Tue 21 Jan
EXOTIC mixed vixen STRIPPER body beautiful features non rushed amazing sessions INcalls ONLY!!!! - 23
(Bronx, 241 whiteplains Rd..... Mt vernon)
Hey its jane^...im up 24/7 always ready for fun!.are you ready??you WONT be dissapointed. CALL ME!!! - 20
(Queens, queens long island brooklyn)
grand opening the best 2new girls beautiful Spanish girl we have regular showers 917.471.5295 - 27
(Bronx, bronx ny)
😇Halo😈💋60ss💊💊⛽👅Bx Incall!!😻😘😘 - 19
(Bronx, Bronx ,white plains rd, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Upper Manhattan, West Side, Westchester)
HaRleM InCalls**ReDBonE BbW* Azzzzz!!Azzzz! BiG T!Ts And Azzzz! 50 SpeCial!! - 24
goodmorning baby coming to dare for the best thing I do whatever you want914.327.9068 - 30
(Bronx, Bronx ny)
*-:-***EbOnY BeAuTTy PrEttY EyEs & ThIcK tHiGhS rEaSoNaBlE SPECIALS *-;:-* - 22
Freaky🙈 Horny girl😍💦THIcK thighs busty 👅 Call Me .... 970-5one0-6739 80 Black friday hh specials ‼️ - 20
(Bronx, Outcalls)
🎀Dominican PRiNcEss come get the Royal treatment 718-310-8348 🎀 60$100$150$ - 21
(Bronx, Sheridan expressway hotel incall)
Extremely skilled Exotic Ebony Goddess, White Plains Rd /Bronx zoo/South Bronx area OUTCALLS - 24
(Bronx, Outcalls Bronx zoo/white plains area)
§exy mixed vxen Stripper booty !!! beautiful exotic featires!!! everything sits up nice!! - 23
(Bronx, bronx incalls)
Come Explore In ~ Italy ~ And Let ~ Zori ~ Be Ur Guide Come Have A Real Freaky Time ~ - 20
(Bronx, Bronx,incalls & outcalls)
EXOTIC FREAKS!!!! incalls only exotic mixed girls STRIPPER bodies!!! beautiful warm personalities - 23
(Bronx, bronx incalls)
come and hange out with a real champ befor the fight - 21
(Bronx, Whiteplains and E Tremont Incalls only)
Come Party Wit Kitty Kat Spanish Mami 4 :) 20 Friendly Specials ALL DAY Call Now 8027870281 - 21
» Enjoy Your Friday With «100 « Treasure ¤ Exotic flavor » New Pics inside « play my Way - 20
(Bronx, Bronx discreet quiet incalls/outcalls)
!!Colombian Sexy Hot Body Natural En NY Especial Today!!!! :2016686406 - 28
(Queens, queens/ Colombiana)
Ebony√ seductive Hourglass Figure👗 SPECIALS🍭 Pink and Tight🎆 Unforgettable experience - 22
(Bronx, bronx parkchester)
Escape with a Pretty Lady 60special - 40
(Glen Cove, Long Island, Shirley,mastic,Patchogue,sayville,ridge)
((CLick oN Me)) • • • • ► • ★ •* SEXY Thick RedBoNe BUsty Blonde ((Phatt AZZ)) 70$$ - 22
★CAUTION: Highly Addictive ツ⇨ ♥Island Princess♥ Specials ♥ ⇨ 424★262★ 2126 [50/100/130] - 21
(Bronx, Southern Blvd In call / some out call)
Bright & early come see how freaky Mystique is 3479384646 time is *limited* no outcalls - 26
(Bronx, Bronx/GUNHILL)
★❤ ★❤BRAND ❤ ❤ NEW❤ ❤ SUPER❤ ❤ SEXY ❤ ❤SUPER ❤ ❤EXOTIC ❤ ★❤★ - 24
(Bronx, Southern Blvd:/ train 2/5 line/ incalls)
💥💢💦💋💄 ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 💦 💦 ⓒⓛⓐⓢⓢⓨ 💋💄 💋💄BiG B❶❶TY 💋💄Cherry Baby!!!$60Special - 19
(Bronx, Incalls only white plains rd)
bebe good moment@@@ 347 721 2782. coll me papi ,costarica good - 27
(Bronx, bronx y manhattae, whate place)
917-442-2210 .. HOT lATiNa! •• lOOks gOOd, fEElS even bEttER•• Sexy _SecDuctive _ Hot !!!! - 24
(Bronx, BX - GUNHILL - NORTH BRONX - incalls)
👄💥💦💥50 Specialz 💥 FETISH💥Honey💦Petite 🔥💦PR/Dominica 🌟💥 32C Bra Size🔥 In/Out 9176121572 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx Harlem Manhattan Y.o westchester)
4 Beauties out and ready.. 👀😘💯💦3473766082 anaiya & emerald3476643155 daimond, candy - 19
(Bronx, Bronx incalls 😍 outcalls)
* 2 Bubble Bo0ty divas * 2 for 120 * *MYSTERY & Treasure * Experiance PERFECTIon * - 20
(Bronx, fordham & crotona incalls- bx & manh out)
ೋ 2= S=E=X=Y .. ೋ .. L=A=T=I=N=A ೋ TU JUGETES MAS DESEADOS PAPI !! - 21
(Bronx, INCALLS ONLY (( 2 GIRLS = 100 SPECIAL )))
@@@@@2 Sexy Ladies Looking for Genrous Gentlemen @@@@\@@@@ - 20
(Bronx, Outcalls In Manhattan and Bronx)
2 SuPeR FREaKy GiRLs LoOkIN tO ROCK uR BoDY cOmE sEE uS 3472397706 - 22
2 4 H R * W I N T E R * W O N D E R L A N D :) * M I X * B E A U T Y - 24
* 2 flirts in Mini Skirts * 2 Bubble Bo0tyz * 2 for 120 * Treasure & PEArL * Real exclusive pics * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill& boston rd incall/ bx &manh; outs)
* 2 badd 2 sexy * 2 for 120 * Treasure & Diamond * 2 Bubble Bo0ty Vixens * 2 for 120 * - 20
(Bronx, gunhill & boston road nc@lls/ bx-man/out)
••• ©0m3 wItH tHe BeSt LatIna aNd enJoY mY tiMe LasT Day iN tOwn •••..... 347•383•6003 INCALLS - 21
(Bronx, incalls only BOSTON RD/gunhill rd/co-op)
SEXY THICK Dominican vixen available now...call for good time baby - 22
(149th grand concourse, Bronx)
: 100$ HOUR SPECIALS - - 21
★ —— [•★•] LOOKS•★• GOOD•★• FEELS •❤• EVEN •❤• BETTER [•★•] —— BETTeR THAN HER⇧AnD HER⇩★ - 24
(Bronx, Yonkers/Uptown BX)