Whiteplains Road)
( ( ( SupEr Sexy Mixed Ebony Latina Sweetheart ) ) ) xOxO ( ( ( 6*o* ) ) ) spec!@L - 20
(Bronx, Bronx inCalls Hutchison river pkwy)
★ ☆ ☆ V I S I T I N G ! ! •••►►•• SO • S E X Y •• ❶ THE VERY BEST! ❶ ◄••• ( SEXY OUTCALLS ) ☆ ☆ ★ - - 21
█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█ ❤ Spanish Sweetie ❤ █▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█ ❤ GOING TO KISS U █▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█▓█ YOU - 22
Vanessa the HOOVER SUCTION SPECIALIST!! Black Friday DeAls! Crazy SloPPy T0pPy suction 100% me - 25
(Bronx, Bx 170 and jerome ave)
Small waist,hips & a Super monster booty 2 to choose from or u can have both - 22
(Bronx, Bronx /Harlem in/ outs only)
Ur Morning special is Ready $$You like burger king ? U can have it your way!!! 757+ 952+ 7O98 - 22
(Bronx, incall outcall(Harlem ).special call now)
SUPER ******** BRAZILIAN ******** MIXX-GIRL ********* LOOK perfect *** FeLL EvEN BeTTeR CaLL nOw! - 23
Sexy Chocolate Baby Doll S80 dollars hf hr S100 hr*Specials! Outcalls Only - 21
(Bronx, Bronx, Manhattan Outcalls Only)
Sexy College Girl, Polite and Discreet - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, In the city)