Mon 27 Jan
ɪɲ📲 Çย๓👀ɱє 🇩ʌɗɗɣ ɪ ʛєt єҳtɾʌ💦รʅơppɣ ɱʌʛɪc💋ʅɪpร ⓣⓘⓖⓗⓣ🌊ⓙⓤⓘⓒⓨ 😱ⓖⓡⓘⓟⓩ pơɾɲơ รt⛦ɾ tɾɪckร - 28
(Bronx, Sheridan expressway /Bruckner Ave)
Big load here Checkmy🆕Tumblr !🏧🔥! ⏪⏪VERSATIL⏩⏩💦🍼F.F.💯News pics🏧🔝Google me Melody Melendez 🙌🏽💪🏾🆓💅 - 23
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Queens ny ( incalls - outcalls ))
TS:: JAMIE -------🎥🎥------- VIDEO -------- 🎥🎥---- number--- COMFIRMATION ------- 🎥🎥🎥🎥🎥 - 22
8' LoveSTICK🍌 4 Respectful Gentlemen Who Dream Of Nothing But The BEST💦 Dír†y Li††le PaRty girl - 23
(Manhattan, midtown outcalls Incalls)
#TOP big dick fully functional Cuban shemale##Bombshell disease free freak ready now*# - 24
(Bronx, e 161 yankee stadium.area)
💘The 🐍Anakonda🐍 is Available now!! 9FF 🍆 ! Fully loaded!!! Inclls !! - 22
(Bronx, Pelham ( *IN only))
💋 1 Night ONLY Don't miss out💋 TS Video Girl & Exotic Beauty 💋 VIDA VIXEN💋 Book NOW ♥ 💯 REAL pics - 23
(Bronx, White Plains exit)
💞❤️9" Bbw Madeam Ts Xtina pipez watch me bend over pain is my pleasure 💦 limited time - 23
(Bronx, story / Buckner Blvd /outcall)
👄💋LOVE. KISS_____👄💋TRANSEXUL💄 ________100%real 👄💋👅 GENTLEMEN'S_____№➊ CHOICE - - LATINA👄💋👄 - 29
(Bronx, West harlem 145 st manhattan)
The ultimate Ts experience! 9half candy 🍭 cane 💯 %real pics No games No gimmicks - 25
(Bronx, Yankee stadium area)
Sexy sweet babydollface 100,000,000% real !! bring a photo to compare alone ! come lets party ! - 22
Relax & restart with a TS massage (massage table & shower available) - 25
(Brooklyn, East Williamsburg (w/massage table))
sexy Hot salvadorian and colombian Bronx NY 100 %real - 21
(Bronx, morris park av and white plains rd)
wild wednesdays ~*incalls~sexy dominican & columbiana mami ~outcall~East 233 st - 23
(Bronx, 233/bx)
WoW WoW === » If iT LOoKs tHiS GoOD iMaGiNe wHat iT FeELs LiKe {sExY CuBaNa} 3472397706 - 22
✦✦✦❥❥ ❥ ★★★ NEW**★ VISITING ➤ ➤➤➤ ➤➤➤➤ ♥ ☆TRANSEXUAL BOMBSHELL💋Available NOW100%Real IN/OUT CALLS - 20
we have all gorgeous young cute latina girls 36 D DD & Petite 718 772 4421 in call - 28
(Bronx, Bronx ny)
♥️ẠVẠłŁẠBŁẸ🍹🌹 ₦Ø₩💕 BẸẠỤŦł₣ỤŁ 💋💗Ẹ¥Ẹ✨💎👑₡Ạ₦Ð¥ 💖 💙ŦØP💚 ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💜�#1 💝🌹MØ$Ŧ🎉🍭₩Ạ₦ŦẸÐ - 26
(Bronx, Incall Boston Rd , Outcalls)
Gorgeous n sexy Ts Ashley ♡♡♡☆Very functional NOW available 347-600-9823 - 25
(Bronx, weschester ave. 167st. bronx)
..★» ❤ Hot - Thick - Creamy - LOAD ❤ »-★-» ❤G I S E L ❤ ....Latina TRANSEXUAL - 24
(Bronx, Pelham parkway)
Tight andAlways Right ** Never Rushed ** Book Your Appointment Now!!! - 24
(Bronx, Bronx, East 182nd Near Clinton)
FED Up Yet W/The FAKES! I'm The Total Package! Get The Actual Ts Women In the Pic 11.5FF Top/Btm - 25
(Bronx, South bx)
CLAUDIA the best of the bronx new hot pics 100% real no scams call now - 27
(Bronx, bronx 175 g .concourse)
Tight 💦💦40ss 💦👅Mixed young 💦💦goddess ready for fun C.U.M $lip and $lide in my 💦💦daddy 😘💦💦 - 19
(Bronx, fordham and grand concourse area)
[★★★★★]👑 5-STAR 💕P[υRε ρℓ℮αδυRε💕 🎀 💛•**•BEST MASSAGE.★ Real Asian Beauty New pix Last day do - 23
(Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, OUT CALLS, Queens)
8' LoveSTICK🍌 4 Respectful Gentlemen Who Dream Of Nothing But The BEST💦 Dír†y Li††le PaRty girl - 23
(Manhattan, midtown outcalls Incalls)
*~*~*~* The Gates To My Sweetness Are Open And Ready "90 Special"*~*~*~* - 22
(Bronx, ~Outcalls~Incalls)
T!GHT :: ( ♥TENDER♥ ) :: ( ♥WILD♥ ) ::: ( ♥petite LATINA♥ ) 40 Specials!!!! - 25
(Bronx, In & Out E. Tremont & Boston rd.)
💋Thick Vixen Wit a Cake That Can Feed a Village 🍰🍰🍰 6466500811 $50 Specials - 19
(Bronx, Bronx(HuntsPoint InCallz))
These 2 Latinas r the freakiest girls on bp find out y No Cover is available **OUTCALLS ONLY** - 18
the one and only colombian mami in the bronx yo hablo spanol from 8am to 5pm - 24
(Bronx, 4 train to mosholo prkwy)
❤ Your Dream Antiqian -Girl So C L A S S YS o H O T S oS E N S U A L - 20
(Bronx, Washtingtion heights191 & st nick incall)
*SmOkiN* ""H.O.T"" ((DutCheSs)) !!CutEst!! ""ReD h E a D "" //oN bP// - 23
(Bronx, 241 whitE pLns iNcaLL)
Specials!🍑This BoOty 👅Is Too HoT🔥 2 Handle,Come Tame 💋💯These Curves B4 there👀💦🍫 Gone - 27
(Bronx, Webster & tremont)
SPIKE LEE SAID DO IT THE RIGHT WAY So Guys ya need the right females ...back in the area ❤️😘💯 - 19
♡SPECIALS♡ ◆Miss Super Addicting... let my love be your high....SEXY EXXOTIC Barbie◆◇♡♡☆☆ - 21
(Bronx, Boston Road Incalls only)
(( SPeCiaL)) * J U i C Y * * L i P S * * F R e a K y ! * * L A t i N A * - 21
SeXXXy THiCk WHiTe LaTina 😍😍😍 BiG bOOty bLonde 🍭👅💦 HeAVenLy MOuTh .. LeTs PLay 😻 1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ SPECIALS - 24
(Bronx, Bronx INCALLS, Downtown, Manhattan)
Sparkle IS BACK! 2 Girl Specials With Da Exotic Dominican STAR ☆ ★ (Original Clean Spot) - 21
SPECIAL Today🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀SEXY ASIAN🍀🍀 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀NICE SERVICE 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀 - 23
(Farmingdale -- Rt110-- College girl, Long Island)
real 100% channel big ass and Stephanie only outcall delivery llama#😘 347 984 6404 💋👅👄 - 21
(Bronx, bronx & Manhattan)
real sexy jenifer and eva hablo español Waiting for you baby #347-984-6404 - 22
(Bronx, Bronx Manhattan Outcalls Delivery)
NeW!▐ ▐ ►iN CaLLs and oUT JuSt aRRivED! ▐ bLuE-EyED IriSh/iTaLiaN BLoNdE!!$$$ - - - - - 21
(Bronx, Bronx and surrounding)
€rupt like a VolCano♡♡ MaKiN HiM STaND @ ATTeNTioN iS My SPeCiaLiTY! ♡ {aMaZiNG SKiLLS} ♡♡ - 23
(Bronx, South E169St Incall 50^80 pillowtop)
qUALIFIED to sATISFY *!CaN MaKe U StaNd LiKe A ChaMp RiSe & Shine 24/7! - 20
(Bronx, INCALLS pelham bay park AREA-OUT NY AREA)
🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 NEW FACE ❤-️💛-💚 Super Sexy 💚-💜-❤️ Just Arrived ⬅️⬅️❤️➡️➡️ NURU STYLE 🌸🌸🌸🌸-- - 21
(347-654-8852 dyckman st Manhattan, Bronx, Westchester)
NEW! & Never SEEN! BEFORE! Dominican Doll: FRANCIS (NO Text NO Outcalls & DEF NO Disappointment) - 20
(Bronx, RIVERDALE. 231st & Broadway)
😘🍆👅Ready 4 u baby👅$50👙💄SeXxy Pretty thick &juice; Dominican💋 incall $pecial💸👅🍆 - 26
(Bronx, IN CALL..179st university ave💋)
🔥MusT Be Jam Cause Jelly don't shake like that 🔥50*specials & (120hr) - 19