Mon 27 Jan
📞22melannye💋 Mira cómo 💜 PROFUNDO QUE PUEDO GO👅DOWN 💦UR 🍆😂Outcalls Sólo 👑No Rush💋 - 22 - 23
(Bronx, Bronx,Manhattan)
😍♥️😍♥️(3 Girls Available ) 24/7😍😍😍 OUTCALLS only 24/7 - 21
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, ️OUTCALLS ONLY BK QU MANHTTAN)
Your Ultimate Dream Girl - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, 10 minutes away)
(¯`·ZORI·´¯) Is BACK with A FRIEND♡ (¯`·MILAN´¯) ♡ 2 MIxxED FReaKS ㏂/㏘ EarlyBirds ツ LETS PARTYGUYS - 21
(Bronx, New England Thru,Incalls)
❤ YoUr FaVoRiTe PLaYmaTe❤❤ STUNNING*** ✨ EXOTIC GoDDessES✨Here 4 YouR PLeaSuRe - 22
(Queens, Queens Outcalls 24/7)
Your Dirty Blonde French Secret! NEW NEW Location. 100specials! - 23
(Westchester, New Rochelle In/Out)
(¯`'•.¸ 💋 YoUr AfTeRnOoN WILL Be DeLiGhTFuLl CoMe EnJoY yOuRsELf💋 ¸.•'´¯) - 20
♥ «—— YUMMY EXOTiC TREATS ! —— ♥ L€TS PLAY BOYS! ♥ ツ We Got WhaT ¥oU N€£d ♡ 2 SeXy MiXeD BoMbShEll ♡ - 23
_______-:¦:- {{WoW}} -:¦:-° MAGICALLY DELICIOUS °-:¦:-WiTh AmAzInG SKILLS ___HoTT BloNdE * * * - 21
(bronx in/out)
WHOa BaBY * * $PECIAL$ * * ( Call me 4 my BeSt $pecial EVER ) MORE pix AVAILABLE - 20
(Bronx, ( cOMe oN OvA _bRoNX iNcALLz ))
🌹🍒🌷💦Wow Have you Ever 👀Seen👀 A 🐰White Girl With 👉ASSets👈 Like This☎ Call Now 📞6466177118 - 26
(Bronx, Outcalls)
Young & Sexy Latina La La Farreira |VIDEO Accurate AVAILABLE 24/7 Upscale Companion! - 22
(Downtown, East Side, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Soho, Financial District, Upper Manhattan)
YES! I'm Back in NYC! NEW Pics! 80 💋🌟➜❤️((PRETTY FACE ))💋🌟((SEXY CuRvES)🌟💋((BIG ❤B🅾OTY❤) CuTiE ★🌟★❤️ - 24
(Bronx, Bronx/Harlem)
♡♥Want the BEST?♡♥Call Major NOW LaTe NiGhT ..60spl - 21
(Bronx, WHITESTONE incall °☆all fetish friendly)
White Sexy latina for you love please read the post first - 29
(Bronx, Bronx , Manhattan, yonker wescherter, Manhattan, Midtown West, Upper Manhattan)
Touch my body 😘😛😍😍😍😍😍😍 Dominican here to rock your world , outcalls only HABLO ESPANOL - 20
(Bronx, Bronx , and Manhattan outcalls)
Top Choice BBW Ms.Tapout is Still Here BootyBigger ,Better ,and BaDder Body,dirty Talkin Freaky Girl - 24
(Bronx, Whiteplains rd. 240th nereid area)
Two Girls✌ ❤❤✌PE©!@l O£ TH€ N!hg C@LL OR T€×t☎☎ $£ Habla €$pañol.6462872925 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx / Manhattan / Yonkers)
Treat urself thurday.... latina delight Sweetie super special in/out 3473754012 - 23
(Bronx, white plains rd)
Totally Gorgeous Hottie, I Will Blow Your Mind! - 19
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester, anywhere you want me!)
¸.•'´¯) U P S C A L E (¯`'•.¸ ★¸.•'´¯) ITaLiAN and puerto rican B o m B s h e l l $80special...... - 21
Tight andAlways Right ** Never Rushed ** Book Your Appointment Now!!! - 24
(Bronx, Bronx, East 182nd Near Clinton)
THE👑🏆💦🐱IS BACK✔️📲 😘OpenMinded Playmate 😝💎 ToTaL FReAk! - 20
(Bronx, Downtown, Manhattan, Midtown East, Midtown West, Southern Blvd Westchester Ave 2 Train In, Westchester)
ThIs dOmInIcAn & InDiAn MaMi Is hOt & rEaDY FoR SoMe mOrE FuN cOmE GeT Me iM wAiTiNg!! - 21
(Bronx, bronx/incalls)
👑Thick Hips 👑Skilled Lips💋BiG Booty 💦😍💦MoR£ W£tt£R Th£ B£tt£R!👅 Guarantee Satisfaction - 21
(Bronx, Fairfield, Other, Westchester, Whiteplains rd Bx Incalls)
⭐️⭐️ The SEXY KIM PORTER 💖❤️💖❤️ Let Me full Fill Your Wildest Fantasy 💦💦 Satisfation Guarantee � - 26
(Bronx, East 175th St)
THE BEST SERVISE N THE BRONX Irresistible Boricua *82 914 258 0947 bronx - 25
***TAYLOR is New to New York from West Virginia, visiting Art Student. #717-736-3193 - 23
(Astoria, Downtown, East Side, Manhattan, Midtown East, OUT CALLS, BROOKLYN, N.Y., QUEENS, Queens, West Side)
THICK juicy Porn starr BIG BooTy Dominican Terra I does it All💯FReak take a LOOk 👀✔ - 25
(Bronx, Bronx (outcall))
Thick chocolate🍫🍫🍒🍓. kitten.🍇🍉🍇 Loves to please you😗bronx😗 - 23
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Grand concourse. NYC outcalls and in, Jamaica, Manhattan, Midtown West, Queens, Westchester)
thanks giving 30&60 rose specials call now brownie and tasty - 21
(Bronx, Bronx gunhill and boston rd)
T R O U B L E === I S=== H E R E!!!..........D O M I N I C A N ..P L E A S U R E - 21
💦 💋👅THICKER than a Snicker🍫👅💋💦💦 Why Wait? Grab a snicker🍫!!!💕💖A TaStY TrEaT😛😊$60ss - 23
(Bronx, Outcalls Only 🚘🚘Nice Areas Only 🏡🏡🏡)
The Alexa Experience is catered to satisfy the insatiable gentleman. - 28
(Westchester, Westchester, White Plains, Yonkers)
your South american italian latina is home now. with 50$peciial incall. - 25
(Bronx, barnes& arnow. bronx)
💦Zara💦👅👄40/10😻💯 BxIncall!! - 19
(Bronx, Bronx ,white plains rd, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Midtown East, Westchester)
Supa Thick > Brand New Vixen! The Juciest Bounciest Apple Bottom Around! - 20
(Bronx, HARLEM incalls & outcalls)
sweet specials all night Jasmine available now incalls only see for yourself - 23
(176th and grand concourse, Bronx)
$$ tan skin green eyes exotic latina let me show u da tricks my tounge can do 3478933086 $$specials$ - 24
(Bronx, bronx manhattan outcalls n incalls)
ViSiTiNg BoOtY AnD BeAuTy GuYaNeSe 80$PeCiaL 34-26-48 ArE My MeAsUrEmEnTs SeXy ViDeO InSIDe - 25
(Bronx, White plains rd)
🆕❤️🔥 SmOKiN Dominican outcalls "♥👸💛 ❄️❄️Cali PArTy Girl 💖💛 100% Real and Recent📷 - - 22
(Manhattan, Manhattan outcalls👅👅👅👅👅(YOURE PLACE NOW, Midtown West)
venesolana sexi chula-super modelo complaciente entramo entoa somos todas tuya papi sin Retrincion - 22