Mon 27 Jan
CAUTION; Addictive ⇨ ♥Island Princess♥ ★ ♥ PuertoRican Vixen ♥ Fr★@ky⇦ G♥l ⇨ Frid@¥ - 21
(Bronx, Southern Blvd In call Only!!!!)
EVERY LITTLE THING THAT WE DO ;) UP LATE incalls sexy mixed beauty im what you need - 24
Ebony PlayMate Available 24/7 Discreet NEW PICS Your Bed Or Mine Its Your Way Baby - 22
(Bronx, iNCALLS & OUTCALLS Everywhere)
Bod¥ Party ■■ Me N' U ■■ Girl Next Door OUTCALLS $60 $60 $60 Special FETISH 9145629685 - 20
(Bronx, outcalls Only. 914 562 9685)
⭐️BRAND NEW TO BP Habla Español ⭐️BECCA🍑 $40 $pecials ☔👅🍆Real Freak💋🍒 - 20
(Bronx, 169th and 3rd Ave INCALLS ONLY)
BEST DEALS ~ BISEXUAL 2Girls ^~ Best OF Best All FETISHES Pics 1000% Real - 21
(Bronx, Washington heights / Bronx incalls only)
♥ BEAUTIFUL SEXY Alize $50 specials all day %100 real pics 50/80/130 (347)607-1093 - 20
(Bronx, 238th Neried Ave Whiteplains Road)
🎀 👉Dominican Princess 👈 🎀 Pε†i†ε 💓 βθMβδhξLL🎀 💟W!TH 🅰 🅱🅾🅾ty❕❕50 ss - 19
(Baychester Boston rd, Bronx)
cubana-somos complaciente sime proeba ami te aseguro k buelbe aprobarme te aseguro k te buelbe mio - 23
(Bronx, bronx and sorrounding areas)
BBW Lovers- Come Play With This BIG Sexxy ((WHITE)) Girl! - 24
(Bronx, Washington Heights INCALLS 170s)
CREAM ⭐️⭐️niCe & Tight 🍒🍒 💯%REAL💖young MoiSt💖 STUNN!NG PARTY 4/20 💨💨🌴naughty girl 👑🎀✨💦💨💨💨🌹 🆙 ➜➋➍/➆ - 22
(Bronx, 2 & 5 Train Whiteplains Rd 225th stop)
:-• *¨¨*•❤ CoMe eNjOy YoUr MorNiNg WitH tHis SeXy, FrEaKy BeAuTy w/FaBuLouS SkiLLs •-: :- *¨¨*•❤ - 26
(Bronx, bx IN ONLY!!)
Are you tired of meeting the wrong girl? sticky honey bunn lick me all over is here 9179626043 - 21
(CLICK ME)😍NiKKi !¡MS.SUPA SOAKA¡!💦Here to Please not Tease💋Soft Lips, Thick Hips & Tight Grips💦 - 23
(Bronx, Woodlawn Heights/Throgs Neck)
come enjoy a session with me beautiful exotic mixed vixen STRIPPER body !!!! here for one night ONLY - 23
(Bronx, 241 whiteplains rd Mt VERNON)
█ NEW GIRLS! --- BEST SATURDAY SPECIALS..." -- █ HOTTEST Ladies EVER - Discreet! - █ - 18
(Bronx, OUTCALLS TO YOU NOW - CALL: 888 267 7813)
•-:¦:-•C¦ŁÌČK HĘŘË ÑØW ☆☆☆☆☆5 Star :¦: Knockout Mixęď Bãŕbïě Døĺľ PåŘţŸ & pŁåŸ 4/20 Fř¡ĘñDľŸ•-:¦:-• - 21
(Bronx, 203 & webster)
Come Jump In My Bag Of ~ Skittlez~ And Taste My Rainbow ~ West Indian & Brazilian Freak - 19
(Bronx, Bronx In & outcalls)
*$$80$$120$$*Specials 🌹😍 Mind 💨 Toe Curling👅Sessions welcoмe тo BвW Heaven!!! - 23
•-:¦:-•C¦ŁÌČK HĘŘË ÑØW ☆☆☆☆☆5 Star :¦: Knockout Mixęď Bãŕbïě Døĺľ PåŘţŸ & pŁåŸ 4/20 Fř¡ĘñDľŸ•-:¦:-• - 21
👊💢 CELEBRATE Sexy Lexys b-day with Playmate KittyKat YOUR ULTIMATE FANTASY GIRLs Freaks of the wee - 32
(Bronx, bronx /baychester/Boston road)
💞💞💞🎂Carribean Beauty On Call🎂🎂👉INCALL 🍒🍒Specials 🍬🍭All Night💋 - 25
(Bronx, Fordham area, by St. Barnabas Hospitali)
CaN Ü KēėP å ŠêÇrėT💋💞, Big BoOty chocolate 🍫 ViXeN, SmOkiN Hot🔥Babe, 💯ĆhøCôłätė🎂, GrEat 5🌟ŠeRîčĒ - 21
(Bronx, Freeman & Southern Blvd, incalls only, Manhattan, Other, Upper Manhattan, Westchester)
* A Diva & A Dime * * 2 for 120 * New pics * ( 2 Bubble B00ty"z ) * Mystery & Treasure * - 20
(Bronx, bronx & manh outc@lls)
🍰 7188077327 SW££T TR£@T 💦 Sl¡p N Sl¡dє TGI 💦SK¡LL €D L¡PS & T¡GHT GR¡PS♥ - 20 - 22
(Bronx, Freeman)
* A Diva & A Dime * * 2 for 120 * New pics * ( 2 Bubble B00ty"z ) * Mystery & Treasure * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill&boston; road ncalls -bx/manh out)
** $$ ** $$ Busty ** $$ ** Round Booty ** $$ ** $$ Laila ** $$ ** $$ Out-Call!!! $$ ** $$ - 27
(Bronx, Out-calls North Bronx)
$$60 SPECIALS$$ NO Rush at ALL!!!! Prëtt FÅçé °¤FäT 夰 BîG TÏt§ tOp N0tcH PLeASeR!! - 20
Brittney. ♥ 1000% real pix. (60Short100Half)) ♡ 500=over night )) ♡ ☆ 200/2hrs ♥160hr 3 cups in hr♡ - 20
(Bronx, No Hotel/Projects, Gun Hill Rd & Burke 🏪)
70$ back in town WHY GAMBLE ♚ WHEN I'M ♚ A SURE ♚ WIN (JacKPOT) B E T T E R ♡THAN HER⬇ & ⬆ - 23
(Boston Rd incalls only, Bronx)
50!SExy SpiCy Italian SSSSSLut HomE alone i Want to play Specials;) ° ♥80 - 22
(Bronx, BX E 180 st INCALL Specials 50+80)
$60 *Sexiest Bbw AROUND °o N!Ce H!Ps °o RoUnD BoOtTy LuC!OuS magical L!PS °o $60 - 21
(Bronx, freeman incall)
Bro🌷🌷🌷💎🌷🌷💙🌷💎💗💎🌷💙🌷🌷💎🌷-Bell Blvd-🌷🍒🌷🍒🌷Newsis SPA🌷🍒🌷🍒🌷NEW Staffs🌷💎🌷🌷💙🌷💎💗💎🌷💙🌷🌷💎🌷🌷🌷 - 21
(Bronx, 🌷🌷🌷💎🌷🌷💙🌷💎💗💎🌷917-670-0018 🌷💎💗💎🌷💙🌷🌷💎🌷🌷🌷)
50 SPECIALS 100% me or its free! beautiful mixed BUSTY beauty plus a PHAT BOOTY! 4/20 friendly&party; - 21
"50" LaTe AfTeRnOoN SpEcIaLS..." ❤ - HoT & NoW inThE BrOnX! "NeW GIrLs!" - DiScReeT - 18
(Bronx, Call: 888 268 2986)
BBw Perfection Big Big Soft RoundBooty SlimWaist Pretty Face w/ aHourGlass Shape W/ Killer Curve$$ - 24
(Bronx, Whiteplains rd. 240th nereid area)
4 Beauties out and ready.. 👀😘💯💦3473766082 anaiya & emerald 8452708894 daimond, candy - 19
(Bronx, Bronx incalls 😍 outcalls)
█☆█ AUTHENTIC 100% INDIAN PRINCESS █☆█ ♛ ALL RACES WELCOME ♛ █☆█ 80 Special!! █☆█ - 19
$40 Specials ☆3 LATINAS ☆AlL fEtIsHeS wElCoMeD☆2 GIRLS x80 ☆YES WE THE BEST ;-) - 20
(Bronx, incalls 1000% NEW REAL PICS)
2 S3XY TH!CK FR3AKZ ==CuLo RiCo === LaTiNaS Ready 4 YOU 2x1OO ==== Super N@StY {{CLiCK HERE}} - 21
* 2 Sexy & 2 badd * 2 for 120 * Treasure * & * Diamond * 2 BubBle B0oty * Companions * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
* 2 Sexy & 2 badd * 2 for 120 * Treasure * & * Diamond * 2 BubBle B0oty * Companions * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
* 2 flirts in Mini Skirts * 2 Bubble Bo0tyz * 2 for 120 * Treasure & PEArL * Real exclusive pics * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill& boston rd incall/ bx &manh; outs)
Now Hiring $$$ Curveylicious Phat Booty / Small Waist / Big Butt Girls$$ for APPLEBOTTOM PLEASURES - 28
((Nyc/Brooklyn/Queens/Long Island Area))
$20,000 Your First Month. NO ESCORTING. Magazine & Video Work. WHERE STARS ARE MADE - 24
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Fairfield, Long Island, Manhattan, New Jersey, Other, Queens, Staten Island, Westchester)